Monday, November 18, 2024

TRUMP WON and other news

 TRUMP WON and other news


It's finally here, Voting day, Rose and I walked in, no lines, no waiting, 10 minutes in and out!  Done!

Heather had a 6lbs, 3oz. baby girl on Monday! Congrats 

Rose worked in the basement, vacuuming and setting up my new Solar setup area!  Awesome! 

More of my new solar setup arrived on Tuesday, almost there!

The deer did not come in Wednesday night.

We left the bedroom door open just in case Zeb came up to scratch at the door.

Zeb's come up to the bedroom twice in the past week.  He settles quickly.

Picked up a 20 Lb. turkey at MB .59 cents a pound, nice they're on sale til Sunday.

Zeb and Winston were all riled up last night, I poked my head out the back door and smelled skunk, nope you're not going out.

Zebulon did not come upstairs Friday evening.

We're still VERY low on water, we still have water but we don't know for how much longer, we've talked about putting in a drilled well (expensive) around $6-15K, we'll see... we've only gone dry one other time in 27 years.

TAX bills are due this month ours just went from $5,200 to 6,200 per year!  The perfect Xmas gift.

We got the Xmas tree out of the workshop, raked the poplar leaves from the front of the barn and we put away the lawn tractor for the year! We stopped over to Lisa's house for a visit, it was good to see her. 

Setup a new Blink system, this one is capable of working 100 feet from the Sync module, mounted the camera on the eave of the shed pointing towards the deer-yard, it works...

Started building my new solar setup, batteries wired up, smart shunt wired in to monitor the batteries, about 1/2 way there.  Got some advice Sunday night from Jarrod and talking about expanding already (Solar panels).

Veterans Day 2024 - Thank You for your Service!

A lot of construction happening in town, after expanding the power station in Goffstown (Looks like a steam punk inspired contraption) they are upgrading and putting in huge Steel and green power towers and poles. Everyone is desperate to get their projects completed before the big freeze, me too!

Replacing the glass gasket on the front of the pellet stove turned out to be a bigger job than I anticipated (always the way) one of the four bolts was rusted in place requiring judicial application of a spray penetrant and a few raps with the back end of my channel locks, a hex bit in a ratchet finally loosened the screw and the glass was free.  We got the gasket in yesterday, I thought it looked small, holding it up to the gasket I removed proved I was right, ugh... Reordered but as of Saturday, still no gasket, damned Amazon delayed, now says not shipped yet!

The deer are only coming in every couple days now, most likely the hunters have them skittish.

Picked up another turkey at MB on Saturday, the one I bought a couple weeks ago is already thawed and with Thanksgiving still 2 weeks away, we'll cook up that bird on Sunday and freeze it while the new bird thaws over the next couple of weeks in the fridge.

Stopped by Li's, and Mom & Dads on Saturday for a while. His 90th birthday party is next week, holy cow 90 years old.

We called and talked to Jason Saturday evening, he'll know more in a couple weeks, but he's working on his out-processing paperwork now, that'll take a couple weeks to complete, he'll get a plane ticket and he's off to McGuire AFB in NJ at that point.  He may get home mid December for a couple of weeks we're keeping our fingers crossed!  He's psyched about getting to McGuire where his full time training will begin. It was great to hear from him! 

The pellet gasket that was delayed finally arrived, yay! I'll put it in Sunday.

Ill be working on the solar setup on Sunday, a couple of the outdoor LED lights are being finicky so adjustments are needed.

I got the Pellet glass gasket installed, I'm off to solar

We'll start cooking the turkey around 11:30am Sunday, it was done at 3PM, yum!

Local folks are talking about Coyotes being around, we haven't heard or seen them yet. I'm psyched, kinda miss hearing them up in the hills calling.

I got my charge controller for the solar panels hooked up as well as my inverter wired in, I have the remote control and monitoring panel installed at the top of the basement stairs for easy access.

I still need to wire in an outlet at the kitchen island so we can power the fridges and freezer via solar.


Belief in VACCINES is a cult-like religion based on pure FAITH and not science

Trump was right when he falsely claimed and outright lied about them spying on his campaign,
the same when he said that Elizabeth Warren ain’t Indian,
the same when he predicted that they will come after the NY mayor
the same with the cats and dogs(there are several Haitian videos out there)
the Ukraine war
and so many other things.

And Trump also said that they stole the election in 2020.
He was spot on.


America Unburdens Itself From What Has Been...

"It is only total collapse of the system that will end the reign of terror of the U.S. Empire. But [Kennedy] will do his best. Trump, I believe, will do his best." But the Empire won't go gently into the night, as it has deployed its tools against Kennedy and Trump. The two men have been maliciously attacked, smeared, censored and prosecuted at a degree never before witnessed in the history of America.

"The bureaucracies of America despise RFK Jr. and Donald Trump, and that alone is one good reason why these two men deserve our support."

The Democrats haven’t apologized for the fact that they’ve performed the miracle of making fast food unaffordable, have they?

In the end, as the incoming Trump administration advocates a comprehensive package of thoughtful economic reforms that do include tariffs on imported goods, especially from China, we should be honest, and acknowledge that yes, the tariffs, if taken alone, in a vacuum, would be inflationary.

But we must ask: why don’t the Democrats care if everything they do is inflationary?  Why aren’t they concerned about the fact that their own policies, from energy to employment, from tax policy to the money supply, have been the most inflationary that anyone has seen in the United States in over 45 years?

Kamala Harris ran a disastrous campaign that began with a horrible pick of Tim Walz. Her campaign was a metaphor for the last four years. She raised a record sum of one billion dollars in thirteen weeks, lost, and ended her campaign with $20 Million in debt. These celebrities who claimed to be supporters were nothing but sad paid carnival chimps. Oprah is a billionaire, but she had no problem charging Kamala Harris a million dollars to be a supporter. What a facade.

The outgoing regime plays the WWIII card

Is Joe Biden Trying To Start World War 3 Before He Leaves Office? The Decision To Use Long-Range Missiles To Strike Targets Deep Inside Russia Is Insane

FEMA is dealing with a PR disaster after whistleblowers came forward with proof relief workers were told to NOT help Trump supporters. It happened in Florida in the destructive wake of Hurricane Milton. In a text message, workers were advised to 'avoid homes advertising Trump'. So, if a Florida resident had a Trump sign, banner or any visible MAGA paraphernalia they were skipped over by relief workers.

The regime of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris has revealed that formerly illegal gain-of-function research is now fully legal, meaning the bioweapons industry is free to start churning out more plagues like the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

Entitled "United States Government Policy for Oversight of Dual Use Research of Concern and Pathogens with Enhanced Pandemic Potential," a new White House document explains how "certain types of federally funded life sciences research on biological agents and toxins" is now legal, including the kind of biological agents and toxins that "when enhanced, have the potential to pose risks to public health, agriculture, food security, economic security, or national security." 



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