Monday, October 29, 2012

Sandy coming ashore in Jersey.

As Sandy comes ashore down in New Jersey, we're getting battered in New Boston.

We've already moved the cars in case we lose one of the pines up front.  The tarp on the Generator blew off already, I was able to get it re-attached and covering the generator.  The rain hitting the back of the house sounds like hail it's hitting with such force.  

The lights blinked only once so far, oops just blinked again, make that twice...  I'm sure that we will lose power at some point if not this evening maybe tomorrow morning.

We'll soon see just how ferocious Sandy turns out to be.

The wind is howling on the hill coming down the mountain from Weare, we can hear it coming before it gets here.

Good luck everyone!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Boys and their dogs

James & Jason were up a couple weeks ago for a jump in the leaf pile, some swinging, a little sliding, and a big dog soccer game.  As you can see both the boys and the dogs had a blast!

I want to play

Driving to Boston

Dog Soccer

A boy & his dog...

Look out below....

Animation Short


Saturday, October 27, 2012

Here comes Hurricane "SANDY", are you ready?

There was SnoTober in 2011, now this year almost exactly 12 months later we have "Sandy" the FrankenStorm coming up the coast.  

Maybe this will be another 100 year storm, maybe not.   

We did the weeks shopping Friday evening, filled the gas jugs this morning, collected all the misc. yard stuff this afternoon, flashlights and lanterns are ready.  I think we're ready, how about you?

Here comes "SANDY", are you ready?

Sandy Via NOAA
The Red Cross has a good Hurricane Checklist here.



Wildebeest.gif (GIF Image, 400 × 225 pixels)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Just had an eathquake...

Earthquake on the Maine border...   7:14pm   Wife felt it here, here sister Joann called to tell us Jeremy at work reported it was a 4.6 magnitude on the Maine border.  


Saturday, October 13, 2012

First Frost in October

It's all over now, October 13th 2012.  It was 28 degrees this morning when I got up at 7am, ice crystals on everything.  Furnace had already kicked on this morning. 

Silken Highways

One or more very industrious spiders overnight...  I was out with Rose and she noticed these in the garden. 

Coming up to the new Year 2025!

New Year 2025!! This post is a little late. but here we are... Rose saw an article about the planets aligning in 2025. In January and Februa...