Friday, March 18, 2016


Heard the peepers last few nights and we're supposed to get a Nor Easter on Sunday into Monday.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

2016 - Spring has sprung!

Happy Daylight Savings Time!


Spring is here,  I can tell 'cause I'm sore...

Daffodils are up, crocuses are ready to bloom, hyacinths are coming up too.  While cleaning the beds she noticed the bleeding hearts are coming up too.  The lawn is starting to green up, and the bees are flying about.

Big weekend here on the homestead, the 13+ birdhouses that Rose built are up, a few more to put up in the front yard (most are already full).

The Tree Swallows showed up a month early yesterday. There was a mad dash to get the houses that Rose was saving just for them put up, the sparrows would claim them all if we didn't keep a few until they arrived.

We took down the 12 or so of the old bird houses and cleaned them out, we'll waterproof them and put them up in the fields too.

Field is looking bright with the new bird houses. it's starting to green up now.

James and Jason are here, bikes are out, football and baseball were in play all day on Saturday.

I managed to get one of the lawn tractors running, other needs deck repair and I blew a tire off the rim in the fall, I managed to get the rim and tire off so I can get it fixed.

Pucker-brush (Wild roses, Raspberries, etc.) are getting bad, they're everywhere, mowed some on the side yard, and back field with the DR brush mower.

Yearly dog mess is cleaned up, two dogs is a lot of mess... 

Rose cleaned up a couple of the flowerbeds removing all the chaff and leaves. 

Garden is mulched and ready for tilling, real soon!   We're both excited at the garden prospects this year, the quality of soil in the main garden that we've rested for two years only adding mulch, manure, leaves, is encouraging.

As I drove by the highway looking towards the house I couldn't help but see all the trash that had collected on the highway side of the fence, so we had a roadside trash pickup day on Friday.  Rose the boys and I filled up (3) 35 gallon trash bags, cans, plastic, paper, coffee cups, and political signs were the main culprits, the roadside looks great now. 

Fixing the yard hill & Labor day

  Fixing the yard hill: Tuesday we're got 8 yards of 3/4" crushed stone, and 18 yards of loam delivered to fix a lot of sloped are...