Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Is winter over yet?

Is winter over yet?

We actually went to the mall on Saturday, I regret to inform you that nothing much has changed there other than the prices of everything have gone up!  We stopped by Texas Roadhouse for a late lunch because Onion Blossoms exist... Yum!

We've seen 4 deer nightly the past few days, they've got it rough traversing the frozen landscape it's literally a skating rink out there.

Wednesday morning (2) F15s flew right over the house, amazing but very loud...

Those hoping for temperatures to warm up soon will have to wait a bit for that to happen, as the Farmers’ Almanac predicts unseasonably cold weather for much of the country, along with plenty of precipitation—or what they’re referring to as the “soggy, shivery spring ahead.”

We went to see Jason play for the JV Hillsborough Hillcats basketball team, he plays for the Varsity team too, they won the JV game we saw last week.  It was a great game the crowd was rowdy!  'Atta Boy Jason!

Jason facing the camera
Jason in the thick of it, left.

8 deer came in Monday evening, not sure where they picked up one more, we've only seen the 7 up to now.

I managed to pull an dumb move yesterday out feeding the deer, my feet completely slid out from under me on the ice, I was absolutely amazed at just how hard I hit the ground... I rolled and slowly got to my feet.  I've bruised a few ribs pretty good, tough night sleeping, I don't think I broke anything, it hurts if I cough though and have a nice lump on my shin... Oh what fun

Happy Valentines Day!

I am finding it harder and harder to believe how abjectly corrupt our federal government has become...

NORD Stream pipeline was the US?

Russian Parliament Speaker on Nord Stream Attack: “Joe Biden is a Terrorist Who Must be Brought to Justice”

The Speaker of the Russian parliament Vyacheslav Volodin branded US President Joe Biden a “terrorist” after a report by veteran US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh blamed Washington for sabotaging the Nord Stream pipelines last year. Russia is calling for a special session of the UN security council, while the German AfD party wants a parliamentary investigation.

On Wednesday, Hersh posted a story on his substack claiming that the US Navy blew up the Nord Stream pipelines Sept. 26.

How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline https://t.co/RxfoZOV4tf

— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) February 8, 2023

A shocking allegation asserting that the United States Navy demolished the Nord Stream pipeline system is “utterly untrue,” according to government representatives on Wednesday. While Air Force and Navy officials considered dropping bombs with delayed remote control fuses and using a submarine to attack the pipeline, respectively, CIA officials underlined that the action would need to be completely secret. The insider cautioned Hersh that the strike would qualify as “an act of war” if linked to the United States, saying “This is not child stuff.”


Get it, simps? The economy is roaring and you’re just not smart enough to appreciate the work this President is putting into it.

When Trump left office in January 2021, the inflation rate was 1.7 percent.

The inflation rate in December was 6.5 percent. That is at least a decrease from the 40-year-high of 9.1 percent in June following a Democratic deficit spending spree and Biden’s decision to curtail domestic oil production.

Wages grew at 4.4 percent in January, which was over two percent less than inflation meaning Americans’ buying power continues to decrease under Biden.

“Over the past two years — the entirety of Biden’s presidency — wages have cumulatively risen by 10 percent while inflation has risen cumulatively by 14 percent. So wages have trailed inflation for this period as well,” Politifact’s Louis Jacobson reported.

Jobs were not “hemorrhaging” when Biden took office, nor was the economy in bad shape.

“The American people deserve better than Democrats’ runaway inflation, surging crime, open borders, and failing schools,” said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) in a statement. “I am excited for the nation to hear from Governor Sanders on Tuesday and witness a sharp contrast with this exhausted and failing Administration.”

The SOTU, As GOD is my witness, I can NOT sit and listen to the absurdity and endless lies, BULLSHIT, profuse crap, made-up provocations, irresponsible mis-direction, obfuscation, intentional FUCKING of the American people any longer. 

Biden: “Every time I hear ‘the president of the United States,’ I look around and say ‘Where the hell is he?'” pic.twitter.com/qpzZalgyUW 

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I keep looking but I don’t see any phrase that implies “except for misinformation



– loss of -2.5 million jobs… 📉😔
+ abracadabra🪄”seasonal adjustment” of +3 million
= Presto! ✨+517k jobs ✨ (adjusted) 🥳 https://t.co/W4nLnm6ij0


TRENDING: BREAKING: General Mattis Denies Reports - Says He HAD NO KNOWLEDGE OF CCP BALLOON Flying Over US During His Time as Secretary of Defense under Trump - ANOTHER LIE EXPOSED! (VIDEO)

Karine Jean-Pierre: “There is No Indication of Aliens or Extraterrestrial Activity with These Recent Takedowns”



GOP Rep Mike Gallagher: Biden Dropped Trump Rule That Revealed $6.1 Billion in Chinese Donations to Universities -Why Is That?
When Biden took office as vice president in 2009, the national debt was roughly $11 trillion. It has now surpassed $31 trillion. The COVID spending binge under Donald Trump (and congressional Democrats) accounts for roughly $5 trillion of that increase. Most of the rest of it was on Biden’s watch, so he can spare us the charade of fiscal responsibility.


A local healthcare system that owns three hospitals in my county lost $52 million last year. That is $1 million a week. Asked what the issue might be? “Illegals in the emergency room.” Keep it up, Brandon. Keep voting Democrat. The road to serfdom is pretty short. —Massachusetts 

NH Health Freedom DAy


You may have seen the recent Project Veritas undercover exposé in which high-ranking Pfizer executive Dr. Jordan Walker (Director, Research & Development Strategic Operations – for now) admitted that Pfizer engages in “directed evolution” experiments.  According to Dr. Robert Malone, there is essentially no difference between this and gain of function. The end result is that Pfizer is planning to engineer new mutant pathogens (deadly viruses) in order to develop new “vaccines” to cure the viruses they create!!

Brilliant corporate strategy: ‘We treat the diseases we’ve created.’

Two things seem clear at this point. First, the general public vastly underestimates the threat Covid poses to them, nor do they grasp the depth of the government's deception to convince them to disregard their own health for the sake of the economy.

Many are still slowly starting to see the picture being drawn out of the shadows as the censorship fog lifts. Consider these people still ignorant of certain facts related to Covid and Covid vaccines as victims. Be patient and kind and allow them space to gain acceptance. Remember part of the acceptance means coping with the reality that some knowingly did harm.

Our goal should be to assist the majority to come to consensus on Covid reality. Only then, can accountability and transparency be fully achieved.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has started tracking another potentially deadly coronavirus variant called Orhrus. The discovery of  CH.1.1. means the scamdemic is still far from over.

The Covid-19 vaccine has been formally added to the routine immunization schedule for children ages 6 months and older by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Inside every progressive is a fascist waiting to be unleashed. Look no further than what happened to New York City (NYC) teachers who refused the COVID shot. The conservative legal group Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), which is defending the teachers in state court, said the New York Department of Education (DOE) flagged the personnel files of NYC teachers who were fired because they declined the COVID vaccine. The teachers were assigned a “problem code” for not taking the shot.  The files and the teachers’ fingerprints were then sent over to the FBI and the New York Criminal Justice Services.

FAA Quietly Indicates that US Pilots’ Hearts Are Damaged After Taking Vaccines https://t.co/nL7iIUoNZu



Recently published data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) shows that there has not been global warming for the past eight years. And NASA satellite data reportedly confirms that evidence, showing no global warming for eight years and five months, according to JunkScience’s Steve Milloy. But leftists are quick to warn people against drawing the obvious conclusion that the world isn’t about to become a burning ball of fire.

Because the Left sees "Global Warming" or Climate Change or whatever it is today as a chance to grab power. It was always about grabbing power.

Standard authoritarian liberal approach” to the whole issue that you see over and over again. It’s an approach that goes something like this, “I am a good and compassionate person and to prove that, I am proclaiming that I have no interest in owning or using (fill in the blank here with cars/SUVS/Bitcoin/gas stoves/pets/meat/the police/cross country airplane flights/oil, natural gas and coal/incandescent light bulbs/etc., etc.), so, therefore, it’s bad for society and should be banned because it takes up unnecessary resources, which therefore means it’s bad for the environment.

Simplified, it looks something like this. “We don’t need this” (which, by the way, often turns out to be pure hypocrisy) becomes “No good people need this,” which eventually turns into, “We need the government to make this illegal.”

Hillary Clinton Teams Up with Rockefeller Foundation to Push ‘Digital Cash’ to Fight Climate Change

WINDOWS 11 Spyware

As it turned out, an all-new Windows 11 PC that was never used to browse the Internet contacted not only Windows Update, MSN and Bing servers, but also Steam, McAfee, geo.prod.do, and Comscore ScorecardResearch.com. Apparently, the latest operating system from Microsoft collected and sent telemetry data to various market research companies, advertising services, and the like.


 That's all...

Sunday, February 05, 2023

January 1/28-2/5

The Weekend 1/28-2/4

Yikes, a large plain Pizza in town is now $14...   A small pizza is $10.00.

We used to go to C&S Pizza in Pepperell a small cheese was $.99 ea back in the 70s.   Damn we're getting old...

Rosie is packing up the Christmas ornaments this weekend, I cleared the snow off of the pellets and moved a 1/2 ton to the dog house porch.

Speaking of expensive, drinks at the local Chinese food place for a Kahlua drink is $9.00 now, I guess we're drinking at home now...

Oh, the allure of a humble nap...

The yard and driveway is still a skating rink... 

Now for some obligatory Deer Pics, the three deer cam in early Sunday evening, one lagging behind so she's not in any of these pics.  They didn't stick around long, I was making them nervous.  They are much more carefree with Rose.

We had four visitors Saturday evening, two large does and the much smaller twins from last year.

Woke up on Saturday Feb 4th to -14 degrees without wind chill.  yikes...

We lost power 3x on Saturday, it came back on right away each time though, I really didn't feel like starting the genny up.

Sunday morning early it felt warmer at around nine degrees, I sat in the silence, enjoying the stillness of the day before the world wakes, I listen to the water flowing over the dam on the other side of RT114 before day breaks, the wind has gone... 

Fixing the yard hill & Labor day

  Fixing the yard hill: Tuesday we're got 8 yards of 3/4" crushed stone, and 18 yards of loam delivered to fix a lot of sloped are...