Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Wild Turkey and the girls...

 Rose looked out and spotted six wild turkeys down at Lake Chloe, they slowly made their way up to the house then flew up into the apple tree right behind the house then down to the field again.  Amazing a bird that large flys so well.  They later flew up into the big pines at the back of the property.  We've only seen wild turkey here once before, maybe our white females called them in...

 The does came in this evening too, five in total.

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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Our Turkeys are Laying Eggs...

 Our two white turkey hens started laying eggs this week.  See those large brown, speckled eggs, those are the turkey eggs, alongside some chicken eggs for scale.  The eggs almost match the speckling on the kitchen counter.  The turkey eggs are bigger, harder to crack open, but otherwise just an egg.

Can you say Scrambled?

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Look quick...

Quick, who does this look like???

Anyone else see Dad?

Smarter than you thought...


Monday, September 30, 2013

James Sanborn on Drums

 We'll be seeing this kid on the stage soon enough...   James was rockin' out in the garage.
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Vermont color

 Couple of snaps from my trip through.  Colors are starting to develop, still a little while to go though, maybe next weekend.
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The New Woodshed is up!

 The new Woodshed is up, Jason & James & Jarrod stopped by to help.  The boys helped cutting a board today too.  Oh and climbing ladders... 

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Monday, September 02, 2013

Best looking roast pig

Tyler Jeffery graduation party featured this guy!   90 pounds of roast Pig heaven.

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Flooding Fall Rains

The rains cometh'

It rained pretty much through the night here, I woke up several times to thunder.  So far today as of 3pm the basement is dry, we'll have to wait and see how much the ground will hold.

We have 2-3" inches of rain around the house, I've trenched the worst areas in an attempt to drain off some of it.  We hooked the sump pump back up, I unplugged it Friday to repair a leaking pipe... It's now hooked up and ready to go.  We had to make an emergency run down to the outside chicken coop to add to the roof there some of the birds were soaked.  Rosie and I were soaked to the bone too.

Rosie just noticed Lake Chloe is full the first time in three years.

All I can think about is the folks at the fairgrounds.

Stay Dry!

Sunday, September 01, 2013

Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Last Twinkie...

The Last Twinkie...

Jarrod, Crystal, Jason and James stopped by today, with the lousy weather this Labor Day weekend we decided not to go to the fair, instead we cooked up some classic fair food,  Sausage subs, Italian sausage, onions, pile of peppers, on a nice sub roll, yum.

Oh and the best part was saved for last, for desert we had Chocolate filled Twinkies and Ring Dings for desert, two Hostess fav's that were gone to soon.  Rosie had put a couple boxes in the freezer when Hostess gave up and quit making them.  She told the boys to savor the Twinkies as they may never have them again (she sent them home with a couple too.).  I still haven't seen them in stores though I'd heard someone was making them again, and that they were available.  

Yes sir these are tough times...


Friday, August 16, 2013

It's official... I've reached that age...

It's official...  I've reached that age...

Rose and I went to McDonalds today for an iced coffee. 

I ordered a large Iced Regular Coffee for me, and a large Iced for Rose "cream only".  

I pulled up the the drive up window and the girl that handed me the first Iced Coffee and explained that it was the one with sugar in it, I placed it in my cup holder.  I turned to get the second coffee.  She passed me Rose's Iced Coffee and says here's the "cream only", and if you mix them up they have these little labels on the cups that tell you what's in them "see" as she pointed to the paper label stuck to the side of the cup...

I'm sure she was trying to be helpful,  explaining this new fangled invention called "labels".

Pointing out the "oh so obvious" to the old man who couldn't possibly have figured that out on his own "even without my glasses" by taking a sip of either coffee...


I'm going to get my cane out of the closet, just in case.    Jeesh...

Monday, July 29, 2013

The weekend...

Finally some nice(r) weather.

We got the lawn mowed Saturday before Sunday's storm.  

Rose and I extended the egg layer hen yard with hog panels adding an additional 15'x15' yard area and then added the meat birds in with that group, they seem to be getting along OK. It was time to get the chickens out of the barn, the four roosters are just starting to crow, they're funny, they sound like adolescent boys crackling errhk, errhk, erk, instead of crowing sometimes.   Our turkeys are still in the barn for now.

I went out an picked red raspberries again in the morning on Sunday behind the woodpile, I picked 5 quarts, I'd already picked 5 quarts a week ago too.  Raspberry crisp, or raspberry bars, turnovers... I can almost smell it...

Mowed 3/4 of the field Sunday and paid for it the remainder of the day, it was still hot on Sunday.  I was going through some 5 foot high goldenrod in places, and because of the shaded areas below the pines it was tropical damp.

Monday Rose has started prepping the south side of the house for paint, we plan on painting the North and South sides and if we have time and mother nature permitting we'll get the front done too.  Remembering this a a hundred and twenty year old house there's always a little more than just pressure washing and scraping, there's popped nails, 120 year old paint (hard as concrete) still peeling in spots, and there's always clapboards that have cracked and need replacing.  The clapboards on the house are pine, we're replacing the cracked ones with clear cedar siding.

STARTLED Awake around midnight last night the dogs insisting there was something out there towards the chicken pen, I woke up and ran to the stairs calling out to Rose who didn't answer because she was looking out the window with the dags and didn't hear me.  So I ran down to see what a ruckus was, we of course couldn't see or hear anything, the dogs were still very upset so I let them out, they quickly patrolled the front and side yards and gave the all clear.  Something really upset the dogs!   

So today (Monday) we're closing up the hens for the evening,  Rose looks over towards the pond and lo and behold 1/4 of the "Old Man Pine" a huge mufti-stemmed old pine down by the pond had a 24"+ branch 60 feet or more in length let go for no apparent reason, probably just rot...  and apparently crashed to the ground Sunday night,  (remember the barking dogs... we had the A/Cs running and didn't hear or feel it, the dogs did!) the tree dropped across where I had mowed on Saturday all the way across the road behind the workshop.  Whew!   And crap, what a mess...

Just picked my first tomatoes of 2013 "Mortgage Lifter" tonight, white bread, 1/2" slices of tomato, slathered with mayo.  It doesn't get much better than that, well maybe with bacon, I didn't have any bacon...  It'll do.

Oh, and we saw the doe "Black-tail" and her twins last night,  (we were beginning to wonder, we hadn't see any deer in a couple weeks) they came out to check on their field we mowed, making sure we dd it right I guess.    Rose saw "Big Ears" and her skipper a couple weeks ago. 

That's my story...

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Mowing fun

I decided to mow my overgrown lawn last night just before dark so I wouldn't have to mow it today in the oppressive heat, the mosquitoes were plentiful as were those damned deer flies.  

They were on me in a flash, I hurried to the mover, unhooked the trailer, jumped on the tractor and took off, I got about 12 feet and the tractor sputtered and died.  "Great! I'm out of gas", went to the shed to get the half full gas can and found a deer block I 'd put there last week half eaten by something.  Whatever it was it was only interested in the corn in the block, there was plenty of shredded block on the floor but all the corn was missing from what was on the floor.  Anyway, I grabbed the jug and managed to fill the mower before being totally drained of blood.  The tractor started and I was off.

I noticed the dragonflies were following me around the yard by the dozen bobbing and weaving and generally staying out of my way, they were taking out all the mosquitoes and horseflies as they got near me.  Pretty amazing,  I was not bothered by a single mosquito or deer fly the entire time I was mowing.  

How cool is that!

Just because...

Monday, July 08, 2013

It's twins for Blacktail

 Whitetail doe that we call Blacktail and her "twins", It's amazing they were born a month ago and we're just seeing one of the twins for the first time.  They were just heading back into the pines as I got the camera up for a few quick snaps.

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Life's a Beach, Hampton Beach NH

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Muscle shirts, stuff my grandkids do...

 So this Is how muscle shirts are supposed to be worn?  Over the ears...

Turns out I been doing it wrong all this time.

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Fixing the yard hill & Labor day

  Fixing the yard hill: Tuesday we're got 8 yards of 3/4" crushed stone, and 18 yards of loam delivered to fix a lot of sloped are...