Friday, April 08, 2022





Germany Increases Food Prices 20-50% Today

The FDA Announces Sixth COVID Booster

Raising the taxes on oil companies raises their COST of doing business. Staying in business requires businesses to set their prices higher than their costs. So, this would be a means of raising taxes on the consumer, while keeping their anger focused on "Big Oil", rather than "Big Government".

Bumbling Joe continues to be propped up by the MSM, his “gaffes” are getting worse and worse. He seems to have forgotten that you don’t say the quiet part out loud, and some of his pronouncements are putting our allies into uncomfortable places.  

Democrats broke a host of state laws to allow improper ballots to install a decaying derelict in the White House.

The great majority of Americans have heard the Dems loud and clear and don’t like it. Why else would MSNBC report that 71% of Americans think we’re on the wrong track? 

The destruction that Democrats have unleashed on America is mind-boggling. Who would possibly imagine that doubling gas prices would gain votes? Sanctioning Russia while simultaneously sanctioning our domestic energy industry is beyond insanity. And it has been done with such rapidity that even voters with short memory can see it. Inflation around ten percent according to the Everyday Price Index is hitting poor Americans in the wallet. 



Hah,  Stay safe out there...

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