Saturday, January 19, 2019

January 2019 Storm, the Deer, our Owl, and the Hawk

January 2019 Storm, the Deer, our Owl, and the Hawk

 So far the winter here occurred mostly in November 2018, we had several good storms in November the snow still lingers from those here.  

 Sunday night January 19th (Hope we don't lose power for the Pats game tonight...) we're going to get hit with a Nor'easter Saturday evening into Sunday they're already calling it "Snowmageddon". I'm still hearing 18" to 2 feet of snow from what they are calling Winter Storm Harper, when did we start naming every snow storm that comes through?  At least it's hitting on the weekend.

We had some interesting critters show up this past week.

 The Deer herd is expanding again, we see three to four deer most evenings stopping by the deer yard, we had a group of 12 show up at 4:30pm this week after being away during the coldest days in January.

 A couple of larger birds stopped by looking for an easy meal no doubt with the morning doves out at the feeders and some overly portly squirrels too.

First was a young Barred Owl who stopped by for a nap, and a quick attempt at a vole on the ground below.

Then this beautiful Red Tailed Hawk hawk showed up on our Martin house hunting the local mouse/vole population.  Funny the birdhouses in winter seem to see more use as Hunting stands than as bird houses.

Good luck in the storm.

Fixing the yard hill & Labor day

  Fixing the yard hill: Tuesday we're got 8 yards of 3/4" crushed stone, and 18 yards of loam delivered to fix a lot of sloped are...