Thursday, December 31, 2009

The New Years Eve Blue Moon

The New Years Eve Blue Moon
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The New Years Eve 2009 Fox

Rose was looking our back this evening and yelled "Donnie a Fox!"

I went out to the dining room to look and sure enough a nice red fox was weaving his way across the field, I ran to grab my camera and actually (for once) made it back before it ran off into the hedgerow. I had quite a bit of time and took quite a few pictures before scaring him off by opening the back door.

The fox spent about a half an hour hunting the fields out back.

He went over to the pond and back, around the brush pile and even over to the greenhouse and woodpiles looking for dinner.

Yes the chickens were all safe in the barn...

Rose thinks there may be a pair running around.

Happy New Year!

2010 here we come!

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Friday, December 25, 2009

Pichenotte, a French Canadian tabletop game similar to Carrom


How do you pronounce pichenotte ?
    Pichenotte is pronounced " PEESH' - NUT " site "How to play"

The official Laws of Carrom

Twas the night before Christmas...

James and Jason devoured their Gingerbread men.

Everyone had to pose for some Christmas Eve photos.

Italian was the order of the day Stuffed Shells, Meatballs, Sausage, and Ravioli. Piles of Desserts were on display, Rose has been busy baking, pies, cookies, tarts, etc for a couple weeks now.

Later Great Grandpa and Papa played Pichenotte, I won the first and last games, Dad won three in a row in the middle.

Merry Christmas to all!

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Are those for us?

James and Jason checking out all the ornaments and presents under the tree.

Merry Christmas All!
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Merry Christmas to All

Hope you and your have a joyous Christmas Holiday!

Rose and the boys out Sleddin', and there they go...

Merry Christmas Everyone!
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Sunday, December 06, 2009

Sleepover at Nana's...

Jason and James spent the night at Nana's house Saturday night during the 1st real snow of the season. We had a grand snowball fight, what amazing arms the two boys have, I was hit with almost every snowball thrown. We drank cocoa and ate cheese and crackers to warm ourselves.

Nana baked Gingerbread cookies while the boys and I played CandyLand, Papa won... Nana and the boys decorated several dozen Gingerbread men (minus the two the boys ate to make sure they were good) The boys did a great job decorating with icing and gumdrops.

Look what we made!
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Fixing the yard hill & Labor day

  Fixing the yard hill: Tuesday we're got 8 yards of 3/4" crushed stone, and 18 yards of loam delivered to fix a lot of sloped are...