Sunday, February 24, 2019

Spring? The Snow Moon

I'm hoping Winter is almost done with us, it'll be spring in 3 weeks.  The buds are swelling on a lot of the Maples and poplars in the area.  Spring officially begins on Wednesday, March 20, 5:58 P.M. EDT.  I'm so ready!

I managed to get a couple pics of the Snow Moon this month.  

Our owl has apparently decided this is a great place, he is generally were now several days a week, especially before a storm.  He enjoys the birdhouses, (Not sure the swallows and sparrows will be happy about that this spring) generally flying between 3-4 different houses during the day while hunting for mice, moles, voles, (he does not seem to be interested in the squirrels, sparrows or mourning doves that frequent the area.)

It's March

It's March  Monday still very windy, it's howling out there... Tuesday morning still windy out Wednesday 7 degrees out, winds died d...