Saturday, May 14, 2016

Spring is here

Spring is here, the yard sales have started showing up, everything is in bloom or just finished, some of the apples have not bloomed yet maybe next week.

We're only a couple weeks from getting the garden in,  I've got 20+ odd tomato plants this year to try out.  We're trying a black cherry tomato this year, and several new ones I've never seen, Whopper, and other, I'll update this later with the list.  Yes sir, we're gonna have some fine eatin' tomatoes this year!

Cleaned out the garden some, ran out of steam, seems a woodchuck has taken up residence, I'll have to deal with him at some point, Rosie sees him running from the shed to the brush pile.

Patched the barn roof for another year.

Oh almost forgot, we picked up the pigs today. We only needed one, Jarrod & Crystal got one too.  Farm had 160 or so, someone picked up 80 just before we got there.  About 80 or so remained when we picked up ours, and we got up early to get the best pick of the lot... I had all I could do not to bring some beef home,  someday...

 Pigs all snug in their bed.  Yes they really will keep it clean.

 Still trying to figure out the pen, they took an afternoon nap in the corner.

Fixing the yard hill & Labor day

  Fixing the yard hill: Tuesday we're got 8 yards of 3/4" crushed stone, and 18 yards of loam delivered to fix a lot of sloped are...