A Work Weekend
Have We Ever Been Busy...
This post is late, mostly from last week, I was sure I'd already published it... So hold onto your hats folks it's a Long'in
The two cars were covered in pollen on Friday when we went to pick up Jason, he's helping us out for the weekend, we cut up a downed Sumac tree that had fallen over, it was blocking the road to the boat, we'll try and free the boat from the collapsed carport this weekend too. We cut down several cherry trees, some Pine branches that were down, a Poplar, and several Russian Olives that have overgrown the road to the boat and trimmed the Forsythia bushes that got crushed by the last good snow we had a few weeks back. So much tree damage here, you look into the woods and it looks like a bomb went off.
Jason and I managed to get two pines cut down in the vine encrusted mess along the road, we got a chain around them and pulled them out using the Tucson hitch. We dragged them out behind the burn pile, on the way back I decided to use the chain and the Tucson to pull the carport back up, so far so good, it righted without any real issue. Then we pulled the boat trailer out, still good, I pulled the trailer and boat around the corner over a hummock, and "oh, no" car got stuck in the wet ground, the boat cover had 200+ gallons of water in it, I hooked up the bilge pump and pumped the water out, 30 minutes later we disconnected the trailer and got the RAV4, I connected the chain to the RAV4 frame and was able to free the Tucson, ugh, what a pain... The boat is still in the field for the time being until things dry out some more.
Rose raked up 5 or 6 piles of branches over at the pines, we picked them up using the tractor trailer.
Fishing season is coming soon, New Hampshire’s managed trout ponds starting on the fourth Saturday in April, and this year’s opening day is April 22. Freshwater Fishing licenses are up to $45.00 this year, you need to be 68 to get the cheaper $7.00 license. We go to French Pond in Henniker, and Mount William Pond in Weare for trout. We need to go up to Concord to straighten out the boat registration, it lists a much larger gas motor, all we use is an electric trolling motor on the ponds around here...
The damned ticks are back on Friday, Jason, Rose and I each found a tick on us. It's spring so tick checks are mandatory. With all the Deer, squirrels, mice, chippy, woodchucks, and fox we're bound to see a few. It's looking like we may need to put bug stuff down more than once this year. We generally see a few in the spring, and after putting bug stuff down they're rare for the remainder of the season, time, and weather will tell I suppose. So the Bug B Gone we use to control them will go down maybe Sunday, Saturday we were beat... It's supposed to rain early Sunday morning that's helpful as it gets the bug stuff down into the soil.
We did our taxes, we only owed $370 this year, yay!
MickeyD's Big Mac combo meal is now selling for $16.89 in Connecticut. I was telling Jason you could get a hamburger, small fries and a coke for $.99 back in the day, LOL gettin' old...
We can guess your education level quiz...
Rose let the dogs out on Saturday morning early, out they went then she smelled Skunk, oh, crap! Out she went with a flashlight calling the dogs back into the house, no one got sprayed tonight!
Sunday Jason and I went down to get grain, hit the bank, and got Rose's car washed, Jason and I put air in both tractor trailers, both had low pressure, one had already rolled off the rim so a ratchet strap was used to get it back on the rim and pumped up. Jason put down the Tick stuff on the lawn where the Dog's can't get to it.
Later Sunday evening Rose, Jason and I stopped over to Mom & Dad's house for Mom's B'day, they didn't want to go out to dinner, so Dad made his Shrimp, Orzo, and Tomato dish with Carrots and Spinach, it was very good! Who knew Dad could cook? I set up Voicemail on Dad's cell phone.
Lisa, I picked up the soil test kit you dropped off at Dad's, Thank You!
We're back to see the Vet for more tests with Hannah, on Monday. Her numbers were much better with the meds, she's eating, playing and drinking better too. We'll keep her on the meds another week and then cut the dosage in half to see where her numbers go.
Rose saw the Barn Swallow last week, he was fighting over a birdhouse with the Tree Swallow.
The grass in the field is growing like crazy now with the rains on Sunday and Monday.
Our Daff's and Hyacinths are blooming too!
We had 10 Deer come in the other night, there were four big does last night before dark
Saturday 4/22
- Rose and I cut 6-8 dead Elms, a couple guys from up the street stopped their truck and asked if they could help push the big 8-10" trees down so they fell on my property and not into the road, they pushed while I cut. Amazing to have great neighbors, never met them before, just a neighborly thing!
- Two big trailer loads later we were done. Mostly... The road in the field is still mushy, but we made it through without incident.
- Wild roses, pucker-brush, and grape vines made the endeavor treacherous at best.
- Cleaned up the last of the suckers under the weeping cherry.
- Maybe get the boat moved out of the field to a better location. Maybe
- Maybe pickup our fishing licenses, it's opening day today!
- We won't be putting in a garden this year, we'd like to have a summer... Well maybe I'll just put in one or two tomato plants and see what happens to them.
- Lots of maybe's...
Something got to the suet feeder, opened it and took the suet, don't think it was the bear, if it was the bear he was quite gentle about the theft... And the grain barrels are still upright, LOL
Rose moved the feed barrels out to the field by the deer yard.
One more stump Rose wants out in the front yard, it's off we go...
Spring on the farm is a never ending list of wanna-do's, and have to-do's