Saturday, January 23, 2010

You're how old? My Birthday, 7am, and I need Coffee...

I got up early this morning, I distinctly smelled coffee, so I got up. Must have been next door making coffee, so I started the coffeepot and "What do my wondering eyes do appear?"  Looking down the driveway like I do every morning,  "What the heck is that looks like a bees nest hanging in the bushes", how could I have missed that before?  Then I see another curiously round orb hanging in the tree...  Hmm,  off to the dining room to get a better look, Oh Nooo!  Appears there were elves here overnight, yes overnight as the display is covered with frost...  I watch CSI you know.   Rose went out to take a better look, (or maybe so she could laugh out loud without me hearing...) she walked down to the barn because she said all the cars driving by were slowing down to a crawl... She had to see why... Oh no, Donnie wait'll you see...  

What is that a bees nest?
 Oh It gets better....

Oh, And there's more...
We're not done yet...

And still more... Yes those are little Pink Flamingos in the snow to the left of the barn.
Oh and as I'm taking these pics the neighbor walks by
and asks me "who's 50!" Ugh...

But wait look, someone left footprints, perfectly preserved footprints in the snow,
they look like girl boots to me... remember I watch CSI... you can even read the boot size...
I will find you....  and when I do just wait... you'll be old some day too...  huahahaha...

Well it's a good day to be "50" anyway!
 Thanks whoever you are, it made my morning!

WInter Wonderland

A "winter wonderland" Monday morning we received another 4+ inches of snow. I still need to get the snowblower running and remove it before we get the rain this weekend and it freezes solid. The sun came out and lit up the Blue Spruce out front!

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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Good day for a pot of Chili

Twenty degrees and windy today so Rose and I made up a three gallon pot of Chili this morning, it's been simmering all day, ok since 10am anyway, (pretty good batch too.) I've had the arduous task of testing it as we added the appropriate ingredients, Stew beef, hamburg, Chili pepper, some Thia peppers, Onion, black pepper, salt, chili powder, Red Hot and Cumin as the day progressed, and finally at 3pm the beans we added, now at 4pm it's very good. 

I made us ap couple of pans of Penguin Brand corn bread (one of the best there is in a mix, if you can find it)

Jarrod, Crystal and the boys are coming over for 4pm to help me test the Chili out, if it's a good batch we'll give them some and freeze some for later.

Off to get me some Chili...

Saturday, January 02, 2010

January 2nd snow

Well here we are in 2010 "Twenty Ten"

I just snow-blo'd the walks and front yard for the dogs.  Fairly light though 6-8" of sticky snow, we're supposed to snow pretty much through tomorrow morning, 'be interesting to see if we can keep the lights on today.  No sign of the fox today I looked, saw a few mole/mouse/chippy holes over by the barn though.

Just read the net jobs data since 2000-2009 says "net zero"  lets hope this improves soon.

Both of the pellet stoves are cranking it'll soon be to hot and we'll have to tone them down a bit.

Fixing the yard hill & Labor day

  Fixing the yard hill: Tuesday we're got 8 yards of 3/4" crushed stone, and 18 yards of loam delivered to fix a lot of sloped are...