Sunday, May 25, 2014

And the sky darkened... Hailstorm!


Well once again we're behind in getting all of the vegetable gardens in, here we are May 25th and we're still cleaning up, there's always to much to do in the spring... maybe we'll get it planted later this weekend.  Sometimes things happen for a reason, sometimes we just need to listen... 

We got a good old fashioned hail storm this evening.  The sky got real dark over towards the Dunbarton/Weare direction, that is never a good thing, all of our bad storms come from that direction.  We heard the thunder then saw the lightning flashing to the Northeast.  I heard the rain start hitting the tin roof on the workshop and ran for the house.

I heard a familiar clicking sound on the windows, HAIL, oh crap

 Dark Skies

 The hailstorm begins
 Amongst the plants out front.
  Hail out in the backyard
 Hail everywhere, 1/4" to quarter size.
 The storm ended with a nice Rainbow though...

Sunday, May 04, 2014

American Woodcock strutting his stuff.

American Woodcock strutting his stuff.

YouTube member Stegmeier53 stopped his car to take a picture of an American Woodcock and had "Something About Us" by Daft Punk playing on his radio. The bird danced his away across the road to the beat of the music!

Fixing the yard hill & Labor day

  Fixing the yard hill: Tuesday we're got 8 yards of 3/4" crushed stone, and 18 yards of loam delivered to fix a lot of sloped are...