Saturday, November 20, 2021

November Ramblings

November Ramblings


WOW, DAD is 87 years old!  Happy Birthday Dad!

Once in 580 years the Blood Beaver Moon

I caught this partial eclipse at 4:30 am this morning, I managed to catch it just before it went below the trees, an hour later I went out and it was gone below the tree line.

Talk about crazy food prices, I went to McD's last weekend to get a Filet O' Fish sandwich, just the sandwich, $5.41 I was told, sure enough, $5 for the sandwich and .41 tax. OMG! 

I'm sure you're seeing it too, 16' feet long 5 shelves high, yes that's FEET wide of Marshmallow Fluff at Market Basket!  (Dad's ol'e favorite) A lot of products were one deep, and all pulled forward to make it look better.

We've noticed that even the reasonable restaurants around town are no longer able to contain prices...  Where we used to be able to go out for $28 for an evening is now closer to $55+.  Even Chinese food is pricing us out...

Rose is seeing the twin fawns just before dark nightly, they have their dark coats now, and a white band around the nose in now prominent.

Stay safe out there...

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