Saturday, April 20, 2024



We've had some good days, still a lot of rainy days, rivers are very high.

The Deer or Bears ate an entire deer block in two days last week, Zeb was real restless last Wednesday night, he managed to open (Crash through) the gate and was jumping up on the bedroom door, I poked the flashlight out the back door and spotted 7 deer still out in the deer yard at 12:15AM on Sunday morning.  Zeb slept in the bedroom for the first time ever, he settled down pretty quick.

Rose and I are getting all the lawn ornaments, birdbaths, some chairs and started on the tables.

Still several weeks before we can put up the gazebo, we've lost two over the years putting it up just before the wicked 50-60 MPH winds of March and April come through.

Put a new deer block out, because someone ate the other one in two days...

Shoveled up the dirt the plow left from the driveway into the pile.

We got the jelly dish replaced on the pole where we feed meal worms, Winston ate the original plastic dish.  Winston, Winston, Winston...

The Forsythias are starting to bloom, we have a couple Daffodils below the old apple tree in the back yard

Nuthatches, Grackles, Chickadees, Bluebirds, and even a Robin or two are hitting the meal worm feeder at regular intervals along with the bluebirds, the robins have pretty much moved on as the earthworms are up now.

Worked on Rose's DR weed and brush mower.  Took apart the air filter to find if full of grass and dust, banged out the filter, cleaned the head of the unit, put it all back together with some good gas and TADA, all better now!

The tree swallows, 4 or so are here all fighting over the bird houses out in the field. They can't make up their minds as to which one they want and fights break out as they go house to house.

Rose tore through the yard three days this week while we had a stretch of decent weather wrangling the puckerbrush, wild roses, and vines of Bittersweet that climb 30'+ up anything they can get a hold of, the birds depositing the seeds from the plant everywhere. The dreaded Virginia Creeper is spreading on the farm too it gives Rose a wicked bad rash similar to poison ivy, me not so much, I need to mix up some spray and have at it. I raked the chaff from mowing out of the wildflower beds.

Beautiful sunrise on Thursday AM

Gas went from $3.29 up to $3.65 in two days this week...

The Gold Finches came back on Friday there were 4-5 on the ground in the back yard.

The yard is just starting to bloom finally!

Daffs and Hyacinths are blooming on the side of the house. I saw the first Bumble bee this year flitting about while taking a couple pics in the yard.

                              The weeping cherry is finally blooming too!

We picked up a 4 wheeled cart for help with the yard, I got it assembled on Friday

Zeb was real restless again Friday night 2:30AM, more like an anxiety or panic attack I guess you'd call it.  We don't think he's seen a bear, but he knows whatever he's hearing or smelling isn't good that's for sure.  He manages to open the gate slamming through it and comes upstairs, at least he wasn't jumping up on the bedroom door last night.

The bears and deer are wolfing on the deer block, this one was mostly gone within a week, it was completely gone on Saturday morning.  It was the big block too...

We went for Chinese food Friday night, there was a bunny in the driveway as I pulled in.  It's great to see them making a comeback.

We did some chainsawing of vines, brush and trees up by the road on Saturday, the area was getting dangerous to try to mow.  Two trailer loads and a big 18x24' tarp load was dragged out into the field.  Area was raked and tarps folded up and put away for next time.  Whew!

We got the 5th wheel camper side bump out extended giving us more room to walk around.

We moved the utility trailer off the lawn down to the driveway, out of the way in case we get another plowable storm... before it kills the grass, LOL what grass...  I need to pick up a bag or two at HD this week.




Men who dress up like women can now be in every girls locker room. Congratulations to Biden voters and Never Trumpers.

Kilo-WHAT?-hours: Electricity prices soar by nearly 30% under the Biden administration

Why Isn’t Every Republican Leader in America Asking 24/7, “Who is the Real President? Who is Making the Decisions That are Destroying America?” Because We All Know It Isn’t Joe Biden.

SURPRISE! Pro-Hamas Road Blockers Being Bailed Out by Organizations Funded by George Soros

Hyperinflation is the term for when the cost of goods and services increases very rapidly, such as 50% or more each month. That would mean the groceries that cost you $100 one month would cost you $150 the next. The growing money supply causes money to lose its value. As a result, people start spending money faster in order to get as much value out of it as they can, and things can spiral downward in a hurry.

We’re told there’s “a scourge of gun violence across the country,” with no regard to several relevant truths: “Gun violence” is a political term designed to create fear and loathing of the objects while deflecting responsibility from those abusing them. It’s not “across the country,” it overwhelmingly occurs in specific and known Democrat urban districts. As economist John Lott demonstrates, “Murder isn’t a nationwide problem. It’s a problem in a small set of urban areas, and even in those counties, murders are concentrated in small areas inside them…” Those doing the “scourging” don’t obey gun laws and won’t be slowed down by this.

Curious how much less “gun violence” there was in this country before Democrats started imposing all this “progress.”


PELOSI’S INSURRECTION: National Guard Whistleblowers to Testify They Were Ready to Be Deployed on Jan.6 But Pentagon Delayed Orders – Will DESTROY J6 Committee’s BIG LIE!


Biden speaks out against restricting sexually explicit and pornographic literature from elementary schools: “This is 2024! Banning books!”


“President Biden and Democrats have a plan for American energy: make it harder to produce and more expensive to purchase,” the report said. “Since Mr. Biden took office, his administration and its allies have taken over 200 actions deliberately designed to make it harder to produce energy here in America.”


Saturday, April 13, 2024

It has been a couple of wild weeks

 It's been a Couple of Wild Weeks


We're ready for the Wednesday/Thursday storm last week, 6-12" is projected, 50 mph winds possible, batteries are all charged, we filled the 40lb propane cylinder on Tuesday, Rose picked up all the dog toys and sticks in the yard, we picked up a new plug for the DR field and brush mower, it's running like crap, one of the choke springs was off and loose, changed the plug, still running rough, thinking maybe bad gas, we'll see.  We filled a small can with 94 octane to see if gas is the issue.

Beautiful sunrise this morning!

We finally have earthworms, there were castings all along the walkway, the Robins will be happy.

Wednesday $650 oil delivery, last one for the year, we're all set until Christmas 2024 now, and they got here before the storm hit today.

We didn't lose power overnight, woke up to 6 or so inches of heavy wet snow. The winds started blowing shortly thereafter, power blinked several times this morning. As of 4pm Thursday we still have power!

Still snowing Friday AM...


Nesting can be tough sometimes...

I came home from work last Friday evening, thought I smelled gas in the house, Rose said she thought she'd smelled it too, we walked around trying to find the source, sniffing behind the stove, sniffing around out by the propane tank, the generator shed, then back in the house I smelled it again, turns out Winston had jumped up onto the stove turning one of the burners on, mystery solved... It could have been much worse.

Grumpy Robin (angry bird) is still around, grumping at us when we go out...  Jack Sparrow hasn't been back under the porch roof in months now.

Started and finished my Taxes for 2023 today! 

I miss going for coffee at Dunkins several times a week, and going out to an inexpensive lunch at work, everyone used to go out for lunch, everything is 30-50% more expensive now.

Rose is cleaning the camper Sunday, it looks great, ready for the season.

Rose and I went out for Chinese Sunday evening the Luncheon and Dinner plates they were $9 for Luncheon and $10.25 for the Dinner plate just a few years ago, and now $10.43 and $15 for a Dinner plate, no longer an inexpensive option.  It was so good though. 

Angry sprinkler

It's Eclipse day today 4/8!  Rose picked up a bunch of Eclipse glasses, ISO certified for viewing. We survived it...


The Tree Swallow came in today, we should have a half dozen more over the next day or so.

Heard the peepers last night talking back and forth between our pond and the neighbors.

THE BEARS got into the deer grain barrels last night, time to move them into the shed. We're hoping they won't break through the storm door on the shed.

We've got not on, two or three but a clan of Four bears, A momma bear and her 3 cubs.  That's our neighbors house on the hill Rose texted her to warn her about the bears at our place she send the following pics.  You can see our front barn light in the center of the pic.

And a Possum

Pretty cool, we're taking the flashlight and scanning the yard before we let the dogs out now.  I'm not sure the dogs would be smart enough to leave 4 bears alone.

Rose and I are watching the "Fallout Series" on Amazon prime, we watched the first episode it's good so far, we started watching Ep. #2 we'll pick it up Friday night.  I love it, Rose thinks it's pretty weird.


We saw two of the cottontail rabbits yesterday

Winston's being a pill Saturday morning, getting into anything and everything.

Winston's been playing hard outside, he's crashed early
Winston sleeping on Zebulon
Leaving work one evening...
Zeb waiting to be let back in the house

Biden’s Stenographer Releases Unauthorized Tell All – Says Biden Should Be In Prison ..

Denver to cut police and firefighters to pay for illegals. What could possibly go wrong?

President Biden was in spin mode Wednesday when a reporter asked him to comment on data showing an uptick in the inflation rate. "We're in a situation," Biden said, "where we're better situated than we were when we took office, where inflation was skyrocketing."

Nonsense. When Biden became president in January 2021, the inflation rate was 1 percent. It began to rise shortly thereafter, spiked to 4 percent that April, and grew to a 40-year high of 9 percent in June 2022. Yes, the rate has come down since. But the 3.5 percent rate recorded in March is nowhere near the Federal Reserve's target. And it suggests that inflation is not about to disappear.

Top Economists Including Barack Obama’s Treasury Secretary Discover the Real Inflation Number Under Biden Reached 18% and Is Still Hovering at a 40-Year High


  •     Robert Kennedy, Jr.: “She asked me, “Don’t I think Trump is very dangerous for the republica?” And I said to her, I can make an argument that President Biden is even more dangerous to the republic. And she had this kind of astonished look — where her brain stopped working.

        And I said the reason for that, that I would say that, is because President Biden did something that no other president in history, a court has found this.

        There’s no court that’s found that President Trump tried to steal the election or tried to derail the election or tried to start an insurrection. There may be plenty of evidence that he did that. There’s no cout that’s found that.

        But there’s courts that have found that President Biden was censoring his opponents. And not just me, although he did censor me, and I did win that suit. So, it’s not me making it up.

        And, by the way, they were censoring me not because I was promoting misinformation… The Facebook people were saying what he actually was saying was factually correct.

        They had to come up with a new word to describe my post. And the word is ‘malinformation.’ It’s not misinformation or disinformation. It’s ‘malinformation,’ which is information that is factually correct but is, nevertheless, inconvenient for the government.

In a true capitalist society, the government only has three responsibilities: maintaining courts and public security for protecting personal property rights, building infrastructure, and protecting the border. The further the government deviates from these limited mandates, the more money is wasted.

When bank accounts begin to grow again, and when folks can again afford all those things they used to purchase, then they’ll start to agree with journalists who seem to think their job is to make Joe Biden look better. The American people are not out of touch with reality. These journalists are.

DEMS. Telling people you’ve appropriated more money to deal with people who shouldn’t even be in the U.S. is perhaps not the best “lean” into border security. What kind of security is there when you’re letting them in then feeding, housing, sheltering them, giving them money and schooling and jobs? Seriously, there are no viable policy proposals for this “lean”, other than more money for illegals. Because they are open borders. If Trump wins he should ship illegals to the areas where elected Democrats live. Ten here, 20 there, let them deal with their beliefs.

What is happening in the West today is a concentrated push for global communism.  We could bicker about precise definitions — whether we are under attack from Marxists, socialists, Leninists, Trotskyites, Maoists, or other “revolutionaries” — but the end goal is clear.  A small group of global “elites” seek to use ideological and economic leverage to centralize political power and direct all human activity.  They seek the abolition of private property.  They seek absolute control over individual lives and local communities.  They are rebuilding twentieth-century totalitarianism with the privacy-destroying surveillance technologies of the twenty-first century.  

Most Western nations are working together to promote a public vision that achieves their private totalitarian goals.  Governments do not care about “hate speech”; they are dedicated to seizing control of the press, punishing dissent, censoring political opposition, and regulating public debate.  Governments do not care about “climate change”; they are dedicated to seizing control over all economic activity by first establishing a monopoly on available energy.  Governments do not care about “systemic racism,” “social justice,” or “income inequality”; they are dedicated to maximizing social divisions and distorting the meaning of fundamental rights, so that they may undermine long-cherished personal liberties.  Governments do not care about “gun violence”; they are dedicated to disarming their populations and making it impossible for them to fight back against tyranny.  Governments do not care about minimizing vicious and costly wars; they are dedicated to distracting their citizens with false threats to their personal security.  Governments do not care about maintaining the integrity and value of their monetary currencies; they are dedicated to printing and spending money that inflates household costs, taxes middle class savings, maximizes Wall Street profits, and increases welfare dependency.  Governments do not need to create central bank digital currencies to stave off economic disaster; they are dedicated to creating economic disasters, so that they can justify a future communist system that runs on privacy-destroying CBDCs. 

After Draining Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Lowest Level in 40 Years, Biden CANCELS Plan to Refill it Because Oil is “Way Too Expensive”

Biden sold the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserves (SPR) to Europe, India and China.

Burger King, In-N-Out, and Others Raise Prices Significantly 2 Days After California’s $20 Minimum Wage Kicks In - No surprise...

It’s not hard to recognize the plan being followed is parallel to the blueprint plan revealed forty years ago by Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov, who explained the four stages of communist subversion: 1) Demoralization, 2) Disorientation, 3) Crisis, and 4) Normalization.

The U.S. ruling class is showing no desire to try to “fix” the financial destruction that is well underway.

Top International Virologist Issues Dire Warning: “Massive, Massive Tsunami of Death Among Highly Vaccinated…is Imminent”

“I think it’s really heartbreaking that the people who love Joe Biden and say they truly care about him have allowed it to get to this point,” she said. “So I’m not even looking at this from a political angle or my beliefs in anything. This is the human side of it. And when someone is struggling, we allow them to continue to be in the spotlight and put them out there in the first place when they knew there were issues?”

“Of course, they had to know. So it’s a humanity thing with me where I don’t care where anyone stands and what they vote for or who they believe in. Do you really care about that person? As a father, as a husband, as an everything,” she added.

Speaking with liberal comedian Bill Maher on his podcast last fall, she pinpointed one of the moments during the 2021 interview that made the president’s declining mental faculties clear as day.

Bill Maher Drops Stunning Monologue on the COVID “Experts” Who Got It Wrong

“A lot of the dissenting opinions that were suppressed and ridiculed at the time have proven to be CORRECT.”

This includes, but is not limited to:

• COVID came from a lab
• Ivermectin worked
• Masks…

Bidenomics In Action: One of America’s Leading Dollar Store Chains to Close All 371 Locations Nationwide

Key Points
    Would-be homebuyers need to earn $113,520 a year to afford the typical house in the U.S. That’s 35% more than what the typical household earns annually ($84,072), according to a new analysis by Redfin, a real estate site.
    February of 2021 was the last month when the typical household earned more money than they needed to afford the median home. They’ve been in a deficit ever since, said Chen Zhao, a senior economist at Redfin.

At least 326,000 illegals in the program were flown into Florida.
At least 21,964 illegals were flown into Houston, Texas.

Biden is importing a crushing amount of illegal aliens into the red states to crash their social welfare system.

Republican lawmakers are once again too weak to do anything about this purposeful destruction of America.

“Every single day we wake up to a new crisis, to a new conflict. Everything has gone on fire since the time Joe Biden took over.” —Sen. Marco Rubio

Hundreds of thousands of jobs worldwide now involve managing what is becoming a big business worth multi trillions of dollars. Those jobs and the associated funding are wholly dependent upon the so-called existential threat. Naturally, managing an existential threat requires a raft of government laws, rules, and regulations to micromanage those little peccadillos we used to engage in, like driving a car, eating beef, or having a house with a yard and a gas grill out back. A global crisis can only be managed by a large and dedicated cabal of global bureaucrats and technocrats. They only want to help. 

A U.S. rancher sounded the alarm about regulators beginning to mandate an experimental mRNA vaccine for livestock that will be processed as meat.

“Let’s dig into the statistics sheet about mRNA vaccines in live animals and why this is a concern not only as a consumer, but as a producer as well,” the the unnamed rancher began in a social media post.

“They took 525 hogs, injected them with a live mRNA vaccine and in 21 days, these were the statistics
– 25 of them suffered from death
– 55 of them became so anorexic that they were near death
– 20 of them suffered from lameness
– 12 of them suffered from loss of condition
– and 25 more of them had near death symptoms”

A bird flu pandemic with the potential to be “100 times worse than COVID” may be on the horizon after a rare human case was discovered in Texas, experts have warned.  The H5N1 avian flu has spread rapidly since a new strain was detected in 2020, affecting wild birds in every state, as well as in commercial poultry and backyard flocks.

It should come as no surprise that DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) has become another failed fad. That would explain the need to change the name –so parents will be fooled.

DEI will now be rebranded and called BRIDGE.  “BRIDGE (Benchmarking Race, Inclusion, and Diversity in Global Engagement)” is a replacement program for DEI as DEI becomes another failed education fad. 

With the intense push for Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DIE), it is clear that AFFH is just another building block to punish people who have succeeded.   Given the ongoing discrimination against white people, it is all part of the bigger plan Obama envisions as he transforms the country.

The Democrat Party today wants to punish people who have prospered under capitalism, under the premise it’s unfair [.] It’s not because of merit or success. It’s luck, it’s connections, and since not everybody has luck and connections, the people who do are gonna pay a price for it. People that prospered under capitalism are corrupt. People who prospered under capitalism have done so unfairly and it’s time to level the playing field, so to speak.

Communism destroys the spirit and the motivation of human beings.

    This is what the Democrat party today is, this is what progressivism is about.

Of course, with Biden in office, his puppet master Obama is revving up the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule (AFFH) into high gear. 

It’s called migrant crime. They’re having fist fights with our police officers right in the middle of the streets. They’re sending prisoners, murderers, drug dealers, mental patients and terrorists, the worst they have in every country all over the world. This isn’t just in South America. They’re coming from the Congo, from Yemen, from Somalia, from Syria. They come from all over the world, China, China.

Many of them are military age, which is very strange. You don’t see very many women coming in, and you see a lot of them coming in. They’re about 19 to 25, 26 years old, and especially from China, we have 29,000 Over the last few months, 29,000 from China, and they all seem to be perfectly fit for military service, ready for military service.

It’s crazy. This is country changing, it’s country threatening, and it’s country wrecking. They have wrecked our country. But I stand before you today to declare the Joe Biden’s border bloodbath, and that’s what it is. It’s a bloodbath. They tried to use that term incorrectly on me two weeks ago. It’s all about misinformation. That’s all they do is cheat in elections and disinformation.

Does anyone in “public service” ever get busted for lying to the public?

It would seem not, based on a report that the Centers for Disease Control covered up 780,000 reports of significant side effects, such as seizures, tinnitius, and facial paralysis, from the COVID vaccine it was foisting onto the often hesitant public, all while assuring that it was “safe and effective,” and anyone questioning that was an “anti-vaxxer.” 


Coming up to the new Year 2025!

New Year 2025!! This post is a little late. but here we are... Rose saw an article about the planets aligning in 2025. In January and Februa...