Sunday, June 09, 2019

Bring on the dog days...

Summer at Last!

It's been cool, cloudy, and raining here, seems like forever since we had some nice weather, a couple days in the 80s but that's about it.  That all changed this weekend, Friday was nice, Saturday was great, and Sunday (today) it's supposed to get HOT!

Yesterday was a yard cleanup day, mowing, clipping, cutting, car washing, etc. 

Hannah @ 13 months, and Zeb @ 11 weeks old.
The dogs Hanna and Zebulon (Zeb) are getting along great, Hannah is taking Zeb under her wing showing him the ropes, she really is trying to be a good little Mom to little Zeb.  We may get to take Hannah swimming at Glen Lake today if it gets warm enough, Zeb's not a big fan of the lake, we took him down last weekend.


We tried them out in the newly erected kennel this weekend, they did just fine.  We don't need to worry about a dog getting wrapped up in a cable as with the overhead run where the two dogs are inseparable.
Hannah giving her best "please let me out" face...

The Bugs, mostly Gnats and Black Flies are out in force, seeing bunches of mosquitoes now.  Quite the swarm of gnats this morning.


Fixing the yard hill & Labor day

  Fixing the yard hill: Tuesday we're got 8 yards of 3/4" crushed stone, and 18 yards of loam delivered to fix a lot of sloped are...