Wednesday, September 16, 2020

September 16th

September Ramblings


Went to the shooting range last weekend, found out the scope on my 10/22 was bad, Jarrod replaced it with one off his rifle, and it's driving tacks now.

It's supposed to rain on Thursday we need the rain real bad, it's literally a dust bowl around here, I've never seen it this dry,  it rained a whole tenth of an inch, this month so far.  We're right on the border of an extreme drought here in New Boston.


We picked the last of the winter squashes yesterday, we found a Buttercup and another Butternut we'll have to cook up.  We picked the last two handfuls of blackberries yesterday too,  I can already smell the blackberry cobbler.

Rose is squashed out... she put up nearly 100 bags of summer and winter Squash this year, that's on top of all the other beans, broccoli, peppers, etc.  We have Swiss Chard and Kale remaining in the garden, otherwise it's done for the year, so garden cleanup commenced today we'll have a couple more trailer loads of refuse to pull out, spent tomato plants, squash vines, etc. We took some summer and winter Squash over to Jarrod's house on Saturday, we simply don't have any more room in our freezers.

This plant we found out is Virginia creeper, it's growing all over the garden fences.  Rose gets poison Ivy type rashes from the plant, I don't think it does anything to me but not looking to find out either.

We released Robin the Robin last weekend over in Hillsborough, the climate is much wetter there, nothing like the dust bowl we have going on here at all. (Funny it's only 45 minutes away) The ground in Hillsborough is actually damp. 

I took apart the Pellet stove and got it cleaned for the fall/winter season.  I was sitting here Sunday morning it's cool outside so I started the pellet stove up to take the chill off. Feels good to have the heat without starting up the furnace.  It was 44 degrees this morning in New Boston on 9/16.

The Canadian Geese are back in the fields locally, seems too early for them to be here.

Got the Tucson back from the shop, needed front and rear brakes, almost $800 later...

We re-installed the new front porch railings, came out pretty good I think.

This guy seemed to like the new porch railings

Finally able to make it down to the pond, quite overgrown, pond is VERY low.  Water Well concerns continue



Sunday, September 13, 2020

A Bear Strolled Through

A Bear Strolled Through on Friday Afternoon

We had a Black bear stroll through the field on Friday 8/21, I only had my cell phone so the pics aren't the best.

He was in a bit of a hurry...

Today is the Weare town-wide Yard sale we may do a drive around


Coming up to the new Year 2025!

New Year 2025!! This post is a little late. but here we are... Rose saw an article about the planets aligning in 2025. In January and Februa...