The Big February Snow
Seems like every storm is the storm of the century now, everything is blown so out of proportion on the "News" it's maddening! Ever since they took to naming all of the storms each one blows up my phone, internet articles, news, (Hah, "news", that's a good one). This Winter Storm Orlena looks to be a fair sized storm. We're supposed to get 12-18" of the white stuff and some 30-40 mph winds, I hope the power stays on, wish us luck. I just shut down the pellet stove in case we do lose power. Back onto the oil furnace we go $$.
All's good here on the farm, everyone is doing well, the dogs are going stir crazy it's hard to have them outside when it's 15 below with the wind chill. Sunday morning it was 2 below zero without the wind. We make sure to keep a good eye on them once it really gets cold, Zeb is fine, he's getting big and his fur coat is so thick the fur explosion blow-out this spring will be brutal. Hanna the Black lab on the other hand has her own coat, she just doesn't have much fur on her and her belly is pretty much bald.
Rose is on the phone with our Credit Union, she paid off the Tucson back on Jan 5th and was told we'd have the title within 10 days. You guessed it they screwed it up and were told today Feb 1st that we still owe .03. Three cents, are you kidding me?
Sheila said that Rick was digging through some old boxes and came up with this old pic WOW!
Took a walkabout around the farm just to make sure all was well, other than relocating a couple shovels all is good. Fed the deer while I was out, Rosie said there were 4-5 out there last night, I don't see them any more, they only come in after dark now. Hopefully the beat the snow that is supposed to start at 3pm this afternoon.
The Eastern Bluebirds are coming in almost every morning, Rose is putting out meal-worms, we don't know if they're eating them.
There are a ton of critters coming into the deer yard picking through the remains from the deer. It's hard to tell there are so many out there at this point. I'll have to take a good look once this snow comes in, a couple weeks ago the boys and I were out cutting some poles for the deer feeder and saw Bear prints, I'm kinda curious to see if he/she is still poking around.
Got the two cars inspected, my Tuscon passed no problem, Roses Sonata got a 2 month retest sticker, we'll have to retest in 60 days and see if a check engine light comes on.
Our grow lights came in last week, we're going to start seeds this year, plants are getting too expensive. All I need to do is figure out what we'll use for a cart to suspend the lights from. I picked up a seed heat mat with a thermostat so we should be good to go in March most likely. All of our seed orders arrived from Burpee, and Baker Creek with no issues. We picked up a couple additional packets from Ace Hardware and Home Depot has a few as well.
I have one more order to place for a Golden Nugget squash that is unbelievably good! The Golden Nugget has been tough to find as there were a couple years the squashed crossed with something else so they were in short supply. It's a softball sized winter squash.
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