Friday, October 08, 2021

October Already

October Already

It's Jarrod's Birthday today, Oct 1st when I started this post.

Leaves are turning fast around here, swamp maples are in their full red dress

Red Raspberries are setting fruit again, amazing


We've started watching the Squid Game series on Netflix. We're not normally the series watching type but this looked good.

2nd loaf of bread baked in the Dutch Oven rose more than the 1st loaf baked in a loaf pan, there's a white sandwich bread I'll try and bake next.

More work on the foundation needs to be done if it stops raining, kitchen side, finishing up with some hydraulic cement work and caulking.

We're still getting Blackberries too.  Crazy year

 Yellow Jackets


I was out mowing the filed last night, and went to check on the Yellow Jackets, I found something had dug out the nest though there were still a couple bees flying in and out, you can see the combs on the ground.  The entrance hole used to be 2" in diameter now it's 8+" wide.  I read that Yellow Jackets don't produce honey, I was initially thinking a bear looking for larvae, I saw that raccoons, and even foxes will dig into the nests for the larvae too.


Bees are loving the Bottle Gourd flowers, they're still covered with flowers and bees.

Supply Chain shortages are starting to crop up again,  At least we don't have to worry about TP shortages any more, the enterprising farmers around here have started growing it!

Now that's just funny...

Wash your Hands!


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