Saturday, February 09, 2013

OK, Enough of the Snow already!

Winter Wonderland it's not!

We've got some major cleanup ahead of us folks!  Wow,  we had 4-6 inches last night when I went up to bed.  I woke up at 6am this morning to a major snow event! We have at least 24" inches on the ground and they're predicting it to continue until at least 1pm, another 4 hours...  

On a positive note, it looks like I'll get to try out the Snowshoes I got last Christmas and never had a chance to try out.

 6am ish...   Chloe first thing this morning...
 That Wire Fence you can see in the background is 36" tall
Chloe says yeah, this is fun...
Now I'm cold, can i go in?  Harley covered in snow...  We're having to sweep snow out of the doorways of the house.  I opened the front door this morning and had to push the 2 feet of snow away with the door.

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