Friday, April 14, 2023

WOW was it Hot!

WOW was it Hot! It got up to 90 degrees mid April!

Saturday was spring here, we got the lawn tractor out of the barn, still cant believe it cranked right over. nice!

Rose an I moved some of the yard lights around, we pulled the Xmas lights off of the lilac out front, it got crushed by the last snow storm, I retied it up so it looks better.

Our piles of snow are shrinking fast, hopefully it'll be all gone on Friday with the predicted 85 degrees...

Saturday Rose and I finished sweeping and edging the brick walkway, a lot of the dirt and grass went to patching the ruts in the lawn a lot of work but it looks great!  

All the yard stakes are up Rose removed the Sand barrels on Monday.  The massive snow piles are receding, and the front lawn (mud-pit) is drying up.

We appreciate all the kind words and wishes for Hannah!

We need to take Hannah back for more test the end of the week.  Fingers crossed

It's supposed to be 85 degrees on Friday here, I'm taking the day off.  

Zeb is getting started on his yearly BLOW OUT, there'll be fur and dirt everywhere.  Dogs, gotta love 'em. Well maybe except for the shedding, slobbering, excess barking, table and floor sweeping... all minor stuff, really.

The eclipse on April 8, 2024, will be New Hampshire’s first total solar eclipse since 1959.

2024 total solar eclipse

Jarrod is playing in two bands now, "The Blue Monkey Band" is a New Hampshire based Blues/Blues Rock band, we saw them at Riley's in Milford a couple weeks ago. 

The other band Jarrod plays drums in is called "Latchkey Trio" a quieter band that plays at smaller venues is playing Thursday evening 7-10pm at the City Hall Pub in Manchester! We'll stop in for a bite to eat and watch them play.  We got there before 7pm, parking was pretty good at a garage nearby.  Crystal and Jason showed up too.  Food was great, band was awesome!

The Latchkey Trio

We were talking to Jarrod Wednesday night out in the back yard, there were 14 or so Turkey Vultures flying around over head, something died for sure. Or maybe they are just arriving on their migration.

While we were sitting out last night the gnats were out and I killed two mosquitos that landed on me, jeesh... it's time to put the Mosquito dunks in the pond. It's supposed to be close to 85 degrees on Friday, here come the bugs... 

Jason is coming over this weekend to help clear up the downed trees and brush, it's great to have some good help, it'll make the job go a lot faster than just Rose and I doing it.

We need to get the Snowblower put away in the barn, but we'll need to get a couple things out before we can do that.  Our field mower is in the way and I'm sure a bunch of other junk.

We'll get the boat out from under the collapsed carport this weekend too.  Fishing season is fast approaching.



The United States officially became a Republic in 1776, 236 years ago. The number of people now getting free stuff outnumbers the people paying for the free stuff.

CNN has recently begun to warn its audience that the U.S. economy is not doing well at all — this despite more than a year of stating the opposite. This late admission seems to come far too late to do anything about it at the ballot box for many voters, but, still, it seems to be the most obvious conclusion.

Only a few days ago, for instance, CNN published a story wondering, “Is the US economy ‘unwell?’ We’re about to find out.”

As inflation continues to soar and after suffering under rising costs in food, gasoline, rent and high interest rates for new home buys, the American people are likely screaming in gales of laughter at CNN for only just now noticing Biden’s two years of disastrous economic decisions.

Southern California Ports Close Due to Labor Shortage Amid Union Contract Negotiations, Disrupting Global Supply Chain.  This will not be helpful...

Democrats don’t see the irony of appointing themselves as ‘Protectors of Democracy’ while not trusting the voters to do it. As many as 18 states do not require identification to vote. Democrats say it suppresses the vote. Of course, it does. It keeps people who are not qualified to vote from voting… duh! And now, 7 million illegal aliens have entered our country.

It appears the American president is compromised.

“Inflation is falling,” headlined The Washington Post yesterday. “Why aren’t people noticing?”

Because inflation is NOT falling.

It is true that the annual rate of inflation is now 5%, which is considerably lower than last June, when it hit a 40-year high of 9.1%. Yet that means inflation is still growing, just at a slower pace than a year ago or a month ago. It’s also still increasing at more than twice the Federal Reserve’s goal of 2%, and it’s been above 5% for 23 of Joe Biden’s 26 months in office. When he took up residence in the White House, it was 1.4%.

Cumulative inflation since 2020 — i.e., roughly since Biden took office — is 16.6%. So even if prices literally fell right now, goods and services would still be vastly more expensive than they were not long ago.

People do notice that. 

Remember when he arrogantly boasted, “No one f***s with a Biden”? Yeah, OPEC didn’t get that memo.

Back to Biden’s tweet, yes, prices for food at home did fall 0.3% in March, but those prices are still 8.4% higher than last year and 19% higher than two years ago. Eggs fell but are up 36% from a year ago. Thanks for all the “savings,” Joe.

Pentagon Tries to Cast Bank Runs as National Security Threat

Biden Treasury Sec. Janet Yellen Says ‘The United States is Doing Extremely Well, Economically’

Conspiracy Theory Rock 

The New York Times reported that the Biden administration will abuse EPA regulations to eliminate most real car sales by 2030. The plan is to force 67% of car sales to be electric by 2032. Most Americans won’t be able to afford them, but they’ll have no other options.

“We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together; I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,”

Misspoke?, hardly. Of course, the fact-checkers scrambled to their computers immediately. If he did misspeak to that extent, with his carefully chosen words, what is he doing in the White House? See for yourself. Go to: Copy and paste.

Note that he is NOT saying that there are no persuadable voters. He is saying that in the aggregate Democrats are not persuadable. And he is absolutely correct. People who reflexively call you … or who believe that you are … Nazis, Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, Fascists, Putin’s Puppets, Homophobic, Transphobic, et. etc. etc., EITHER DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY (sorry, bitter-clingers, but they are saying it indirectly when they say the candidates you vote for are Nazis, etc. etc. etc. and the policies you support are ___phobic, etc. etc. etc.), are obviously NOT going to be swayed by facts, logic or reason.

And … it is sad I have to explain this to some of you … the people who call you Nazis, etc. etc. etc. and call the policies you support authoritarianism, fascism, ___phobic, etc. etc. etc. DO HATE YOU. Are you that in denial, or that lacking in self-esteem, or that pathetic that you actually believe that the people who say AND BELIEVE that Trump is Hitler don’t hate you?


We still haven’t seen anything yet, as inflation will be going much higher. This economic destruction is all by design too. Nothing is accidental or coincidental. Central banks are continuing to prop up the system, interestingly, and not only are we “paying the price in the form of inflation tax,” but nothing is going to get any better.

In fact, “the freakshow is going to get monumentally worse moving forward,” Mannarino added. While the whole system is being destroyed, “they are going to tell you…that what you’re seeing with your own eyes, what you’re feeling in your pocketbook is not real.”

The banking consolidation is nothing more than “the next step in their quest, and they are going to fulfill it, in issuing a completely digital system here. Fed Now, that’s part of it as well. You’re seeing the little parts come together here.” In order for this new slave system to roll out, “[the ruling class] need the old system to completely collapse.” That is a giant red flag to Mannarino, who says that because of that, we could be very close to a gigantic collapse of the entire current system.

They already have it set up and will likely blame a war to keep the blame off the central banksters and other members of the ruling class. 

“The Biden Administration is Trying to Push All 194 Nations to Give Up Their Sovereignty…to the WHO”

SHOCKING UPDATE: FBI Now Admits to 40 Undercover Agents Infiltrated the Crowds on Jan. 6 #Fedsurrection

Pfizer’s ‘Got COVID Paxlovid‘ ad campaign has drifted away alongside traditional flu season, which seems odd. Thanks to Pfizer’s COVID Jab, Flu season can be all year round, but Paxlovid can’t help, and it says that on the package insert.

  •         PAXLOVID is not authorized for use as pre-exposure or post-exposure prophylaxis for prevention of COVID-19 …

  •         PAXLOVID is not approved for any use, including for use for the treatment of COVID-19.

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