Sunday, January 30, 2022

Winter Storm Kenan

Winter Storm Kenan

Ramping up the storm coverage, The Big Storm, It's a Nor'Easter, Oh the humanity... 

"She's coming on, boys," ..... "She's coming on strong."

Blizzard warnings in place from mid-Atlantic to New England as nor’easter looms

Possibly the "biggest storm to ever hit Boston", really??? 

“This is going to be a dangerous, life-threatening storm, especially in southern New England,” AccuWeather Chief Meteorologist Jon Porter said. 

Best get your self to the store for the obligatory bread and milk, oh and good luck with that, MB was out of all milk except SKIM on Wednesday, YUCK!  The bread isle was decimated but there was still bread.

We're clearing up the few little details here, Rose is filling a few pots in case we lose power for a while.  (A while for us is ten days without power!)  Overall we're about as ready as it gets. Wood rack is full, pellets ready, batteries are charged, generator ready, power cords upstairs, propane, Oil filled Friday morning JIT, and plenty of groceries in the house.

As we kind of expected the storm was pretty much a bust, we got a total of 6" of snow, lots of wind though.  We'll have to get out there soon enough and start snow blowing.  Shouldn't take more than a couple hours, ugh...  I mean Yay...

Found items...

I hear this every day from the media. We're so much better off, best economy ever, oh, and you can afford the new gas prices, shut up slave!


Old Man, Look at Your Life….

Wait, Is that Joe B. and Kamala?


"Here's to the Canadian truckers! Here's to standing up for freedom!"

And the Canadian truckers are not alone, it seems. Reports are surfacing of thousands of American truckers all traveling up to Canada to join the fray. The caravan is heading towards Ottawa, where it intends to turn the city into the largest truck stop of all time.

That little Freudian slip by Justine blew the lid off the entire Globalist scam. It's not about "Science!", it's about holding "acceptable views" (Read: Thoughts). Always has been, always will be.

The WORLD is watching CANADA in our convoy for FREEDOM  Over 1 MILLION people expected to arrive at our Federal parliament this weekend!


Cool Technology


Now for something completely different

Friday, January 28, 2022

More SNOW...


More SNOW... 

How much however, is still not known... 24 hours in advance...


Too Funny,  Last night I was headed off to bed, and I burped, I said "Excuse Me" and Alexa spoke right up and said "All Right!"   She apparently thinks I needed validation...

Oh, on a positive note both cars passed inspection yesterday, and out OIL delivery came today!  Yay!

Anything here ring a bell?

How can we possibly be this far apart...


 Oh, Oh, Oh, O'Biden...

Stay safe out there...

Thursday, January 27, 2022



Thursday 1/27, it's Rosie's Birthday today... Happy Birthday Rose!

Happy Birthday Greeting Card with Roses | Happy birthday ...


Inspection time...  Again

Rosie cleared the cars off, I got my cleats on and went out, drove the car to a flat spot on what is 2+" of sheer ice still... the TPM light was on, don't want that stopping our successful car inspection on Thursday. I pumped up two tires with the tire inflator "thanks Amazon...", one tire was at 21lbs the other at 26lbs, pretty sure the cutout for the TPM (Tire Pressure Management) switch is 28lbs minimum.

Inspection sticker makeover | New Hampshire | 

We're off to get the vehicles inspected at 8am this morning, at a service place we've never used before up the street, wish us luck, the cars both should be in pretty good shape, so I'm not expecting anything.  Our regular gas station just went out of business, why, I'm not sure, we drove by there last night after food shopping and not a single vehicle at the place.  Minus 8.7 degrees this morning... The RAV-4 started right up, but the Hyundai Tucson was not happy about starting, but thankfully it did.

Food shopping last night at MB, shelves were a bit empty, lots of stuff crammed into the empty spots that doesn't belong there, a lot of stuff spread way out along shelves, stacked one deep.  They were out of several things we were looking for.  Pot Roasts starting at $12... for whatever reason, all the frozen french fries were bought out, the freezer was near empty.  lol, I should'a bought that cow... 

I was talking to one on my Canada folks, they noted that car dealerships in Canada have NO CARS, not a single new car on the lots, as in None, zero, nada... wth?

OIL?  We've been dealing with the same Oil company for 25 years, never had an issue. Rose called today to get a delivery and they tell us it may be 5 or 6 days  before they can deliver, mind you we also have propane, and a wood stove if needed, we won't freeze, but what exactly is going on???  They're supposed to call us when they're on their way to fill us up. Still no call from the oil company...

We've got a family of grey squirrels that have taken up residence in the barn, they get into the trash and make a mess. 

Tuesday morning Rose and I were on the back porch today it got up to 36 today and there was a little midge flying around...  Early spring fly fishing can't be far away right?


On other fronts...

What an Ass!

I have to wonder just how long it'd take should we actually need a part for a vehicle, particularly one that requires a chip of some kind. 

Notice we're not hearing anything about the hundreds of thousands of containers backlogged at US and China ports?  I'm sure our fearless leader the miraculous JB must'a taken care of all that...  except he hasn't, the Lamestream media Blackout took care of that for him...  It's all gone, never happened... Toilet paper and computer chips for everyone... Nothing to see here, all the shortages just went away, lol!

Hard to believe we have to request this...

Hmm, starting to sound vaguely familiar lately...

“When Team Biden talks about giving away 400 million face masks, what the administration really means is it’s taking 400 million face masks worth of U.S. tax dollars and distributing it among the good citizens of the United States — and labeling it free. Same for all these Free Covid test kits they're giving out Free. This is a lie. It’s not free; it’s paid with our taxes. 

OUR PRESIDENT:  No, it’s a great asset.  More inflation.  What a stupid son of a bitch.



I'm outta here...   Stay safe!



Sunday, January 23, 2022

Saturday ramblings for 1/22/2022

Saturday & Sunday ramblings for 1/22, 23, 2022

This was originally a Test post

I'm testing out the new keyboard for my Kindle. The Kindle just snaps into the keyboard, nice, I'm liking it so far.

Kindle keyboard with Kindle inserted.

Seems to work well, it'll make it easier to post than trying to type on the silly tablet or cell on-screen keyboard.  I'm not always at my PC keyboard when an idea pops into my head or I want to make a post. We got up to 16 degrees later Friday evening.

We were out of wood pellets over by the house so we needed to un-tarp the pallet and pull off the plastic cover, my hands were frozen, freezing granular snow the culprit,  Rose came to my rescue with a pair of gloves...  And a hat, but I'm too cool for that, gloves I'm OK with.

I was about to start on dinner and realized we were low on milk, really got to get us a cow!  So we decided we'd go to the market, Langtot's in Weare up the street.  I used the remote start on my key chain, hmm, I didn't hear the car running and saw no exhaust either. great, the RAV-4 won't start.  It was on the hill so I rolled it to the barn, of course it didn't roll far enough so I could get the Tuscon by it.  That means no cars can get out of the driveway so we'd have to put the battery charger on the RAV-4 and see if we could get it to go.  Rose found a 50' extension cord and the charger in the run-in shed, (It's so nice when you can find something you haven't used in months...) I got the charger plugged in while she cleared the snow off the car.  I tried is after a few minuted and it clicked and made other funny noises, i pushed the start button again just to stop the process, we tried two more times to no avail.  I decided we'd kick the charger from 10 amps up to 60 amps and give it a go, the second time it fired up Yay!   After we picked up a couple of gallons of milk we ran downtown to the rotary just to give the battery some time to charge.  With any luck it'll start tomorrow.  

It's already 13 degrees, Rose fed the deer, as we were eating dinner 7 or so deer came in, they are still fighting over the food...

1/22 AM Minus 8 degrees this morning, it was 11 degrees as we loaded pellets, Brr.  We're at about 74 degrees in the house tonight, Rose likes it at closer to 80 degrees, once the pellet stove gets going it'll warm up.

We need to get both cars Inspected next week.  they should pass but you never know.

It's almost time to start looking at seeds we want for this year, whether or not we decide to put in the big garden.

I've a hankering for some of Johnnie Searle's Kale soup, maybe we'll make up a pot this week.  It's my Birthday on Sunday ya know, so I get to decide...   ;-)

We're going to split up the Rhubarb this spring

Rose's Thanksgiving cactus is starting to bud out again, it's really happy on the boys table, the pic above is from last thanksgiving back in November, always nice to get some color in the house in the middle of dreary winter.

Mark Cuban starts a Generic drug company with affordable prices...

Stay safe out there...

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Heavy, Wet and Icy...

Heavy, Wet and Icy...

Monday MLK Day, Blowing snow, it was light and fluffy at 5ish this morning, later at 8 it was HEAVY and wet, by 9:15am it was raining, should be fun to snow-blow.  The pine boughs are hanging low to the ground.  We'll probably lose power today, (Hah, we didn't) this is supposed to keep up for a while today. By noontime the sun was out but it's evident the rain has fully saturated the snow.

Snowblower was not happy with the sludge, damned heavy, I spent some time in the driveway there was already 4"+ of water there I just gave it somewhere to go.  The chute kept clogging and at one point the clutch wouldn't work thought I'd cooked it, it came back though in short order.

I cleared the driveway, and the front yard so we can pull up, one trip down around the deer yard, I didn't dare do more there seems to be an oil leak in the Snowblower, great!  I'll check it later.

Tuesday the yard, walkways, deer-yard and driveway of course froze up so we now have an acre or so of skating rink, well my wandering story goes on. For Xmas I got some shiny new crampons! 

Yeah, those are serious cleats the stainless cleats are 1/2" long, and they go "crunch" as I drive the points into the ice as I walk on 'em,  they bite in so good. I know my wife'll cringe, but I don't worry about walking around with these on.

I got em strapped onto an old pair of sneaks and off I went, a sanding I will go, these are serious and difficult to put on so an old pair or sneaks will work and that way I can slip them on and off.  We've put out 3 big barrels of nice dry sand this year, we go through a lot usually filling the barrels at least twice.


Well they're not exactly crampons but way more than ice cleats WOW, if I fall wearing these I probably deserved it... it is an absolute necessity to have these strap on cleats here, the whole place turns into an icy wonderland several weeks a year, some years it melts quickly others it lingers for weeks. The yard drive and walkways, barn, shop, shed and deer-yard can be cleared of snow, ice well that's a horse of a different color. I sanded the walk, driveway, around the house, and over to the deer barrels where their food is. Its a lot of sand for one storm so I don't do the walk to the deer-yard usually except for that spot Rosie has taken a couple tumbles by the garden shed where it shades the walkway, that spot alternates from liquid to icy slick quickly.

The deer are still coming in anywhere between 1 and 7 at a time, we increased their rations a bit due to the number of animals coming in. 

Dad said to try the "Screaming Sicilian" pizza, so we did, we got the thin crust Pepperoni and Loaded pizzas, they were pretty good.  I went to their website and saw they had a HOT Italian Sausage and Pepperoni, that's next on the to try list.

Product Image of Hot Italian Sausage & Pepperoni

This is their regular crust pizza, a thicker crust should be good.

We just rec'd our free from the state of NH Covid test kits, I need to look at them, someone said you need to mail them back to get the results several days later.  That doesn't sound like a rapid test to me.  The ones from your gooberment are supposed to be instant or closer to instant anyway. We'll see...

I want a turn...

This doggo has the right idea... Wheee

While it warmed up nicely today Wednesday, the cold is coming right back for the weekend.  We're supposed to be around Zero degrees both Friday and Saturday this week.

Stay Safe!


Sunday, January 16, 2022



Tuesday the 11th it was Zero degrees F this morning  when I got up to let the dogs out, it was a quick trip for them.  We watch them when the temps drop this low.

Thursday day the 13th 5 AM,  Minus 3 degrees, brr 

Friday 11/14 Zero again, up to 30 degrees below zero with the wind chill!  Fed the herd extra good tonight!

Saturday the 15th it got up to a whopping 8 degrees 

Sunday the 16th, Today! -6.7 degrees at 5am, it did warm this afternoon to 23 degrees or so, still a bit chilly with the constant breeze.

I saw this and thought it was funny, it does feel that way once the catalogs start arriving in January...  the urge to start planting is strong in this one.

Canada is starting to lock down once again...

The Dims are banging the drums it's Russia, Russia, Russia, all over again... 

Oh and what the hell, Hillary is back again???  Russia, indeed...


More folks in work are out due to the covid.  Families have it the worst as they seem to pass it around.  Work is starting Vax tracking program, Test or Vax or goodbye!  FJB!

Oh and Egg prices have doubled in price recently...

For the first time ever I have MLK day off.

Woman customer in a restaurant: “I’d like a margarita please.”
Waiter: “I’ll need to see your ID.”
Customer (giggling while showing her ID): “You think I look like a teenager?”
Waiter: “No. I thought you qualified for our senior citizen discount.”

I'm thinking Idiot!

Insurance Company Refuses to Pay Claim, Says Death by Experimental COVID Vaccine is the Same as Suicide by

Steve MacDonald /

  Seems appropriate!

Given that our knowledge is neither infallible nor immutable, why are we routinely expected to accept “the science” as infallible and immutable, i.e., “settled?”


And last but not least:

A married Irishman went into the confessional and said to his priest, "I almost had an affair with another woman."

The priest said, "What do you mean, almost?"

The Irishman said, "Well, we got undressed and rubbed together, but then I stopped."

The priest said, "Rubbing together is the same as putting it in.

You’re not to see that woman again. For your penance, say five Hail Mary’s and put $50 in the poor box."

The Irishman left the confessional, said his prayers, and then walked over to the poor box.

He paused for a moment and then started to leave.

The priest, who was watching, quickly ran over to him saying, "I saw that. You didn’t put any money in the poor box!"

The Irishman replied, "Yeah, but I rubbed the $50 on the box, and according to you, that’s the same as putting it in!"

That's all folks...

Monday, January 10, 2022

Time marches on...


Really? In a couple weeks I'll have been kicking around here for 62 years? Hard to believe. I guess it's true what they say "time flies when you're having fun"~

Playing in the background...  Time by Pink Floyd

"And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun
And you run, and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again
The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death"
The thing about bodies is they don't tell you that joints actually wear out just like car parts.
We're playing a game called Supermarket Whack-a-Mole trying to find dog food for the dogs,  we'll go to Market basket, then Hannaford, and if necessary PetSmart in Manchvegas for the Purina1 food our dogs eat. Market Basket is out of their canned food 4 out of 5 times that we go. (Yes, we have an emergency dog food supply, and worst case they can eat what we eat).

The seed catalogs are starting to come in, I've been going through them seeing what's new for 2022, I saw seed for a 3 lb. tomato called Steakhouse that Burpee has this year.  Wow I can only imagine the tomato sandwiches I could get out of one of those, I may have to place an order for seeds.  We're still on the fence about putting in the large garden, we didn't get to do much fishing, or boating, and never mind camping last year so we may either scale back the vegetable garden or simply not plant one this year. We'll wait and see.

Dad called last week and mentioned they had tried a Pizza called the The Screaming Sicilian, he said it was great and we gotta try it.  We found them at Market basket, though online they only listed Walmart as carrying them.  We'll have it this week and I'll let you know, we normally buy DiGiorno pizza, so we'll see.

The Turkeys are back again.  Zeb and Hannah watch them out the dining room window, you can just see them against the snow in the pic below.

We're supposed to be SUB Zero (-3 degrees) on Tuesday Jan 11th, I have folks at work in Wisconsin and Minnesota talking about -46 with the wind chill, yikes.


A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying: You are mad; you are not like us.” St. Antony the Great

Could be a quote right out of an episode of the Twilight Zone...


Stay Safe, Stay healthy folks!

Coming up to the new Year 2025!

New Year 2025!! This post is a little late. but here we are... Rose saw an article about the planets aligning in 2025. In January and Februa...