Sunday, September 02, 2018

Labor day 2018, labor is right...


We've been clearing up some of the many projects we just never seem to be able to get done this weekend.

Installed the 100' Dog run for "Hannah" in the front yard making modifications along the way.

Took the new Lab "Hannah" for a swim Sunday got real hot for a couple hours here.  Took her half a dozen times before she decided hey this is a blast and was ready to start swimming for the opposite shore of the lake.  It appears I have a new boat motor...

We took several trailer loads of Common Pokeweed out to the burn pile, the stuff is everywhere this year.  It's easy to cut out, just a lot of work hauling it all.

Bear for the second time took out the Deer feeder, didn't knock it over this time, she ( I assume a she bear) simply knocked the motor off the bottom of the feeder so all the feed fell out onto the ground we woke up this morning to 20 lbs of whole corn dumped all over underneath the feeder.

Feeder before... Roses fawn

Red-tail hawk with Squirrel on Deer Feeder

These pics of the incoming bear are from last night .

 What the heck is with all the Squirrel's, everywhere you go there are so many dead ones in the streets, must have been a bumper year last year for acorns or something, I've never seen so many in the roads like that.

Hope you had a great weekend!

Fixing the yard hill & Labor day

  Fixing the yard hill: Tuesday we're got 8 yards of 3/4" crushed stone, and 18 yards of loam delivered to fix a lot of sloped are...