Friday, December 07, 2012

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Tooth Fairy...

You've all heard of the Internet meme "Shi% my dad says", well here's an episode of stuff my grandson says!

James lost his first tooth last night... 

"I don't know what's so special about losing my first tooth, I don't feel any different.
- James Kendal Sanborn  11-22-2012

Friday, November 16, 2012

Who will make the Twinkies?

Who will come to the rescue and replace all the Twinkies now flying off the store shelves.  

We had to make a special run this evening to make sure we had one last batch "for the kids"... Yeah that's it for the kids...  I have grand-kids, it'd be a shame to watch as these delicious, wholesome, err... treats slowly and insidiously fade from recent memory, there is a cultural longing, a need for Twinkies, Snoballs, and Devildogs and the like.  We'll talk about them in hushed tones at the water cooler, around the campfire,  Twinkies are legendary as they'll last 100 years without refrigeration.  I can hear it now the stories of how so and so once ate a 5 year old Twinkie and lived...  It'll happen, mark my words, remember all the cool stuff when we were kids, yeah that's right I'm talking about Maypo, and root beer barrels, coke in 8oz bottles, wax bottles,  Butterfinger BBs, Sugar Babies, Count Chocula and Boo Berries, Dreamsickles, I could go on and on, this is serious folks, we're talking about a junk food icon here.  A moment of silence please...

Someone has to step up and make the doughnuts, no that was Dunkin's, oh never mind.

They killed Twinkie, You Bastards!

This my friends, is why UNIONS Suck!


Monday, October 29, 2012

Sandy coming ashore in Jersey.

As Sandy comes ashore down in New Jersey, we're getting battered in New Boston.

We've already moved the cars in case we lose one of the pines up front.  The tarp on the Generator blew off already, I was able to get it re-attached and covering the generator.  The rain hitting the back of the house sounds like hail it's hitting with such force.  

The lights blinked only once so far, oops just blinked again, make that twice...  I'm sure that we will lose power at some point if not this evening maybe tomorrow morning.

We'll soon see just how ferocious Sandy turns out to be.

The wind is howling on the hill coming down the mountain from Weare, we can hear it coming before it gets here.

Good luck everyone!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Boys and their dogs

James & Jason were up a couple weeks ago for a jump in the leaf pile, some swinging, a little sliding, and a big dog soccer game.  As you can see both the boys and the dogs had a blast!

I want to play

Driving to Boston

Dog Soccer

A boy & his dog...

Look out below....

Animation Short


Saturday, October 27, 2012

Here comes Hurricane "SANDY", are you ready?

There was SnoTober in 2011, now this year almost exactly 12 months later we have "Sandy" the FrankenStorm coming up the coast.  

Maybe this will be another 100 year storm, maybe not.   

We did the weeks shopping Friday evening, filled the gas jugs this morning, collected all the misc. yard stuff this afternoon, flashlights and lanterns are ready.  I think we're ready, how about you?

Here comes "SANDY", are you ready?

Sandy Via NOAA
The Red Cross has a good Hurricane Checklist here.



Wildebeest.gif (GIF Image, 400 × 225 pixels)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Just had an eathquake...

Earthquake on the Maine border...   7:14pm   Wife felt it here, here sister Joann called to tell us Jeremy at work reported it was a 4.6 magnitude on the Maine border.  


Saturday, October 13, 2012

First Frost in October

It's all over now, October 13th 2012.  It was 28 degrees this morning when I got up at 7am, ice crystals on everything.  Furnace had already kicked on this morning. 

Silken Highways

One or more very industrious spiders overnight...  I was out with Rose and she noticed these in the garden. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

It's Sauce Season

It's sauce season again tomato sauce that is.  

We cooked up another 5 gallon pot today, our third batch this season.  Garden ripe tomatoes, peppers, onion, sausage, ground beef, and several spices are all it takes, oh and time, lots of time.  This batch simmered for almost 6 hours.  Came out good too!

The main ingredient

 The Sauce

2012 Herd The Girls...

These five came through tearing up the field, jumping, chasing one another and generally carrying on for about an hour the other night.  They had a ball in the field before heading off for the evening.

House paint is progressing

We finished painting all the creme trim on the front side today.  Rose is working on the sage green front tomorrow, as long as the weather holds.  More pics (wait'll you see) tomorrow.  It's already looking great!
We've been talking about this color scheme forever and it's finally happening...

Willow a Remembrance

Willow A Remembrance

Our horse Willow was ill recently and passed in the night, we will miss our friend, his memory remains in our hearts. 

Willow came into our lives 11 years ago on Father’s day 2001, and forever changed our lives. 

You didn’t know horses could fly? Willow could fly, we'd go for walks and if you'd never seen it you wouldn't believe it.  We'd run up the road me at his side holding his lead and he'd put his head forward and just smooth out in a perfect flat run that had me believing that horses could fly, he was stunning at a full run, if he wanted to, if I just let go of the lead, just for a moment I knew he’d fly..  He was an amazing horse.

He'd chase the goats around the field and run from you in the fields when he knew you were in a hurry and needed to get him into the barn. A punk at times, he'd take advantage of me at times realizing I’d left the barn door open, he’d make me chase him all over the neighborhood then he’d realize at some point it's time to go back to the barn for dinner and put himself back in the stall.  He'd pinch the donkeys rears when they weren't looking (Rose’s too if she wasn't careful),  he was a gentle giant in the barn.

He'd say "hey" to all passersby with a nod of his head and a quiet Winnie. Bikers, walkers, strollers and cars driving by would all stop to say "Hi Willow!".  He was the unofficial street mascot.

We will miss him dearly, his friendly greetings in the morning, his laughs in the evening.

He was so big, so tough and at the same time a kind gentle creature.

I miss you already big guy!




Saturday, September 08, 2012

Thursday, August 30, 2012

We made some serious progress

We worked hard last Wed, Thursday, and Friday and then I was able to get the same days off this week so we're cruising.  All the rot's been replaced, the sills were replaced on the windows and door.  Just the center section siding to go! 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Now you did it...

We started working on the front kitchen wall, didn't want to, mind you we had to.  We've known there was rot there for far to long.  You see the water comes off the kitchen roof onto the living room side roof and splashes, and pours right down the siding to the ground.  Being the siding there is a hundred year old pine some of it has seen better days.

Off with the siding, er. clap boards, off with the tar paper, no plywood here, 8" to 20" wide pine 1 inch thick rough cut boards applied at a best we can tell 50 degree angle, oh good, more fancy boards to cut.  The 50 degree angle did no one any good, as the water that got through the rotted clapboard(s) above now ran diagonal across 10 feet of wall taking out all the two by four studs along the way, sometimes you just gotta laugh...  

We are sorer than we've been in a while, bent, grunting, oh that hurt, slow down I'm hobbling here... We're almost done though,  we wouldn't be this close to finished without the help of a friend of Jarrod's,  he worked tirelessly for three solid days, as did we, except without the tireless part. That's our helper in the pic below.

The house looks better (I'll post the after pics tomorrow if I'm up to it...), we'll soon be ready for paint, a sage green with tan trim we've been talking about for years as soon as we've healed up a bit.

 What did we get into here, a whole mess of rot, worse than it looks thankfully.
Yes sir we had us some fun!  The house is now ready for another hundred years, me I'm not so sure about.  Don't get old, just sayin'

I'm tired, and I'm going to bed!  Night all!

Coming up to the new Year 2025!

New Year 2025!! This post is a little late. but here we are... Rose saw an article about the planets aligning in 2025. In January and Februa...