Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The SPRING of 2009 has arrived!

SPRING around here, Finally!

Well it's finally officially SPRING in New Boston!

This weekend we took the twins out for a hike, and a picnic, we picked the first of the 2009 Pussy Willows down at Lake Chloe. Much thinner than last year, not sure why.

We saw two Mallards fly into the pond last week.

Today March 24th I saw a pair of duck butts (You do know what a duck butt is right?) in the pond on my way home.

Then while eating dinner Rose noted all of the Robins that were now picking their way across the field, in the bare areas looking for worms.

Then I heard the commotion "DEER, DEER" "Out by the burn pile!" "See 'em" Look at them, "Oh look there's two of them".

Rose thinks it's the mother and skipper from last year. Both looked good.

We've never had deer this early out in the fields, usually they don't show until around fathers day.

Maybe there's too much snow out in the woods. There are still several areas in the field with over a foot of snow I found that out Saturday while trying to get the electric fence back in order so I could put the horse and goat out.

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