Saturday, June 22, 2013

Blacktail and her fawn

 Blacktail and her new fawn!   Rosie goit some nice pics today from the side of the house.  In the later pics her fawn is in the brushpile.  She was so hungry, I cut some apple branches earlier for them, she enjoyed that.

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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

More expecting does fighting for a spot to calve

Two more does this evening chasing & fighting each other as they vie for the best spot in the field to calve, all this in the miserable rain, hmm the last batch was born in the rain too...  So the fawn count is still at One that Rose saw being born.  I'll keep you posted.

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Friday, June 07, 2013

We have fawn(s) tonight...

We have one fawn now and Rose thinks she may be having a second one now...  Right under the birches out back, Rosie's been watching them and relaying the pertinent info to me. 

Rosie doesn't think the doe is big ears. She says she's going to have her hands full the fawn is less than 2 hours old and is scooting around  20-30 feet from her, "look at me Mom", "look at me in my new shoes" then stumbles and runs back to mom...

It's rainy and wet, Mom just took the little guy off into the pines.

Pics to come later it's just to dark out there now...   We don't want to scare 'em off either, give them their space they'll be back soon enough.

Monday, June 03, 2013

NH Free Fishing Day

NH Free Fishing Day

NH Free Fishing Day is the 1st Saturday in June the state of NH allows fishing (without a license) in any of it's rivers and lakes except for a couple Salmon broodstock rivers, the Merrimack and lower Pemigewasset rivers. We weren't headed there so no worries

Rose an I went a Yaad Sailin' in town for a couple hours, then got our coolers and fishing gear ready for the big fishing day.

Rosie, Crystal, Jarrod, the boys, and I went fishing most of the day into Saturday evening, picked a great day, little on the warm side, otherwise great, we all had a blast.  Everyone caught fish, from Smallmouth Bass to Perch, to Sunfish, saw some huge old Bass that were to smart for us, was great to see them swim on by though.. 

We hit the Piscaquog above Glen Lake,  Gorham Pond, then over to Daniels lake.  All three produced loads of fun.

Rose and I hadn't had the time to get Licenses, with the gardens going in, new Chicks arriving, etc. This worked out great for us.   Great Idea NH.

Like Father Like Son, Jarrod and James test the waters

The Boys Fishin'

Oops how'd that happen? Again...

Rosie relaxing on the beach between catches

Jason catches another nice Sunfish

A wicked nice Perch caught by James
Jarrod and Crystal fishing

Jason catches another nice Sunfish! Look Papa!
Got Fish?

Coming up to the new Year 2025!

New Year 2025!! This post is a little late. but here we are... Rose saw an article about the planets aligning in 2025. In January and Februa...