Wednesday, July 20, 2022

HOT HUMID Weekend!

HOT HUMID Weekend!

Saturday, It's HOT and Humid, worked on the lawn tractor today, was able to get it going by shorting across the solenoid. Appears the issue is the ignition switch. I ordered a replacement solenoid and ignition switch.  

Tuesday was hot!, Wednesday the 20th is supposed to get to 97 degrees! Yikes

Mowed the knee high grass in the walkway of the garden, stuff in the garden is  finally growing... 

Walked around and collected all the poppy seed heads

Deer are in most nights, no fawns this year.  But we have Grey Foxes!

Three or four most evenings.

Rose's flowers are all popping around the yard

Our one and only Hydrangea flower
A lily, they never had spots like this before, reverting back to it's former self maybe?  I like the freckles...
The Granite circle in the front yard

Rose and the Dogs, Zebulon and Hannah

Blueberries are starting to come in, and the blackberries are starting to form.

Sunday the 17th is supposed to be 100 degrees, they started talking that NH is already in a moderate drought, ugh...

Our Grey Fox was in last night he/she stayed for a while as we watched, he was eating the deer grain we put out. Short little legs on these guys unlike the red foxes... He was hanging out at the Forsythia bush this morning, dogs scared him off there was a dead bird on the ground that he was in the middle of eating there, hopefully he comes back. He came back last night the bird carcass was gone.

Grey Fox out in the deer yard, we think there are at least two, as we've seen a larger one too.

I was out back on Monday morning and he was running through the yard again


Rose's brother Jimmy is out of the hospital on Friday!  Yay!





20 min. long this guy is good

Even 78% Of Democrats Think US Is On the Wrong Path Nationally


House bill on guns: “They want you afraid of the Second Amendment”

The mainstream media has noticeably ramped up the fear-mongering once again.  Apparently, the new COVID variant is so scary, that it can “infect you every month.”

“They won’t bring in any testimony,” he continues, “any testimony about FBI involvement, any testimony of DHS involvement. The total and complete illegitimacy of Joe Biden. Trump won, Joe Biden is illegitimate–50% of the American people believe that.”

MSM Begins To Panic: “People Don’t Trust Us. They Don’t Believe Us” Imagine that...


In April 2020, Trump spoke at a press conference where he suggested ultraviolet or "just very powerful light" as one way of treating COVID. He went on to say the use of "disinfectant" could be another solution.

"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that?" Trump said.

Useless CDC statistics show that 95% of Covid-related deaths list an average of 4 comorbidities, while 5% list Covid as the only known cause of death. Such comorbidites include cardiovascular disease (10.5%), diabetes (7.3%), and cancer (5.6%). The average age of Covid-related death is 77 years old.

Pelosi’s Impeccable Investment Timing

The sleazy Pelosis are at it again, buying tech stock just ahead of big congressional subsidies.

My Ass!


First Lady Jill Biden is apologizing after apparently comparing the Latino community to “breakfast tacos.” 


  • Gas: 59.9%
  • Electricity: 13.7%
  • Food at home: 12.2%
  • New vehicles: 11.4%
  • Food away from home: 7.7%
  • Used cars and trucks: 7.1%
  • Shelter: 5.6%
  • Apparel: 5.2%

Let’s focus on that “food at home” category for a moment.

Every single one of us needs to eat, and so this is something that is deeply affecting all of us.

And right now we are seeing rapid price increases in almost aisle of the grocery store

  • Cereals and cereal products: +15.1%
  • Beef and veal: +4.1%
  • Pork: +9.0%
  • Poultry: +17.3%
  • Fish and seafood: +11.0%
  • Eggs: +33.1%
  • Dairy and related products: +13.5%
  • Fresh fruits: +7.3%
  • Fresh vegetables: +6.5%
  • Juices and nonalcoholic drinks: +11.6%
  • Coffee: 15.8%
  • Fats and oils: 19.5%
  • Baby food: 14.0%


Of course, Biden is a pathological liar.

A “uniter” is a peacemaker and a reconciler.

But Democrat Party principals, including Biden and Harris, have spent decades dividing up constituencies in order to foment discontent and dependence. Democrats have cultivated “entitled victim” underclasses, the direct result of their socialist policies, and those ensnared and enslaved by Democrats are key political constituencies (read: dependencies) upon which the Democrats’ statist power relies.

If Biden and Harris had any genuine interest in unity, they wouldn’t have based their campaign on hate and division. Of course, division is the staple of the Democrat Party and has been for generations. Democrats only “win” the battle if they can divide and conquer.

Real wages are down and dropping under Biden while inflation soars… and the stimulus is to blame

A 1.9 trillion dollar stimulus package passed by Democrats has managed to accomplish nothing, yet also to destroy our economy.

Under Biden, real wages have been dropping every single month since the stimulus passed… and dropping at the fastest pace in 40 years.


Senate GOP addresses concerns over Democrat attempt to revive Build Back Better

I’ve also noticed that the longer it takes to count the “ballots,” the more likely it is that a Democrat will win. The Dems aren’t really denying that they stole the election; they’re just saying we can’t prove that they did.



Biden's big government socialism means that nothing works right in America


The recession is coming

Most Americans — 70% — already believe an economic downturn is on its way, according to a new survey from MagnifyMoney. The online survey was conducted between June 10 and 14 and included 2,082 respondents.

Things aren’t even that bad yet, and only 18 percent of all Americans want Biden to run again at this point.

So what will those numbers look like once this new economic downturn becomes quite severe?

We will soon see things happen in this country that are absolutely unprecedented.

But we don’t have to let events overwhelm us.

So I would encourage you to stay positive and to get prepared while there is still time to do so.

The clock is ticking, and time is quickly running out.

The Trains Could Stop Running In The United States Literally One Week From Now

ABC legal analyst Sunny Hostin admitted that the purpose of the January 6th hearings is to make sure that President Trump is “never in a position of power again”.


Wednesday, July 13, 2022

All Over the place...

This one's a Rambler... I apologize in advance, that's just the way I read this stuff...

Rose's brother Jimmy was hospitalized on Saturday morning for a stroke, over to Nashoba then over to St. Elizabeth's ICU in Boston, the next day he had a seizure, well today he's out of ICU recovering in a regular hospital room, and calling family on the phone.  We're not sure yet if he'll go home, or to rehab first, one day at a time. I'll take it. 

Long day Friday... Canada lost internet on Friday, my team and I were up till 2am to resolve the "carrier issue", Rogers, Primus, Bell and Telus were all down, no ATMs, No banking, no credit card use... no business... in Canada anyway, do you have cash in your wallet?  WOW! How fast the facade of civilization falls away.  I can only imagine if this happened here in the USA!

Reminds me that I have gotta go Fishing!

 r/photoshopbattles - PsBattle: Crab holding Fish

We have baby bunnies running around the house, Rose saw one of the little one out running between the bushes. 



US Inflation Reached a New 40-Year High in June of 9.1%

Surging prices for gas, food and rent catapulted U.S. inflation to a new four-decade peak.

New poll shows 64% of Democrats don't want Biden to run in 2024


They only want you to remember the orchestrated chaos.

THEY DO NOT WANT YOU TO REMEMBER their orchestrated demolition of the 2020 Presidential election.

“The truth is that, to many people calling themselves Socialists, revolution does not mean a movement of the masses with which they hope to associate themselves;  it means a set of reforms which ‘we’, the clever ones, are going to impose upon ‘them’, the Lower Orders.”

— George Orwell

Corollary:  “…and exile, punish or execute all those who refuse to accept the reforms.”

-Kim Du Toit


WHO planning for another round of Worldwide Shutdowns, Mask Mandates, and Vaccine Mandates!


DR. FAUCI: One of the things that's clear from the data [is] that even though vaccines - because of the high degree of transmissibility of this virus - don't protect overly well, as it were, against infection, they protect quite well against severe disease leading to hospitalization and death. And I believe that's the reason, Neil, why at my age, being vaccinated and boosted, even though it didn't protect me against infection, I feel confident that it made a major role in protecting me from progressing to severe disease. And that's very likely why I had a relatively mild course. So my message to people who seem confused because people who are vaccinated get infected - the answer is if you weren't vaccinated, the likelihood [is] you would have had [a] more severe course than you did have when you were vaccinated.

No details could be provided, because just shut up and believe everything we say. Like inflation is Putin's fault. And blame high gas prices on the schmucks who own gas stations. And Russia, Russia, Russia. And...

“You can’t legislate intelligence and common sense into people.” – Will Rogers

Veep Thoughts With Kamala

“I think that, to be very honest with you, I do believe that we should have rightly believed, but we certainly believe that certain issues are just settled.” —Vice President Kamala Harris

29% of US registered voters approve of the way Brain-Dead Biden is handling his job, with 58% registering disapproval and 13% still unsure.

How do we know Trump wasn’t on the Ghislaine Maxwell client list? Because if he were, that fact would be emblazoned in newspaper and TV headlines everywhere. You can be sure the names on the list are the ones the Biden DOJ and the media want to protect—it’s their team!

The core belief of liberalism is to spend other people's money. This becomes harder when they are out of power. Fortunately banks will loan them other people's money to tide them over until they can wrest power back again, when they can repay the banks with... other people's money.


Unlike Joe Biden and most other Democrats, Donald Trump actually loves America, which resonates with everyday people. And today, he is the only one who can quickly repair the mess Biden created.


Stay Safe out there...


Friday, July 08, 2022

July Updates

July Updates

The bears, "well one anyway..." came in Friday night, he tipped over our DEER feed barrels, I put bungees on to hold the tops down, bungees probably won't stop a bear, but I feel better...

 To Kill a Black Bear: A Hunt for Answers | GearJunkie

Last Thursday evening we got the call from Eversource "we're going to shut down your power for 5 hours to make some needed repairs" you have 30 minutes to prepare...  Off to get the necessary oil for the new generator 5W-20 Synthetic only if we see below zero temps and we do... We'll use our older Genny, yes we now have two, we lose power quite often here.  Our old larger generator 7000 watt, she's loud, "hard to sleep loud"!  She's 13+ years old now.  So when we lost power Thursday night, we went down to get the Genny cords, we never had the house wired up for Generator power, so we use heavy duty extension cords for powering up Fridges, freezers, etc.  The old generator ran but you could tell it wasn't running well, needed to keep it almost on choke to keep it running, It got us through the 5 hour outage anyway.   I'll have to change out the fuel, do an oil change, and swap out the sparkplug, oh what fun!


The new generator, 4000 watt, very quiet running, dual fuel (Gas, Propane) Inverter, electric start, and it will power our camper.  Unpacked it, added oil, connected it up to propane and it fired right up!   WIN!  Super quiet 58 dbs, that's conversation level at 25 feet.

WEN DF400i Super Quiet 4000-Watt Dual Fuel RV-Ready Portable Inverter ... Still heavy at 100 lbs, but manageable...




So here we are: Gas prices higher than ever Inflation highest in 40 yrs Food shortages Zero Border enforcement Lawlessness in lib run cities Mandates & on & on...  And the best we hear from the alleged President: "End of quote. Repeat the line."

LOL!   I can't believe there are still folks out there buying into this presidency!

Barely Coherent Brandon Shifting the Blame for Bidenflation Yet Again Russia, Russia, Russia all over again...

If Democrats couldn’t lie, they’d have nothing to say at all. But because they control the major institutions of education, journalism and entertainment, Democrats are able to create an echo chamber effect where people are bombarded with propaganda from all directions, so that it takes a strong mind to resist believing Democratic myths like the “constitutional right” to abortion as the essence of womanhood.


Current Democrat leaders — whether you call them leftists, progressives, socialists, radicals, or Marxists — are intent on undoing what happened 246 years ago.  They know that the key to establishing and maintaining tyranny is control of information.  Words such as "disinformation" and "misinformation" are powerful weapons, mightier than tanks, rockets, or nuclear bombs.


The epithet "misinformation" is defined as "false, inaccurate, or misleading information."  Democrats use the word to indicate any information that questions or contradicts what we say.

As progressive Democrats used the false COVID threat to take emergency powers and subvert the Bill of Rights, they deployed the designation "misinformation" to quash any suggestion that their COVID mandates were unscientific, destructive, and unconstitutional.



Canadian lawmakers to be given mobile panic buttons for when right-wing goons come to kill them

Members of Parliament in Canada are to be given panic buttons "amid growing harassment, intimidation and threats of violence," reports the BBC. The buttons, which summon police, were announced by Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino.

MPs are also being offered cameras, alarms and other security measures to be installed in their homes, and training on how to de-escalate potentially violent situations.

"We need to have a space where we can have vigorous debates without seeing the level of vitriol and near physical confrontation and out and out incitement to violence and death threats," Mr Mendicino said.


“If children do not understand the Constitution, they cannot understand how our government functions, or what their rights and responsibilities are as citizens of the United States.” – Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts


I've about had enough of this crap!!!


Coming up to the new Year 2025!

New Year 2025!! This post is a little late. but here we are... Rose saw an article about the planets aligning in 2025. In January and Februa...