Rosie baked up a half a dozen zucchini cakes and stored them in the freezer, she left one out for me!
Garden Update August 21st, 2011
We broke out the dehydrator and will start dehydrating some of the herbs, peppers, onions, maybe we'll try some broccoli this year.
The tomatoes are starting to come in now. We definately need to go to larger cages and stakes as a lot of the cages fell over this year, no losses, just harder to pick.
James and Jason's Mammoth Pumpkins have long since taken over the big garden, they have spread more than 25 feet in multiple directions.
The Butternut, Buttercup and Acorn squash are almost ready, the vines are starting to die back now, we've picked a few already. The summer squash is putting out it's last squash this week and the zucchini is almost done as well.
Peppers did well this year for a change.
Kale is doing great, both the curled, and Russian variety are waiting for a good frost.
Gourds are flowering like crazy, if they're going to put out any goards they'd better start soon, just lots of vines and flower so far.
The potato vines are just starting to die back now we're still a month or so away from digging them up yet.
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