Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Is it over yet? The November Nightmare!

Is it over yet? 

 The November Nightmare!

We still don't know who'll be president here in the US, Biden and Trump have both claimed the presidency... The news is giving it to Biden before it is certified/verified or whatever we are calling it... Trump is suing several states for mismanaging the votes.   Oh what fun...

Last of the never ending Fall chores, we put the boat away on Saturday, bungieing a tarp on it and putting it in the Carport we use in summer for equipment, then we were off to vacuum the remaining leaves from the yard using the mower with the bagger attached creating huge clouds of dust. If you don't mow them up they'll kill the grass.

Crazy Bat
We were taking a break from tarping the camper looking up I saw this bat at around noontime flying around, and around the house swooping crazily diving for bugs I assume. "He must be one of ours" I said, made Rose laugh. It probably was though... probably out and about for a few last bugs before a long winters nap.

Two BIG lab males a Chocolate and a Yellow strolled into the yard, of course no License tags, one of the dogs has a valid 2020 rabies tag though, I took a pic of it and we're going to call the vet listed there on the tag. Hannah wasn't impressed and barked the entire time, we managed to corral them along with our neighbor Gary into our enclosed garden, just then the dogs owners drove by in a pickup, they jumped out grabbed the two dogs, and were off...  That never happens, we usually end up with a few strays every year...  normally having to hold the dogs in a pen or barn until animal control, or the police can get here, or we end up taking them to the town shelter until their owners arrive. 

Hannah & Zebulon

We were sitting admiring our raking and mowing job on Saturday when I saw a cat walking across the neighbors yard, "Look a cat" I said to Rose, "Bobcat she said, no tail..."  I took a quick pic with my phone and yeah its a crappy cell phone pic... You can just barely make out the Bobcat kitten in the pic (just above center in the opening between the gazebo and garden fence in the pic below).

We put a tarp cover on the Camper today, Rose coated the roof in the spring but we don't want to take a chance, the tarp is cheap insurance.

While we were looking at the Bat I couldn't help noticing the huge load of pine cones in our pines.  Lets hope this isn't a forewarning of the winter we're going to have.



Thank you Veterans. Thank you to all those who served!  Thank you to those who died protecting our freedoms.

 Royalty Free Veterans Day Clip Art, Vector Images ...


That's all for now!

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