Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Dog Days!

It's the Dog Days of Summer

Sad to say summer's winding down, it's been hot enough.  The yard is beginning to brown up, our pond is still at a good level so thankfully no dry well fears this year.

The dogs for one will be glad once the summer is over,  we have a half dozen big holes in the yard to fill in this fall from the dogs trying to cool off.
Zebulon (Zeb) Nope, I wasn't digging...
We've been out in the Boat a few times, we hit a couple lakes and ponds in the area we scouted this spring. Nice time boating, not a lot of fish were caught. Rose wants to take Zeb out this week, we'll see how he does.
Fishing  Lake Massasecum
 Near as we can tell we have a single fawn this year.
Fawn feeding
Doe and Fawn
We had a single Dragonfly last week, they haven't been back since, provided some fun for the dogs trying desperately to catch 'em!

 James was out with my camera last week he took some nice shots.

 Stay Cool!

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