Friday, August 25, 2023

Food prices...

Bidenomics at work...

Food shopping: Medium bags of chips are now $6.00 a bag, pies a std. 8" pie is now $10.00, hate to say it but we're gonna be in trouble folks, Shit's getting real, it's going to be a rough landing. Rosie is back to baking cakes, brownies now.

Gas in town is almost $4.00 a gallon.

A cool morning Thursday, 51 degrees

I'm seeing more and more articles cropping up about new supply chain issues, Rose saw an article showing 200 ships waiting to get through the Panama Canal. "More than 200 ships, thought to be carrying goods worth millions of dollars, were stranded on both sides of the Panama Canal due to the limitation imposed due to drought."

Winston likes the hurdle at his obstacle course we setup, the poles to run through not so much.
The new flooring came in, ship to store, for the upstairs bathroom, I was in and out of Home Depot in 3 minutes. Nice

Musical interlude

Oliver Anthony - On the heels of his history-making No. 1 with the viral hit “Rich Men North of Richmond,” Oliver Anthony Music dropped a video for his new single, “I Want To Go Home.” The acoustic ballad — which was originally uploaded to TikTok in March — got a new video on Tuesday (Aug. 22). It is another meditation on what ails the nation, which in Anthony’s telling includes mental illness, fears of war, urban spread, the loss of family farms and the lack of prayer in our lives.




What exactly do they think they're doing?

Fourteen major American cities are part of a globalist climate organization known as the “C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group,” which has an “ambitious target” by the year 2030 of “0 kg [of] meat consumption,” “0 kg [of] dairy consumption,” “3 new clothing items per person per year,” “0 private vehicles” owned, and “1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person.”

C40’s dystopian goals can be found in its “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World” report, which was published in 2019 and reportedly reemphasized in 2023. The organization is headed and largely funded by Democrat billionaire Michael Bloomberg. Nearly 100 cities across the world make up the organization, and its American members include Austin, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Seattle.

The target of eliminating meat, dairy, and private vehicles by 2030 is “based on a future vision of resource-efficient production and extensive changes in consumer choices,” the report notes — something its authors clearly hope to bring about.

If these were not their goals, they would not have labeled them “ambitious targets.”

Yikes... What could possibly go wrong?

Its gonna take a decade to repair all the damage Biden and the Dems have unleashed!



Most of us know that the ruling class had their mainstream media puppets lie about the COVID-19 scamdemic in the first place to make it seem more deadly than it actually was. It was nothing more than a cold for the vast majority of the public, but without the fear, they couldn’t enact medical tyranny and use it to convince people that they needed an mRNA injection.

US CDC says new COVID lineage could cause infections in vaccinated individuals

Be afraid, be very afraid...

CDC warns BA.2.86 Covid variant IS potentially most infectious strain yet - but it's still unclear if it's more deadly

Google-owned YouTube recently announced that it is expanding its COVID specific censorship practices to now include all “medical misinformation.” According to the new guidelines, only medical information that comports with what is currently approved by local health authorities or the World Health Organization will be deemed appropriate to post.

That which runs counter to the accepted narrative will be subject to censorship and removal according to three broadly and ill-defined categorizations of “medical misinformation.” Those categories of supposed “misinformation” are as follows: prevention misinformation, treatment misinformation, and denial misinformation.



The Post reported that an average of 1,400 immigrants a day from as far away as China are just sauntering through the gates while the overwhelmed border patrol is helpless to stop them.  Each of the 114 gates, which have been open for nearly two months, features 12-foot doors with enough width for a motorcycle to pass through. Smugglers bring loads of migrants to the Mexican side of the border, and then the migrants just walk through.  One Ecuadorean migrant reportedly told the Post, “We thought the agents were going to tell us something. But we just walked in.” Another Cuban migrant said, “It was so easy to get into the U.S.” 




The EPA (1) failed to consider critically important aspects and data concerning CO2 fossil fuels and climate change, and (2) relied on numerous studies that violate the scientific method. They concluded: “As a result, the Proposed Rule, which would eliminate fossil fuel electric plants that provide 61 percent of electricity in the United States, will be disastrous for the country, for no scientifically justifiable reason.”

To support their claim, Happer and Lindzen argued that the EPA had failed to consider the following “important aspects of climate change and relevant data.”

  • Carbon dioxide is essential to life, creating via the process of photosynthesis the food we eat and the oxygen we breathe. Without carbon dioxide, there would be no human life or other life on earth.
  • Increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere create more food for people worldwide, including more food for people in drought-stricken areas. To illustrate, increases in carbon dioxide over the past two centuries since the Industrial Revolution, from about 280 parts per million (ppm) to about 420 ppm, caused an approximate 20% increase in the food available to people worldwide, as well as increased greening of the planet and a benign warming in temperature.
  • Fossil fuels are indispensable in creating nitrogen fertilizer and pesticides that feed nearly half the world; their combustion releases carbon dioxide and thus increases plant growth via increased CO2 fertilization effect, creating more food worldwide; and they provide the most reliable, efficient and low-cost energy for many uses, including the production of 61% of the nation’s electricity.
  • The number of people worldwide who are moderately or severely food insecure is 2.3 billion, including over 900 million who face severe food insecurity. Each ton of carbon dioxide emissions eliminated reduces the amount of food available worldwide. “Net zero” would reduce carbon emissions by over 40 gigatons (Gt) every year, and consequently would proportionally reduce the amount of food produced. Without the “use of inorganic [nitrogen] fertilizers” derived from fossil fuels, the world simply “will not achieve the food supply needed to support 8.5 to 10 billion people,” resulting in widespread starvation.

Happer and Lindzen that demonstrated the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has ignored scientific data that proves there “is no risk that fossil fuels and carbon dioxide will cause catastrophic warming and extreme weather.”

  • All of the models that predict catastrophic global warming fail the key test of the scientific method: they grossly overpredict the warming versus actual data.
  • 600 million years of data prove that today’s CO2 level of 420 parts per million (ppm) is very low, not high.
  • 600 million years of data show that higher levels of CO2 do not cause or even correlate with higher temperatures.

Even at today’s relatively low levels, atmospheric CO2 is now “heavily saturated,” in physics terms, meaning that additional increases in atmospheric CO2 can have little warming effect.




Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Our week of craziness

Our week of craziness

Fall is on the way,  the Swamp Maples are starting to get the red tinge, the birds have started flocking, geese flocking up in the fields gleaning seed heads, lots of trees losing their leaves, we'll kick it into high gear in another week or so, Oil all set, Pellets were delivered Tuesday, we're ready now.

Rose and I ordered the new flooring for the 2nd floor bathroom on Sunday, we're waiting for the ship to store email.

James is up in Maine this week.

Zeb is getting better by the day, most likely later today we'll remove his cone of shame. He has a new Vet visit on Monday. He did well, all the nurses and doctors fell in love with him.

We took Winston out front and setup the obstacle course for him, the dogs did good for their first time through it. Winston loves to jump over the hurdle.

Now that Zeb is doing better, I'll stop over Mom & Dads to install the replacement slider handle this week.

That's my Zeb...

Winston has finally got it, he now goes to the back door and barks to go out and do his business. Yay!  This is a big milestone!

Ouch, we rec'd a $500.00+ electric bill for July 14 - Aug 14th...  Fans, A/Cs, and dehumidifier the likely culprits, and we didn't even install the big A/C unit this year.

Couple of BIG bucks in this evening, looks like a 4 point and maybe a 10+ pointer.

10+ pointer
The 5+ pointer
10+ pointer, what a beast!

I finally got around cutting out all the Thistle and Purple Loosetrife out in the field, the Thistle spikes go right through leather gloves. Ask me how I know...  I filled a trailer to heaping with the Thistle plants alone and buried them deep in the burn pile.


Purple Loosetrife

Purple Thistle

Did some mowing on Saturday... Ugh, I'm so tired of mowing... suppose it's better than snow blowing though.

If you choose not to find joy in the snow, you will have less joy in your life, but the same amount of snow.

Being from New England, "Prepare for the worst and hope for the best"...

 Psalm 37:12-20
The wicked plot against the righteous
    but the Lord laughs
    for he knows their day is coming.
The wicked draw the sword
    and bend the bow
to bring down the poor and needy,
    to slay those whose ways are upright.
    the Lord upholds the righteous.

 Hillary reeked havoc on California, more tropical storms incoming...

TOKYO, Aug 22 (Reuters) - Japan said on Tuesday it will start releasing into the sea more than 1 million metric tonnes of treated radioactive water from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant on Aug. 24, going ahead with a plan heavily criticized by China.  The plan, approved two years ago by the Japanese government as crucial to decommissioning the plant operated by Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) (9501.T), has also faced criticism from local fishing groups fearing reputational damage.





Stuff I raked from the web... 

Have you heard, Covid is coming back, heard the TSA will wear masks as of September, Lockdowns again by December. Multiple sites within my company company have covid breakouts.  New COVID variants EG.5, FL.1.5.1 and BA.2.86 are spreading... Here we go again! 

COVID-19 Mandates are Back: Atlanta-Based Morris Brown College Reinstates Masks Mandates, Social Distancing, Quarantine, Contact Tracing Effective Immediately Despite No Reported COVID-19 Cases on Campus

SHORTAGES AGAIN...    More than four-fifths (82%) of bricks and mortar shoppers say they’ve experienced items being ‘out of stock’ this year, according to new research.  The data – from software provider Retail Insight – finds this headline figure is up 11 percentage points year-on-year, and says supply chain disruptions causing it are now seriously threatening customer loyalty.  The findings are based on a survey of 1,000 people, and found shoppers believe product availability has become increasingly a problem since the onset of the pandemic – as reported by 71% of respondents. An additional three-quarters (75%) said product availability has worsened since the start of the cost of living crisis.

    New data shows 183,503 illegal immigrants were encountered attempting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border in July – a 27 percent increase in crossings from last month.
        For 29 straight months, monthly encounters have been higher than even the highest month seen under the previous administration.
    With roughly 5,900 daily encounters, this dwarfs the definition of a “crisis” set by Obama’s DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson when he said in 2019 that “more than 1,000” encounters a day “overwhelms the system.”
    July’s 180,000-plus encounters is a 290 percent increase from the average number of July apprehensions from 2017-2020.
        10,648 unaccompanied children were encountered.
        77,458 illegal immigrants were encountered from countries outside the Northern Triangle and Mexico, showing that Biden’s crisis is global.
        At least 146 people on the terror watchlist have been encountered trying to enter the U.S. between ports of entry so far this fiscal year – breaking the all-time record of 98 set last year.
    More than 7.2 million illegal immigrants have crossed the border since Biden took office.
        This includes the nearly 5.8 million illegal immigrants that Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has encountered and the more than 1.4 million gotaways that have escaped past Border Patrol into the U.S.
        Border officials say that the official number of gotaways vastly undercounts the illegal immigrants who make it into the U.S.
    Biden has installed a de facto amnesty program in which over 75,000 illegal immigrants have had their cases dismissed in court due to his administration’s failure to file the proper paperwork.
    Additionally, at least two million illegal immigrants have been released into the U.S. and now await future immigration court dates since Biden took office.
        Experts say the likelihood U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers will remove them is “virtually nonexistent” and that they “are here indefinitely, if not forever.”
    Biden has unilaterally paroled over half a million migrants using a 1950s law in an “unprecedented” way.
    Homeland Security Investigations estimate that Mexican cartels are now making $13 billion a year smuggling illegal immigrants into the U.S., 26 times what they made in 2018.

Joe Biden’s challenge to name a single “objective” he’s set out to do, but failed.

Among the points:
    Afghanistan withdrawal
    Schools to open in 2021
    Masking to last only 100 days
    Will never mandate vaccines
    Uniting the country
    Cure cancer
    Help the middle class
    Pay off student debt
    End “forever wars”
    “I won’t traffic on fear and division”
    Cut the deficit
    Cut the debt
    Will not politicize the DOJ
    ‘No one making <$400,000/year will pay a single penny more in federal taxes…”

Rasmussen shared that 62% of Americans and even 50% of the Democrats believe the 2020 Election was rigged.  Americans also know that the Feds were behind the riots on Jan 6.  Americans also know the Bidens are a crime family.

Why, it’s almost as though the Ruling Class doesn’t want us to see what’s going on, and that there’s a secret cabal attempting to keep us from seeing it.

Stand back from the scene and understand that the sheer heaping-up of procedural legal bullshit in the various sham court cases against candidate Donald Trump is largely an attempt to confound, mystify, and preoccupy the public while the great scaffold of our nations life collapses. The news — both legacy and alt — will be dominated day after day by analyses of every move and counter-move through endless thickets of courtroom minutiae while the US economy crashes and burns, residual wealth is confiscated, and the American social order turns into something like fiery goo.

By November of 2024, somebody will be elected president, or no one will be. At this point, it is probably down to an election that more than half the country won’t believe in, or no election at all due to civil chaos so extreme it will make the 1861 weeks of secession look as tame as a middle school fire drill. Beyond the hamstringing and hog-tying of their chief adversary, the Democratic Party lawfare necromancers have set up the game board with surprising precision so that their opponents will never be able to win another election. Yet, they are so self-satisfied with themselves they apparently think no one noticed.

As to the parsing out of all those bogus charges against Mr. Trump, consider that we now live in a culture of no truth, only battling portfolios of narrative spin, at least according to the Marxian wokesters who have seized the machinery of law, so, there, with a snap of your fingers goes jurisprudence — as in: I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, blah blah…. The joke is on you. There is no truth, anymore, so stop insisting that there is anything like it to determine, except whatever outcome the Party of Chaos seeks.

The suspended animation of August with its sand castles, lobster rolls, and care-free cocktail cruises will soon yield to the season of hurricanes, financial fiascos, momentous military movements, and reversals of political fortune. What, for instance, becomes of “Joe Biden,” the fictitious president? I’ll tell you one thing: no way is this fellow running for reelection, and the mighty pretense around that hallucination makes idiots of everyone on cable TV news. The “Big Guy” is just sulking now, drowning his sorrows in ice cream — but his fate hangs there above the Rehoboth dunes like an ominous black sea-bird suspended on an ill wind, mocking him. You have finally screwed the pooch, Joey, it cries… caw caw caw….

We are thus close to the moment when impeachment can no longer be dodged. The reams of Biden family bank records that Mr. Comer of Kentucky has unearthed hither and yon, plus deal memoranda, video and audio recordings of dark confabs, and hundreds of tell-tale emails are of a different evidentiary nature than the roster of hypothetical thought crimes confabulated by Jack Smith, Alvin Bragg, and Fani T. Willis. Personally, I would like, at least, to see impeachment hearings where all that hard evidence of Biden family bribery is methodically laid out for The New York Times and CNN to ignore. It will look like a game of chicken for a few days, but then the party honchos will “sadly” order Ol’ Joe to step aside before that grim spectacle goes too far.

     The Ukraine War will then be Kamala Harris’s to lose — depend on it — though nobody will care. I have a feeling that Barack Obama will not be able to… how shall we say… work with her. All that cackling must conceal an inner vacancy so vast that Judge Crater, DB Cooper, and the brigantine Mary Celeste might be roaming around in there, along with Amelia Earhart, Jimmy Hoffa, and the Lost Colony of Roanoke. And I cringe to imagine the meetings with Kamala where Susan Rice, Lisa Monaco, and Torie Nuland try to tell the poor simp what to do. It will look like one of those girlie beat-downs on an Oakland street-corner.

     Anyway, by that time the stock markets will be all a’crumble, all those Vanguard retirement funds will wash-up like so many writhing grunions on Cabrillo Beach, and your local bank will cap withdrawals at $500 a few weeks before executing the long-rumored bail-ins. At that magic moment, the Democratic Party will have everything it has wished for.

     Of course, I can’t say the melodrama will play out exactly like that, in that sequence. But expect trouble in September. Expect disorder like you’ve never imagined. Think about retrieving whatever cash you have in the bank. Consider arming yourself for safety’s sake, if you live in a part of the country that allows it. Or maybe even if you live in the other parts. Lay in some beans and rice and some batteries. Buckle your mental seat belt. When August is over, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

Two Princeton, MIT Scientists Say EPA Climate Regulations Based On A 'Hoax'

Monday, Aug 14, 2023 - 09:40 PM
Authored by Kevin Stocklin via The Epoch Times

Two prominent climate scientists have taken on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) new rules to cut CO2 emissions in electricity generation, arguing in testimony that the regulations “will be disastrous for the country, for no scientifically justifiable reason.”

Apparently, Biden had gotten wind that certain 2024 Republican presidential candidates were saying the country is worse off under his, er, leadership. Never mind the polling that shows just how deeply unpopular Biden and his policies are, nor how somewhere around 70% of the American people think we as a nation are heading in the wrong direction. Never mind all that.

CNN’s Jake Tapper admitted on air Thursday that President Trump was right when, during the 2020 presidential debates with Joe Biden, he accused Hunter Biden of making millions of dollars from China (and Ukraine and Russia).

“They’re telling us America is failing,” Biden spouted. “Let me tell you, they’re dead wrong. They’re dead wrong. America isn’t failing. America is winning. And I’ve said a thousand times … there is no quit in America.”

Got that? This president wants you to ignore his corruption, his cognitive decline, his utter incompetence, and instead remember that there’s no quit in America.

Objectives that Joe Biden has set out to accomplish and failed on. The eight-item list won’t surprise anyone: bone-crushing inflation, runaway government spending, Bilk Back Broker, the border calamity, energy independence, the COVID pandemic, the permanent rigging of our electoral system, and a disgraceful cut-and-run from Afghanistan.

In fairness, though, we can think of one thing that Joe Biden set out to accomplish and succeeded on beyond his wildest dreams: self-enrichment. Bestselling author and investigative journalist Peter Schweizer notes that the Biden Crime Family has raked in more than $30 million from individuals with direct ties to Chinese intelligence.

Indeed, when it comes to profiting personally while selling out his country, it’s never been a good bet to bet against Joe Biden.

Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy shared a list of what he said are the “Truth” on Thursday.

The list shared on the presidential hopeful’s X account (formerly known as Twitter) is what he said he is basing his campaign around.

The list includes many issues that dispute many claims that are made by Democrats. It also stresses the importance of religion, gender, education and family among many others.

The is as follows:

1. God is real.

2. There are two genders.

3. Human flourishing requires fossil fuels.

4. Reverse racism is racism.

5. An open border is no border.

6. Parents determine the education of their children.

7. The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind.

8. Capitalism lifts people up from poverty.

9. There are three branches of the U.S. government, not four.

10. The U.S. Constitution is the strongest guarantor of freedoms in history.   

The left used to profess to be the party of counterculture.
The left used to profess to be the party of the working class.
The left used to profess to be the party for free speech and liberty — they were “liberal.”

Anti-liberty leftists were clearly lying when they professed all those things. It was all a ruse to attain power, and that is why they cannot abide a naked exposé of their dirty deeds.

The national socialist media is now attacking these counterculture phenomena, free speech, liberty, and the working class itself; and, they’ve always been lying about being liberal, progressive, or democratic for that matter.

We're struggling to hire folks,

The lowest wage that American workers are willing to take in order to accept a new job hit a record high this year, according to a Federal Reserve Bank of New York survey published Monday.

The average “reservation wage” – or the minimum acceptable salary offer required for workers to switch jobs – hit $78,645 during the second quarter of 2023, according to the Fed’s latest survey of consumer expectations.

That marks a nearly 8% increase from the same time last year when the average reservation wage hovered around $72,873.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Isn't nature funny?

 Isn't nature funny?

We've been hunkered down taking care of Zeb and the puppy Winston, he's quite the handful.  Lots we should/could be doing, it'll have to wait a couple more weeks though until Zeb is completely healed.  Zeb is looking and acting more like himself, he's trying to play, catching balls even in his cone of shame now.  We still need to keep him semi sedentary until he's completely healed.

Rose and I got out of the house for a few minutes on Thursday afternoon, nothing special, needed to get our oil contract signed and returned to the oil company, the price went from $3.68 up to $3.89, Rose had to sign a new contract, the girl said they were expecting it to go higher again today Friday. Here we go again folks... 

We ordered our two pallets, that's two tons total of pellets, delivery set for next Tuesday. A pallet is (50) 40 Lb. bags per ton, we burn at a rate of 1 bag a day. Pellet prices went up too it was $288/ton last year, $310/ton this year.

I need to replace the wax ring on the upstairs toilet, ugh

Rose ran Winston through his tricks, sit, stay, crawl, paw, looping through her legs, he remembered them all, we'll continue to work on these and add more to his training.

Ha, isn't nature funny? It turns out we have a fawn after all. Rose exclaimed "oh a deer is out, no two deer, and a fawn!" I grabbed the camera quick and ran to the kitchen to get a few quick shots of them.  She was hiding the fawn from us all summer, normally we see them after the 4th of July, and here it is Aug 15th and we're seeing her for the first time.

August 15th two does and a fawn...



WOW, now that's a storm...

“Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours”


That's all folks



Everyone in America is paying about 17% more for the measured basket of goods since Biden took office, and on most of the things that really matter for a family’s budget, it’s actually far higher than that.

Every Week Under Joe Biden’s Presidency Is a Bad Week for America

Because both the feds and Georgia just indicted our President for talking about, questioning, and trying to investigate a stolen election. When the communist thugs, bullies and tyrants make it a crime to question a stolen election, in a country built around free speech, it’s 100% proof they stole the election. Now they’ve indicted and arrested Trump (and other Republicans) for free speech…for talking about a stolen election…for asking questions…for trying to investigate…in America. 

So, now the mystery is gone. Now you know. When it becomes a crime to talk about a rigged and stolen election…when Democrats are so desperate one indictment is not enough, they indict Trump again and again and again and again…

That’s the final proof the election was stolen.

That’s also the final proof this is a communist takeover of America. These are the hallmarks of communist and Nazi thugs and tyrants throughout history- steal elections, weaponize government, censor and ban dissent, arrest your political opponents.

Folks, we are there.

The Biden administration pushed the US Supreme Court to honor the infinite wisdom of the Washington DC elites in their amicus brief filed on Monday.

The Biden administration wants the Supreme Court to rule in favor of their right to control speech in America today.

We are truly dealing with evil people here.

A new Wall Street Journal report reveals the number of Americans ending up on the streets is happening at a “record rate” despite ‘Bidenomics’ being touted as an economic savior for the middle class. Every working-class folk understands Biden’s policies have been absolutely horrendous — two years of negative real wages forced many to rack up insurmountable credit card debt during the highest interest rate environment in a generation while draining personal savings — all to make ends meet, like putting food on the table and paying rent. Compound this with the worst housing affordability period in decades (maybe relief in 2H24 or ’25), and it’s not hard to understand why the homelessness crisis is beginning to spiral out of control for Democrats.

  • Republicans did nothing about Bill Clinton flying to islands with minors
    Republicans did nothing about Hillary Clinton smashing devices
    Republicans did nothing about James Comey brazenly lying
    Republicans did nothing about Andy McCabe plotting a silent coup against a sitting President
    Republicans did nothing about BLM raising $100 million and breaking charitable giving laws
    Republicans in Florida did nothing about James Biden’s alleged fraud scheme involving a hospital system
    Republicans in Arkansas did nothing about Hunter Biden’s myriad crimes
    Republicans have done nothing against ANTIFA and their interstate RICO operations
    Republicans have done nothing against Fauci, EcoHealth Alliance, or the other fake scientists who promoted lies about Covid’s origins to hide their own culpability

Why would Democrats be afraid of us? They run the country while Republican AGs and DAs quiver in fear and run for the hills. 

According to the Wall Street Journal, the United States “has seen a record increase in homeless people this year”.

Please let that statement sink in for a moment.

So far in 2023, the number of homeless people in the U.S. is up 11 percent from last year.

That is the biggest jump that the government has ever recorded.

Not even during the recession of 2008 and 2009 did we see anything like this.

Unfortunately, the outlook for the months ahead is not promising, because it looks like the cost of living is going to continue to rise at a brisk pace. 

A new psychosis, ‘Climate Anxiety’…scaring adults and children half to death with their predictions that never come true…‘Natural resources will be gone by 1970, oceans dead in a decade, US water rationing by 1974, dire famine by 1975, food rationing by 1980,  no more oil to be found by 1976.’ It was later changed to 1992. There was scientific consensus in 1976 that the planet is cooling and that famines are imminent.  Then in 2000 they said that ‘..snowfall will be a thing of the past, children will not know what snow is’.  2002: ‘There will be famine in 10 years if we don’t give up eating fish, meat and dairy’. There will be an ice age by 2000, then it was by 2020, then 2030, now 2070.’  The former climate genius Prince Charles said in 2009 that ‘..we had 96 months to save the world’.  The UK Prime Minister disagreed.  He said we had a mere 50 days.  ‘The Arctic will be ice free by 2018,’ but Al Gore said, ‘No, it will happen by 2013.’ He later changed it to 2014, then 2015.  In 2014  they predicted ‘Climate Chaos’ in 500 days.  ‘Manhattan will be underwater by 2015.’ Global cooling became global warming and then to just plain climate change.

When will we stop listening to these charlatans?  In ancient times, these quacks would have been put to death.

Here we go again...

The next pandemic will also serve as a distraction to prevent the ever gullible public from looking too closely at pandemic no 1 (COVID) or who profits from US/NATO’s proxy war.


Monday, August 14, 2023

Happy Birthday Lisa!

Happy Birthday Lisa!



Winston did great for his shots at the local vet.  He didn't bark they whole way there unlike last time.

I took Zeb out to go pee, I said "we have snacks, do ya want one?" He trotted all the way to the back door, definitely feeling better.

The police showed up our door for the second time this week, (Saturday it was for the rabid fox) This time apparently someone with issues was pulled over and just decided to run away from the police at the scene. The cop was wondering if our Ring cam (with a dead battery) on the house recorded any of it.  Maybe this explains what got into my run-in shed and took down the fence...  The police were back at noon again today asking some more questions, took more pics of the fence and shed, mentioning the guy ran by the house through the back field and out onto Rt. 114.


“If My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (II Chronicles 7:14, NASB).

As long as we have hope, it is never too late to see America return to the faith of our Founding Fathers to heal our wounded nation.

Charlie Brown meets Snoopy for the first time...  

  page-break « ASCII by Jason Scott



Inflation Nightmare: American Households Spending $709 More for Same Goods as Two Years ago

Some Parts Of America Are Already On The Verge Of Being Ungovernable As Rampant Lawlessness Spreads Like Wildfire

The U.S. Government Right Now by the Numbers:
  •     Borrowing Spree Unleashed: $5.2 billion borrowed every single DAY for the next 10 years!
  •     Interest Payments Skyrocketing: On track to pay an eye-watering $1 trillion in just one year!
  •     Tax Revenue Tumbles: A worrying drop of roughly 8% over the last 12 alarming months.
  •     Debt Balance Explodes: A staggering addition of $8 trillion in just 3 short years.
  •     Debt Ceiling “Crisis” Fallout: $1.5 trillion added to the debt balance since the crisis, and it’s not slowing down.
  •     Spending Out of Control: 40% more expenditure in 2023 compared to 2019, and where’s the accountability?
  •     Default Danger Averted, for Now: Nearly defaulted before finally uncapping the debt limit until 2025 – but at what cost?
  •     Future Debt Catastrophe Looms: Debt-to-GDP ratio expected to rise to an unthinkable 225% by 2050 – a time bomb in the making!

The current economic meltdown is more than a warning sign. It’s an alarm bell ringing loudly, and it’s time to wake up and act. The Biden administration’s inaction and the do-nothing Republican morons who enable him seem hellbent on allowing our economy to crash into the ground.  
Bidenflation is very real and very painful to the average American household. And once prices go up due to inflation they don’t come back down no matter how hard Biden and Dem propagandists make believe that it’s getting better.

— Don’t Be Ignorant 
So how do the enormous increases in cost under Bidenomics affect you on an everyday level?

  •     Your morning coffee is 30% more expensive than when Biden took office.
  •     On your way to work, you gas up your vehicle, which costs over $1.40 more per gallon than when Biden took office.
  •     You’re expecting a paycheck today, but it’s roughly 3% lower in real terms than when Biden took office.
  •     When you return from work and tackle the bills, you notice your rent is up 15.9% and your electric bill is 24.6% more expensive under Biden.
  •     You try to relax and have a nice dinner out with the family, but the cost of going out to eat under Biden has skyrocketed by 19.3%.
  •     Instead, you head to the grocery store, but don’t get much relief either. Under Biden, grocery prices are also up 19.3%.
The ruling classes have crafted their narrative and the “scientists” are backing it up. We are told climate change is a crisis, and that there is an “overwhelming scientific consensus.”  “It’s a manufactured consensus,” climate scientist Judith Curry said according to the New York Post. She says scientists have an incentive to exaggerate risk to pursue “fame and fortune.”
Climate time bomb? One would think this should be cause for genuine alarm. However, note that the IPCC website has a disclaimer: “IPCC endeavors to ensure, but cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy, accessibility, integrity and timeliness of the information available on its Website” (emphasis added). How many websites have a disclaimer regarding supposed “facts,” the accuracy of which cannot be guaranteed—especially on such an important topic? Yet “immediate and drastic” changes to the entire world economy are necessary?

The IPCC was caught in a massive lie by the Wall Street Journal in 1996 when it deleted conclusions contained in the report The Science of Climate Change 1995, approved for publication. The deleted lines read:
  • None of the studies cited above has shown clear evidence that we can attribute the observed [climate] changes to the specific cause of increases in greenhouse gases.
  • No study to date has positively attributed all or part [of the climate change observed to date] to anthropogenic [man-made] causes.
  • Any claims of positive detection of significant climate change are likely to remain controversial until uncertainties in the total natural variability of the climate system are reduced.
JAIL FAUCI: Recently Released Documents Reveal Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins Received At Least 58 Vaccine Royalty Payments From Big Pharma, Chinese and Russian Entities.
Dr. Tony Fauci:
** Lied about the origins of the COVID19 virus
** Lied about funding the Wuhan lab that created the COVID19 virus
** Lied about gain of function testing at the Wuhan lab
** Lied about the effectiveness of hydroxycholoquine in treating the COVID19 virus – in preference of vaccines
** Lied about the effectiveness of Ivermectin in treating the COVID19 virus – in preference of vaccines
** Lied about the effectiveness of the vaccines in protecting individuals from COVID19
** Lied about the effectiveness of the vaccines in preventing the spread of the COVID 19
** Lied about the dangers of the COVID19 vaccines to children
** Lied about the dangers of the COVID19 vaccines to healthy adults.
** Lied about making money off of the vaccines.

 That is all...

Coming up to the new Year 2025!

New Year 2025!! This post is a little late. but here we are... Rose saw an article about the planets aligning in 2025. In January and Februa...