Sunday, January 23, 2022

Saturday ramblings for 1/22/2022

Saturday & Sunday ramblings for 1/22, 23, 2022

This was originally a Test post

I'm testing out the new keyboard for my Kindle. The Kindle just snaps into the keyboard, nice, I'm liking it so far.

Kindle keyboard with Kindle inserted.

Seems to work well, it'll make it easier to post than trying to type on the silly tablet or cell on-screen keyboard.  I'm not always at my PC keyboard when an idea pops into my head or I want to make a post. We got up to 16 degrees later Friday evening.

We were out of wood pellets over by the house so we needed to un-tarp the pallet and pull off the plastic cover, my hands were frozen, freezing granular snow the culprit,  Rose came to my rescue with a pair of gloves...  And a hat, but I'm too cool for that, gloves I'm OK with.

I was about to start on dinner and realized we were low on milk, really got to get us a cow!  So we decided we'd go to the market, Langtot's in Weare up the street.  I used the remote start on my key chain, hmm, I didn't hear the car running and saw no exhaust either. great, the RAV-4 won't start.  It was on the hill so I rolled it to the barn, of course it didn't roll far enough so I could get the Tuscon by it.  That means no cars can get out of the driveway so we'd have to put the battery charger on the RAV-4 and see if we could get it to go.  Rose found a 50' extension cord and the charger in the run-in shed, (It's so nice when you can find something you haven't used in months...) I got the charger plugged in while she cleared the snow off the car.  I tried is after a few minuted and it clicked and made other funny noises, i pushed the start button again just to stop the process, we tried two more times to no avail.  I decided we'd kick the charger from 10 amps up to 60 amps and give it a go, the second time it fired up Yay!   After we picked up a couple of gallons of milk we ran downtown to the rotary just to give the battery some time to charge.  With any luck it'll start tomorrow.  

It's already 13 degrees, Rose fed the deer, as we were eating dinner 7 or so deer came in, they are still fighting over the food...

1/22 AM Minus 8 degrees this morning, it was 11 degrees as we loaded pellets, Brr.  We're at about 74 degrees in the house tonight, Rose likes it at closer to 80 degrees, once the pellet stove gets going it'll warm up.

We need to get both cars Inspected next week.  they should pass but you never know.

It's almost time to start looking at seeds we want for this year, whether or not we decide to put in the big garden.

I've a hankering for some of Johnnie Searle's Kale soup, maybe we'll make up a pot this week.  It's my Birthday on Sunday ya know, so I get to decide...   ;-)

We're going to split up the Rhubarb this spring

Rose's Thanksgiving cactus is starting to bud out again, it's really happy on the boys table, the pic above is from last thanksgiving back in November, always nice to get some color in the house in the middle of dreary winter.

Mark Cuban starts a Generic drug company with affordable prices...

Stay safe out there...

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