We finally got a frost, I was beginning to think it wouldn't happen this year with the seemingly never-ending garden production.
We went out and picked the last peppers, and Leeks from the garden, I can now officially pick the kale now as the frost sweetens it. I'll make up a big batch of Johnny Searle's Portuguese Kale Soup!
The last of the Maple leaves have yet to fall
We finished up around the foundation yesterday, washed all the car windows, I grabbed the Rain-X but it had gone bad, we'll have to pick some up.
Today it's a run to Home Depot to pickup some Sakrete General purpose sand for the walks and driveway, it comes bagged and DRY... nothing worse than trying to get sand out of frozen solid sand barrels.
Rose froze up all the Leeks on Tuesday, we were able to offload some veggies with Jarrod too, whew a little more space.
Adventures in shopping at MB on Wednesday evening, lots of holes on the shelves, this nightmare is just starting and I already can't believe the price of most everything I see.
No Folgers coffee, we bought some Chock Full O nuts. I never saw 12 foot width of Marshmallow fluff jars on display before. $4.99 for a box of Total cereal, all of the products were pulled forward on the shelves, nothing behind though. Out of canned dog food, so we nearly cleaned out the other brand of canned dog food. One guy commented that the Deli was the most fully stocked place in the store. Meat prices were ridiculous, pot roasts stared at $24 for a roast, they has one small eye roast for $17, though they still had hamburg for $4/lb. None of the Cascade we use in the dishwasher. We walked the entire store commenting OMG at the prices we saw.
Articles about heating fuel prices are everywhere. We have propane, and 3 tons of pellets for this winter.