Monday, July 03, 2023

More darned rain

Winston is learning to go outside more and more.

Zebulon and Winston tried out the new Kiddie Pool this week

We smelled the skunk last week one morning, we haven't smelled him around since though.

“Savor this time. You’ll never be 17, 26, 43 or 63 ever again.” 

Tis the season for baby birds. And let me tell you, they're everywhere here.

Feels like it's gonna be a hot one Sunday the 25th!  Already sweating while out with the dogs early morning.

The Downy woodpeckers are eating the grape jelly we put out now too. Seems everyone loves this stuff

Two does came into the deer-yard Sunday evening.  The bucks that came in over the weekend were the first we'd seen in two years.

Monday rain and yet another 7 day stretch of rain, flood warnings too.  The roads were heavily puddled on my drive from Work.

Rose was sitting on the back porch on Wednesday afternoon and saw a Coyote run through the field up from the pond across the burn pile to the Birch trees and disappeared into the woods.  We haven't seen them in years!

Mowed again Thursday night after work

I need a haircut...

Our two bucks came in again Thursday evening around 6pm, they are both in full velvet antlers.

Winston slept through the night for the first time Wednesday night, YAY! And again on Thursday night I think we'll call it a trend

It's actually supposed to warm up next week, we may even get some nice sunny days.

We're looking at cars again this weekend.  We bought a Hyundai Santa Fe, got a great deal too!  Much larger than the Tucson we have. We pick up the new car on the 4th!

The Girl who Cried Wolf!

Whoever that guy was who said 'Tempus Fugit' wasn't fucking around.
It is absolutely amazing how much faster time goes by as you get older. You'd really think if god truly had a sense of compassion (and maybe a sense of humor) he'd make it go slower for those of us who don't have as much time left.

This little buck patiently waiting in the pines for Rose to put out feed Saturday July 1st in the evening

It poured on Sunday July 2nd, Winston didn't want to go outside in it to do his business, he was not impressed


It's been pretty quiet around here, a couple of booms, but not as many as past years leading up to the forth, maybe the rain the past couple days...

Mike Rowe: The INCREDIBLE Story Behind the National Anthem


Biden Drags US Confidence To ‘Lowest’ Point, Equal To Venezuela: Gallup
Posted on July 3, 2023 Confidence in America has been put in a free fall by the presidency of Brain-Dead Biden, according to a sobering and critical new Gallup report.  Handed a nation on the rise in 2020 by the former Trump administration, the line tracking the confidence Americans have in their national government has been on a non-stop decline.  At 46% in 2020, it now squats at 31%.

Puppet Masters Behind Joe Biden Head Back To Drawing Board As Citizens Respond To Supreme Court Ruling That Would Have Screwed Most Americans. The authority to “modify” statutes and regulations allows the Secre-tary to make modest adjustments and additions to existing provisions, not transform them. Prior to the COVID–19 pandemic, “modifications” issued under the Act were minor and had limited effect. But the “modifications” challenged here create a novel and fundamentally different loan forgiveness program. While Congress specified in the Education Act a few narrowly delineated situations that could qualify a borrower for loan discharge, the Secretary has extended such discharge to nearly every borrower in the country. It is “highly unlikely that Congress” authorized such a sweeping loan cancellation program “through such a subtle device as permission to ‘modify.’ ”  Biden’s plan was widely acknowledged by experts to be unconstitutional. Even House Speaker Nancy Pelosi agreed Biden lacked the authority to forgive student debt. “People think that the president of the United States has the power for debt forgiveness,” she said last July. “He does not. He can postpone, he can delay, but he does not have that power. That… has to be an act of Congress.”

We’ve all known this to be true, but today the Supreme Court made it crystal clear: If you take out a loan, you pay it back. Our country can’t afford Biden’s giveaways.

In an interview on MSNBC’s “Deadline: White House,” President Biden accused the Court of ignoring what “the Constitution says: We hold these truths to be self-evident, all men and women are created equal, endowed by their creator.” That is actually a reference to the Declaration of Independence, but it was the substance of the point that was so baffling.

Biden’s comments today about the SCOTUS decisions were embarrassing. He put the entire blame on Republicans and the MAGA justices on the Court. He took no accountability for a bogus vote catch that he pulled off to help him win the 2020 election. He deceived millions of Americans but feels if he takes the microphone, goes into whisper mode, and continues to lie to America, he can deflect the blame and come out looking like the hero who tried to help the students. What a sham.

The reality, is that Biden “unilaterally tried to create a nearly half-trillion-dollar federal program that did not have the votes to make it through Congress, and the Court stopped him from breaking the law.” 

We all suspected biden was a sock puppet for Obama. Now we know.

HE’S SHOT: Joe Biden Says Putin Is “Losing the War in Iraq”

TEST LAUNCH OF RUSSIAN NUCLEAR TORPEDO MAY BE IMMINENT — Situation in Ukraine Deteriorating, China Making Moves, Biden Administration Failing to Protect National Security in Increasingly Dangerous World

'Biden is the worst President in the history of our country' 

Inflation is stealing your standard of living; as Thomas Sowell said, it is a “quiet but effective way for the government to transfer resources from the people to itself, without raising taxes.” Do you any longer doubt why the government knowingly and dramatically inflates the money supply?  It’s evident that some in government and academia want the U.S. economy to tank.  No economic metric affects everyone so broadly as inflation.  The government simply determines how much more to take from you to compensate them for inflation’s damage.  The government is always made whole; are you?  It borrows against our children’s future.  We have no comparable ability to seize wealth, as does the government—a demonstration of unrestrained evil in action.

The rise of pressure groups and the concept of moral equivalency have changed our world.  Americans used to be fiercely proud and never shied away from a frank discussion or, when appropriate, a fight.  Today, we can hardly remember who we are — Hillary Clinton devised the “basket of deplorables” remark while Biden uses the pejorative term MAGA Republicans to describe those of us who believe in an America first agenda.  Democrats and regressives lead an ongoing smear campaign, and we let them get away with it!

Despite the tired “immigrants make us stronger” platitudes, none of the aforementioned activities serve to make America stronger, more prosperous, or more cohesive. The once-triumphant victor of the Cold War and lone superpower is now busy managing its own self-created decline.

On America’s current trajectory, our future is not well-kept suburban neighborhoods, but a nation of dilapidated Bidenville slums built to deal with our elites’ disastrous policy failures. The window to avoid this future is closing rapidly. 

This fact has been blindingly obvious to anyone with two eyes and a brain for so long that it’s not exactly bombshell investigative journalism, but the media were so intent on getting rid of Trump — Orange Man Bad! — that they were willing to pretend they didn’t see the same facts the rest of us saw. So now, with the Republicans controlling the House Oversight Committee, and the documentation of this scandal steadily drip, drip, dripping into public view, the media have belatedly decided, “Hey, you know what? Maybe this is a real story after all.” 

‘This President Is Compromised’: Comer Alleges Biden Family Has Accepted More Than $40 Million From Foreign Entities 

In order to save democracy, “screw your freedom!” In order to save democracy we must end religious freedom, or what totalitarians call “religious discrimination” and “Christian nationalism.” In order to save democracy we must end economic freedom. In order to save democracy, we must become a totalitarian uniparty state where that uniparty knows what is best for everyone!

Democrats have been fomenting rage against America, American institutions, and American law for decades. They have been slowly destroying American democracy from the inside by claiming it is racist, sexist, and patriarchal. And then they lie about being the saviors of democracy.

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