Saturday, May 07, 2022

Working on the farm

What a work weekend it was...Wow!

The To-Do list got a little shorter this weekend.

Grandson's were over, James over Thursday evening into Friday he and Jason worked on taking down the ends of the fencing on the main vegetable garden, as well as pulling the Tomato cages up in the garden, we're ready to till now. Jason joined us Saturday and Sunday and was a huge help with a multitude of farm chores.

Picked up carpet at Lowes for the cabana floor

Boat cover was removed, folded up for next year

Cabana is up, Roof is on, Rose has all the furniture is in and she put up the lights and power cords.

We looked at the DR Field and brush mower, a no-go to start, sad face, we may combine two pieces of equipment to get one to go.

Owl kinetic sculpture wing fixed

Oil in both lawn tractors changed, both were fueled up

Re-tarped the front door of the run in shed, Rose put up the fence up front to keep the dogs out

Caulked the bottom of the roof edge of the two sheds

Picked up Fishing Licenses!

Picked up "Moss Out" for the south house roof

Charged a failing tractor battery to get it going

Trip to Hillsboro Tractor Supply for Grain, and lawn trailer tires, and a replacement tractor battery

Metal pile off to the dump... forgot to remove all gas and oil in an old lawn mower, so back home the mower went.

Spread "Moss Out" on the lawn on the shady sides of the house

Wild roses and grape vines on the hill were cut, pulled up, and put on the burn pile, one big trailer load.

Mowed some field, out back there's more to do... 

Utility Trailer lights repaired

Turned on the outside faucets in the back yard

We worked hard this weekend, a trip to the High Tide for seafood was in order, James was working there so we got to see him working hard!  Cod nuggets, and Clam strips, and a frappe was in order.

Monday 5/2 Hannah went to the new Vet in Hillsboro to get her rabies shot, and a bunch of others, lepto, lyme, etc.  Poor girl is sore tonight.

Oh Noooo....HEATING OIL is $6.02 per gallon now, we paid $2.75 last year!  Gonna be a cold winter for sure.  We're going to order wood pellets this week, look at the firewood situation, and work on getting the gas stove going.

More to do...   Spring has sprung!


Fox is back most mornings, hunting

Our Oriole's are back too.

And out Hummingbirds are back









Biden's Political and Economic Dumpster Fire


Mayorkas gives away the intent and purpose of the Ministry of Truth.  Identify disinformation, then communicate with the networked partnership of social media companies, and then target whoever made the claim.  The government then controls the speech.  The government then becomes the arbiter of what is true and/or false.  The problem as Rand Paul is drilling down, is that ultimately government will approve speech.

Joe Biden calls "folks that disagree with him" extremists! Think about that for a minute... The Brown shirts are coming folks...




Stay safe out there...




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