Wednesday, December 07, 2011

It's Rainin' it's Pourin'`

It's 8:30 pm here and we already have two inches of rain and counting.  It's supposed to turn over to snow and give us 2 to 6" inches of the white stuff and while this is a Nor'easter technically it doesn't appear it's going to be  that bad.  Let's hope!

UPS dropped a couple of boxes today, hmm wonder what's in 'em?

Barn was fry tonight when I went down so the patch I put on seems to have worked.  We bought our roofing from a Home improvement store last time, appears it wasn't shall we say the best quality, it failed after 4 years...  This new stuff I purchased is a much heavier grade roofing.  We shall see.

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Fixing the yard hill & Labor day

  Fixing the yard hill: Tuesday we're got 8 yards of 3/4" crushed stone, and 18 yards of loam delivered to fix a lot of sloped are...