Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Last one today... One more fawn pic.

One more fawn pic.

This little guy has been bombing around the clearing, seems to love jumping around in the mowed grass.  So far we've seen just the two fawns this year, time will tell.

Bunch of new bucks this year

Bunch of new bucks this year

Going through pictures on the trail cam... lots of spikes, a few 4 pointers, then there was this guy, I counted 6 maybe more cant tell if there's a brow tine or not.  Nice looking buck!

They look like porcupines to me... well then again maybe raccoon

Just not sure on these three, the deer are not impressed and chase them off, they came in several times this past month, kinda hoping they aren't porcupines as they are not good for the dogs..  The one on the right looks a bit like he has a ring-tail, and the middle one appears to have a black mask so then I thought Raccoons.

What do you think?  Coon or porcupine?

And Bears Oh My...

Going through the trailcam shots and found this bruiser grabbing a bite to eat.  The salt lick in the photo is a 12"x12" square block for scale.

This could be what Rose heard a couple weeks ago crashing into a aluminum ladder out in the back yard when she opened the back door a couple days ago.  The dogs have been getting very worked up around 10:30pm the same time this pic was taken lately.  We'll have to be a little more careful late at night around here.

Coming up to the new Year 2025!

New Year 2025!! This post is a little late. but here we are... Rose saw an article about the planets aligning in 2025. In January and Februa...