Sunday, June 18, 2023

Happy Fathers Day Dad!

Happy Fathers Day

Some of the birds are eating the Black Soldier Fly larvae, (meal-worm replacement) others not so much. 

Rose thinks one of the deer was beginning to have her fawn last night she was standing on the edge of the deer-yard all hunched over. We can't wait!

Propane prices are up $4.25 per gallon, we only needed 10 gallons so there's that!

The Poppies are flowering in the yard now, oh and the the Peonies are too!

Winston has taken to climbing up the bulk head then sliding back down it. He was up at 3AM this morning then up with me at 4AM, he did his business, and played for a while in the office, then it was sharknado time...  He gets crazy bitey when he gets tired or hungry, he'll nap or eat and becomes a sweet little puppy again... it's funny to watch, Hannah and Zebulon are doing good keeping him entertained.

Bear came in last night denting up our grain barrels, he got in and ate his fill on Wednesday night.

I mowed the front and side yards, I still need to do the back yard.

Happy Fathers Day Dad!





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