Sunday, January 24, 2021

Another day older


 Another Day Older


Yup hit the big 61 today!  Who'd a thought... Brother Joe is 50! Wow!

We're getting some fresh slow fluffy snow that'll amount to an inch or so and then melt in a day.  Kinda liking that.

The new Deer feeder we hung up with the boys a couple weeks ago is doing great, we fill it up with 2-3 Folgers coffee cans a couple times a week.  Jarrod got us some High protein feed, good stuff, seeds, peas, lentils, lot of variety in it.   We're looking at Oat blends now too as we can't feed "Wildlife grains" in an automatic feeder that everything around here loves due to the molasses in it, it's too sticky.

Have to get the two cars inspected this week. PITA.

Bluebirds are here Rose went down to the barn to retrieve the bag of meal-worms, they are interested in the poke-weed berries right now though.

1st Robin of the year today in the Apple tree out back this morning.

Cold last night 14 degrees. Brr

A small downy woodpecker is attacking the back corner of the house, he/she already has a few holes through the corner trim board, I offered to get out the pellet gun...



Stay Safe out there...

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