Saturday, July 29, 2023

Got Storms?

Got Storms?


We received several text and emergency phone alerts of flooding in Goffstown and New Boston last Sunday, so far we're high and dry!

Lots of still green blackberries on the bushes! Should be good eating if they don't all rot in the rain this week thru Friday.

Winston had a puppy night Sunday night into Monday waking Rose up pretty much every hour through the night.  Ugh...

Weee, Ha, Ha, Ha,

“Hellish heat wave searing US likely to drag on for weeks“ It’s Called July & August

Rose saw the Bobcat stroll across the deer-yard last Monday

We've had a couple of deer coming in nightly, I put out a new deer block on Friday night in case we're short on grain, we are... Grain store has been out of Wildlife Grains we feed for weeks now.

James and his girlfriend Lee came over Tuesday evening we went out to Ollie's for dinner, food was good service not so much.

96 degrees "Feels like" temps for Thursday and Friday coming up, ugh, wicked humidity too.

Thursdays storm hit Manchester hard, lots of debris in the roads on my way home.

Saturday they're predicting more bad T'storms, possible flooding.

Saturday we're headed over to Dads to install the slider handle, and adjust the door so it slides a bit easier.



Monday, July 24, 2023

Connie and George were up to visit

Connie and George were up to visit

We all had a blast!  Saw some folks we haven't seen in forever it seems. James had to leave early to get to work.  Great to hear how everyone's lives are going.


Sunday, July 16, 2023

And life goes on...

And life goes on...

Rosie was vacuuming last Saturday morning, it scared Winston so bad he ran into the dining room and piddled... He then hugged my leg hiding behind me. He very cautiously went in to the kitchen to check out the vac once she turned it off.

I'm melting... 3 scorcher days in a row!

It was awesome seeing a bunch of family on Saturday, at Mom & Dads for ice cream and eclair pie. Maddie is off to Utah the end of the month, after a stop in Iceland, can you tell I'm jealous?  Asked her to send pics so we can enjoy vicariously!  Mom, Dad, Joe, Amy, Maddie, Lisa, Sheila, Rick, Todd and Nancy too!

Nobody won Mega-millions on Friday, no winner, there's still Powerball and another so a couple more chances to win.

Weather says General thunder this Saturday evening, what does that even mean?

Dad I can stop by after work this week to help with trimming the bush out back, let me know the distance between the screws on the slider door and I can pick it up on my way by Home Depot.

Winston was cute cleaning Zeb's ears Saturday night, just like Hannah did.

Winston had a rough night having to go out at 11pm, 12pm, 2am, and then at 5am he started whining and barking again.   I guess puppies are like babies, you forget what babies are like, good thing or nobody would ever have more than one, lol!

I was looking at Winston this morning, I swear the little guy grew 3" longer overnight!


Winston aren't I cute
Winston cleaning Zebs ears
Winston & Zeb

Worlds Largest LED Sphere 2.3 Billion dollars in Vegas

We're on flood watch, only issue here is the basement if we get too much rain at once,  I have a sump pump if needed.

Winston and I were in the living room Tuesday evening, Rose was outside with Zeb, she walked by the back windows, and Winston saw her, not realizing it was her. Winston ran to me, whipped around hackles up and barked real loud 3 times, we went to check it out, "good boy Winston!" he's going to be a good protector.

    Just Kidding...

Monty Python’s 1979 hit movie “Life of Brian” featured a song about optimism:

Some things in life are bad
They can really make you mad
Other things just make you swear and curse
When you're chewing on life's gristle
Don't grumble, give a whistle
And this'll help things turn out for the best
Always look on the bright side of life

So the clothespin bag saga is solved... Rose saw a Wren this morning fly out of the hanging bag, so we'll sacrifice it and won't clean it out anymore. The bag is full of leaves, sticks and moss.  We'll keep an eye on it.


Interesting: SpaceX has explained that it will reroute satellites if there's even a small chance of collision, so we're not talking about 25,000 avoided collisions. However, the satellites are clearly passing SpaceX's red line with much greater frequency as it expands the network. Even a single high-speed crash in space would have disastrous consequences, spreading debris that could damage or destroy other satellites. There's even a theoretical outcome called Kessler Syndrome, where a chain reaction of space junk collisions makes low-Earth orbit inaccessible. Avoidance maneuver protocols are going to be essential as the population of satellites grows by thousands or even tens of thousands in the coming years. Otherwise, space missions will become even more risky than they already are.

I fed the deer, around 8pm, and mowed the front, back and side yards before the Skeeters drove me in around dark Thursday night.  I've mowed so many times

Some nice lightning and thunder last night, sounded like huge slabs of granite toppling on each other.

We've not seen the fawn at all.  Doe is out at 12:30pm Saturday she still looks fat???

Winston is growing up so fast seems every day he's gotten bigger

This is funny... I looked up “what do I do if my squirrel has heat stroke?” and google was like, “Did you mean to ask: ‘IS YOUR SQUIRREL SPLOOTING?‘” I was like, “I absolutely was not” but I still clicked on it and turns out that tons of people are finding seemingly dead squirrels splayed out in their yards and it’s become so common that there is a name for it. Squirrel Splooting. Google assures me that seeing squirrels splooting is very normal during heat waves because they press their bellies to the the cooler ground to regulate their temperature and that you should just leave some water out for them

Rose is vacuuming again we'll see if Winston is still afraid

Man did it pour out Saturday evening and into Sunday

We were supposed to take Mom and Dad up to the High Tide in Hillsborough for seafood but the flood and tornado warnings coming in all Sunday morning postponed the trip, we'll wait for some better weather!

Stay dry folks...



Saturday, July 08, 2023

It's July already!

It's July already!

We're starting to settle into a rhythm with the puppy.  He's still getting up in the middle of the night wanting to go out. 

Well, well turns out some folks did have fireworks for the 4th, 5th, and 6th, OMG the skeeters are bad though.

We picked up the new car yesterday. Hyundai Santa Fe

Winston was off to get his 1st round of puppy shots at the vet Wednesday.  He did fine, he slept a lot today.

Winston & Zeb wrestling, it looks worse than it is, Zeb is very gentle with little Winston.

I thought all the mushrooms in the yard was bad, the slugs this year are wicked too.  They're everywhere.

Our dehumidifier is working overtime in the basement this week.


Camper dehumidifier emptied out.  I checked the battery attached to the solar setup today.

Roses clothespin bag has someone repeatedly trying to build a nest inside it over the past day or so, probably a chippy.

It's supposed to be a Scorcher Thursday and then again on Friday, before it gets too hot this morning I trimmed up a bunch of the bushes we've been talking about making it difficult to mow and otherwise get around the property.  With all the rain everything is sprawling like crazy here on the farm.  I got Dad's Plum tree trimmed pretty good, as well as the Russian Olive trees along the property line that I'd already trimmed heavily in the spring! Four trailer loads later I was done.

I mowed the road out in the field and along the workshop already almost 2 feet tall in spots.

   Rose & I getting trampled with all the gotta-do stuff around here this year!

I got the foundation sprayed for bugs, we've seen Black Ants crawling around.

Bear hasn't been back since tipping the grain barrels that one time several weeks ago.

Rose got the kiddie pool filled for the pups Thursday morning, they had a blast after lunch today.

TD BANK! on Thursday Oh No, Great!  "Due to a temporary system issue, Customers are unable to access up-to-date account information online, in person or over the phone. Thanks for your patience as we work on a fix as quickly as possible."  I think we may finally be done with them!  Numerous "to many to mention" issues over the years, the bank is just too convenient for us is the problem!  Something else to do, we'll add it to the list!

Grape Jelly/Jam for the birds, How is it possible I'd never heard of this before this year?  It's amazing the number of birds that love this stuff, Downy woodpeckers, Catbirds, Sparrows, and a couple Orioles and their hungry brood, they're teaching their fledglings to land on the dish with the jelly.

We're off to pickup grain and another deer block today.  We got two over in Hooksett, these blocks are bigger and are mostly big grains everyone including the crows love them.

Winston is not so sure about the sprinkler, Zeb loves it though.

Maddies back for the weekend, we'll stop over Dad's to see her off, she's heading to Utah at the end of the month.

Jarrod's family is up north camping, the campground they are at got deluged Friday, 2" in a short time, he said there was 2" of water everywhere, they managed to stay dry, others didn't fare as well.

That's it for homestead news...

Monday, July 03, 2023

More darned rain

Winston is learning to go outside more and more.

Zebulon and Winston tried out the new Kiddie Pool this week

We smelled the skunk last week one morning, we haven't smelled him around since though.

“Savor this time. You’ll never be 17, 26, 43 or 63 ever again.” 

Tis the season for baby birds. And let me tell you, they're everywhere here.

Feels like it's gonna be a hot one Sunday the 25th!  Already sweating while out with the dogs early morning.

The Downy woodpeckers are eating the grape jelly we put out now too. Seems everyone loves this stuff

Two does came into the deer-yard Sunday evening.  The bucks that came in over the weekend were the first we'd seen in two years.

Monday rain and yet another 7 day stretch of rain, flood warnings too.  The roads were heavily puddled on my drive from Work.

Rose was sitting on the back porch on Wednesday afternoon and saw a Coyote run through the field up from the pond across the burn pile to the Birch trees and disappeared into the woods.  We haven't seen them in years!

Mowed again Thursday night after work

I need a haircut...

Our two bucks came in again Thursday evening around 6pm, they are both in full velvet antlers.

Winston slept through the night for the first time Wednesday night, YAY! And again on Thursday night I think we'll call it a trend

It's actually supposed to warm up next week, we may even get some nice sunny days.

We're looking at cars again this weekend.  We bought a Hyundai Santa Fe, got a great deal too!  Much larger than the Tucson we have. We pick up the new car on the 4th!

The Girl who Cried Wolf!

Whoever that guy was who said 'Tempus Fugit' wasn't fucking around.
It is absolutely amazing how much faster time goes by as you get older. You'd really think if god truly had a sense of compassion (and maybe a sense of humor) he'd make it go slower for those of us who don't have as much time left.

This little buck patiently waiting in the pines for Rose to put out feed Saturday July 1st in the evening

It poured on Sunday July 2nd, Winston didn't want to go outside in it to do his business, he was not impressed


It's been pretty quiet around here, a couple of booms, but not as many as past years leading up to the forth, maybe the rain the past couple days...

Mike Rowe: The INCREDIBLE Story Behind the National Anthem

It's March

It's March  Monday still very windy, it's howling out there... Tuesday morning still windy out Wednesday 7 degrees out, winds died d...