Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Red Fox returns

I think we have a pair of foxes visiting now, this one's colors are fading and appears to be shedding and quite thin. She/he had no trouble grabbing a mouse or two while playing and rolling around out in the back field.
I took quite a few pics, she'd look up to see me then decided I was far enough away and continue her hunt, we were all outside when Rose saw her the boys included.

I snuck down the hill to get a few closer shots.
I crouched my way over to the greenhouse and brought the camera up to my eye easing around the greenhouse and was rewarded witha a few more shots before she decided I'd gotten close enough.

Had enough, I'm outta here...

One last look back before she disappeared into the brush.
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The Great Easter Egg Hunt

James , Jason, Jarrod and Crystal came over for Easter dinner and an  Egg Hunt today, the boys had fun hunting for eggs, eating candy and playing baseball.

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Meet the newest runaway of the week, I say that because it's the second dog we've had show up this week.

Nice dog real friendly, not to trusting though. He was contemplating crossing Rt 114 at the crossroads. Not a good thing, Rosie saw him running up the road earlier in the day. Turned out well though, we held him here at the jail for a couple hours, his owner showed up at around 5pm to pick him up.

Thanks to the New Boston PD, and Animal Control Officer in Weare, NH who got in touch with the owner.
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Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to You and Yours!
I'm hoping the weather holds for the Easter egg hunt later this afternoon!
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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Snow Fox

Spring is coming in much faster than we'd like, Rose has been working hard on
the yard getting everything looking nice.

Don't know how I missed posting this Red Fox that came through a couple weeks ago, ran up to the Honeysuckle grabbed a mole or mouse and trotted off.

The Deer are back we had two big does walk through Thursday evening before Harley scared them off.

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Bluebirds are sticking around again.

Looks like there is at least one breeding pair of Bluebirds that have decided to stick around this year.
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Fixing the yard hill & Labor day

  Fixing the yard hill: Tuesday we're got 8 yards of 3/4" crushed stone, and 18 yards of loam delivered to fix a lot of sloped are...