Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Deer in August

The Does this year are looking good.  A little on the thin side.

Pups on the fence

Pups on the fence

The two Pups are getting big, Hannah is now 15 months old,  this picture is Zebulon two weeks ago just before he went on the Petsafe fence.  He's trained to the fence now, we still watch him but he has free reign of the yard now.
Rose helped train Zeb on the new fence, Rose pointing out the "BAD" flags that designate the borders of his wireless fenced area.



This is the equipment I started my NC Programming career on. It was used to program 3 Axis NC (Numerical Controlled) Drilling and routing equipment at a now-defunct company in Groton, MA.

Teletype ASR model 33

A Teletype ASR model 33 terminal with Paper tape output.  As you typed on the keyboard the teletype would punch characters one row per character on the 1" paper tape punch on the left side of the machine, you can see the series of holes that were punched in the paper tape. If you made a mistake you could back up a character and punch all the holes in a row or if you found out too late you needed to manually read the paper tape splice out the bad code and repair the break in the tape.  Want to see one in action?
The paper tape would then be used to run high-speed NC Drilling and Routing equipment like this used to manufacturing printed circuit boards.  These Teletype ASR model 33s are museum pieces today.
Even older...  My dad used to program back in the day on Punch Cards. I remember seeing them in shoe boxes in the back seat when he would sometime bring work home.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Dog Days!

It's the Dog Days of Summer

Sad to say summer's winding down, it's been hot enough.  The yard is beginning to brown up, our pond is still at a good level so thankfully no dry well fears this year.

The dogs for one will be glad once the summer is over,  we have a half dozen big holes in the yard to fill in this fall from the dogs trying to cool off.
Zebulon (Zeb) Nope, I wasn't digging...
We've been out in the Boat a few times, we hit a couple lakes and ponds in the area we scouted this spring. Nice time boating, not a lot of fish were caught. Rose wants to take Zeb out this week, we'll see how he does.
Fishing  Lake Massasecum
 Near as we can tell we have a single fawn this year.
Fawn feeding
Doe and Fawn
We had a single Dragonfly last week, they haven't been back since, provided some fun for the dogs trying desperately to catch 'em!

 James was out with my camera last week he took some nice shots.

 Stay Cool!

Coming up to the new Year 2025!

New Year 2025!! This post is a little late. but here we are... Rose saw an article about the planets aligning in 2025. In January and Februa...