First Plowable Snowstorm of 2025
I received a couple more seed catalogs last week, I've been reading them cover to cover and dreaming of garden 2025.
Trudeau is out, our 51st state? Trudeau says 'not a snowball's chance in hell' Canada joins U.S. | CBC News. Trump celebrates Trudeau’s resignation, calls for U.S.-Canada merger
Winter camping? I've been thinking about it...
Our medical system is broken! $30-50 dollar co-pay every visit. I wait 6-12 months to get in to see my primary care doctor, 6+ months to get in for an eye exam, jeesh... On a positive note my recent visits to a couple of local urgent care facilities (Rivers Edge, and Dartmouth in Manchester) seemed to be better managed than in the past!
They were talking about a snow even for the weekend of the 12th, but last I heard it'll miss us.
I cooked up some clam chowder, over the weekend, I added a can of minced clams, a small can of corn, whole milk, and butter, awesome!
It's Chili season...
I picked up some sourdough starter, hope to get the starter bubbling this weekend, it'll go great with our Chili!
I cut up a ham into 3-4 bags for us, a whole ham is too big for us. I brought all the fat scraps and bone out to the deer-yard for the foxes.
Winston has a new game, the hall gate that leads upstairs was removed, he'll run up and grab one of my slippers or a sneaker out of the bedroom if we forget to close the door, he has yet to destroy one but... He's also dragging the bathroom and hall rugs down to the loveseat.
Looking like a largely snow-less winter here this year so far. We're getting an inch or so Saturday, it actually turned into 3".
Running errands Saturday, we stopped by Mom & Dads on Saturday dropping a few dinners and lunches off. Tractor Supply for dog food, we picked up some onions for soup, and cabbage so I can make some sauerkraut.
We simply don't know what this critter is, maybe a possum??? You tell me...
We're making up some Turkey soup on Sunday, none left in the freezers. We'll make some Chili too. Rose is working on the Soup, I'm cooking up the steak, stew beef, ground beef and andouille sausage for the chili. Rose and I are dancing around each other between the fridge, spice cabinet and the stove. We're gonna need some bigger pots! The house smells amazing!
2 Gallons of turkey soup and 2 gallons of chili are done, the Turkey soup was taking too long to cool outside so we split it into two pots, Rose was nearly done ladling the soup into quart zip-lock bags burping the air from each bag, laying them flat in cake pans, it didn't take long and into the freezer it went. We'll have turkey soup and good bread for dinner Monday evening.
We pulled some trugs out of the shop and brought those to the kitchen, Rose is sorting the contents.
I cleaned the pellet stove again last night seems these pellets are dirtier than those we've purchased in the past.
Didn't see anyone come into the deer-yard last night.
Brr 7 degrees this Friday morning
Weather folks are predicting 3-6", now up to 4-8" of snow for us Sunday evening. "This will likely end up being the first general snowstorm for the Interstate 95 corridor for the mid-Atlantic and New England."
With the storm approaching tomorrow, we'll get to the grocery store today to pick up the obligatory bread and milk!
Sunday I pulled the meat off a couple of rotisserie chickens, Rose made up two pot pies!
Sunday we put the Christmas tree away in the back of the shop, and cut some straps to put between layers of totes.
I ran the generator for 15-20 minutes to keep the battery topped off just in case we lose power. Rose made up an extra pot of coffee. I think we're ready for the snow, we always think we're ready and mother nature has a way of outdoing herself.
The back yard is a mud pit again mainly due to the dogs constantly running through there. We'll wait until after the storm to put more straw down to keep us from sinking down into it.
Last night we got about 8" of light fluffy snow Sunday night, perfect for the snow
Monday morning, plow guy came and plowed the driveway, we have a good 8" of snow to clean up this morning.
Rose dragged the snowblower out of the shed and it started right up on the electric start it. She started snow-blowing the hill while I roof-raked the house. The snow was light and fluffy the snowblower approved.
We're in it now. -7.1 degrees Tuesday AM, we got down to -12.8 degrees Wednesday morning.
Work is crazy, 30% of staff are out sick over the past week, some have Covid!
Yup, I can't believe it either. Thursday, January 23, 2025. I'm 65! Will you still need me, will you still feed me, When I'm sixty-five? OK the Beatles song actually says "When I'm 64" the song still plays in my head though...
Sunday mornings go for a ride
Doing the garden, digging the weeds
Who could ask for more
Will you still need me, will you still feed me
When I'm sixty-four
Rose made me my fave Shepherds Pie, and a Chocolate Strawberry cake!
Jan 24th It's my brother Joe's Birthday today! Happy Birthday hope you have a great one!
‘Our Long National Nightmare is Over’
President Donald Trump (GOD but I love being able to say that again) is back! Stating today, or tomorrow at the latest, things are going to begin changing for the better! So, let the good times roll!
This is when Elon puts his open hand over his heart (which by the way is NOT part of the Nazi salute anyway), and raises it to the crowd, who are all cheering. He does it twice, out of pure excitement and gratitude, but the FAKE NEWS legacy media saw it as a grand opportunity to play the Nazi card they love so much, still trying to convince their base that the new Trump administration is going to round up all the Democrats and Liberals and send them to concentration camps and the Bayer/Monsanto gas chambers.
Even though the Nazi-style government by the Democrats is over, fake news is STILL pushing the false narrative that Trump and Musk are Nazis and White Supremacists
Joe Biden Pardons MULTIPLE Family Members in Shocking Abuse of Power
Biden issued preemptive pardons to James B. Biden, Sara Jones Biden, Valerie Biden Owens, John T. Owens, and Francis W. Biden for any nonviolent offenses they may have committed from January 1, 2014, through the date of the pardon.
Joe Biden Pardons Tony Fauci, Loser Mark Milley, and Entire J6 Select Committee of Liars in Final Act Against America
Never forget what the Democrats have done.
The mask is completely OFF.
Reagan Once Said, 'We Should Measure Welfare's Success by How Many People Leave Welfare'?
Biden exits office with record-low approval, majority call presidency a failure
What could happen if Trump and Congress, possibly following advice from DOGE, would “take away healthcare,” meaning radically reduce healthcare BURRDEN? Suddenly, medical care could become affordable, timely, quality, and compassionate. 157 million workers would get a raise of $23,968 to spend as they choose. Hopefully, they would put the money in a new, deregulated and therefore unlimited, bank account called a tax-advantaged CSA (Care Spending Account). They could shop and spend their own money for both care and insurance. Sellers of both care and insurance would have to compete for consumers’ (buyers’, patients’) dollars. This would infuse free market forces into healthcare driving prices down and elevating service. With Washington no longer in charge, the doctor shortage would begin to resolve.
Wasteful spending on BURRDEN would drop dramatically, potentially releasing more than $1,500,000,000,000 to use productively for care and/or to return to taxpayers. (Pay attention, DOGE!)
Medicaid and the ACA would be replaced by block grants to the states for state-designed and state-operated medical safety nets. This would further reduce federal spending, improve predictability of federal as well as state budgeting, eliminate a powerful incentive to spend, and improve access to care for the medically vulnerable.
Looks like “taking away healthcare” would be very good for the health of Americans.
SHAMELESS: Joe Biden Issues Largest Single-Day Clemency for Criminals in American History, Shattering Old Record Set ONE MONTH Ago by Him
Even if he takes a pass, Biden will likely make other nasty moves before an actual leader arrives in the White House on Monday.
Energy Department Deploys Helicopters Over D.C. — Scanning for ‘Radiological or Nuclear Irregularities’ Ahead of Trump’s Historic Inauguration
Imagine the power we would have if we stopped fighting against each other in the name of two parties who care nothing about us.
Biden’s FAREWELL LECTURE criticizes abuse of power, misinformation, and the military industrial complex – everything his regime EXPLOITED every day for 4 years
Climate Change: The real question is, do you believe your own eyes or the report of a
government-funded academic whose salary depends on providing evidence of
TRUTH ABOUT BIRD FLU: All confirmed U.S. Bird Flu cases have been MILD with ZERO hospitalizations or deaths, and it can’t efficiently spread human-to-human
Biden, is handing out participation trophies for some of the worst people in the swamp in his final weeks in office. Former Republican Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney and Democratic Mississippi Rep. Bennie Thompson, the two deep state weasels who led the frivolous Jan. 6 congressional Select Committee, each received the Presidential Citizens Medal, the second highest civilian award in the country.
Meanwhile, the supposedly serious and professional journalists, with their inside access and White House sources, accused those of us who noticed Biden's obvious decline of promoting dangerous misinformation. They spent plenty of time "reporting" on the right-wing plot to raise questions about Biden's fitness for office, even though polls showed that more than two-thirds of Democrats thought he was too old to serve another term. They kept interviewing Democrats who put party over country by lying about Biden's health. They took their word for it, because they're far less interested in "speaking truth to power" when a Democrat is in charge.
The American people, who were right all along, deserved better. We take a fair amount of pleasure in saying this: We told you so.
In the four years since the Capitol riot, Democrats have tried incessantly to turn it into a national tragedy akin to 9/11 and/or the Pearl Harbor attack. With the goal of preventing Trump from being able to seek the presidency again, they even called it an insurrection (it wasn’t) and accused Trump of inciting it (he didn’t).
Climate Change Cult proven by science to be completely wrong time and time again
- Climate alarmists who support the fake climate change narrative love to use faulty charts, warped statistics, and cherry-picked graphs to propagate their lies. They will take a few hot years from a graph and use that as the focal point of their argument but leave off time periods before or even after that to draw attention to one highlight that supports their scripted narrative.
- Climate alarmists will say every natural disaster from now on is the “worst one” we’ve ever seen. Many of these storms are created by weather modification technology that adds to the precipitation, increasing flooding events to fit the narrative.
The Biden-Harris regime is leaving behind a legacy of government abuses, censorship of Americans, and the weaponization of law enforcement against their political opponents. Two House committees have uncovered evidence of systemic abuse by federal agencies, the Intelligence Community, and Democratic leaders to suppress conservative voices, manipulate elections, and expand government overreach. Reports released in December 2024 by the House Administration Committee’s Subcommittee on Oversight and the House Judiciary Committee’s Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government detail a coordinated effort to weaponize law enforcement against Americans. These findings expose a troubling pattern of censorship, surveillance, and political targeting that undermines constitutional principles and raises alarming questions about the future of American democracy.
But what should have been a unanimous vote broke partly along party lines. 145 pro-crime Democrats decided to vote to let illegals stay in America even if they sexually assaulted or beat women. How sick does one have to be?
Republicans, of course, voted unanimously to protect women and get tough on illegals.
The few duties “Joe Biden” had in that role (under poor supervision apparently), he converted into a money-laundering and grift operation — most notoriously his adventures in pre-war Ukraine, where First Son Hunter played bag-man from his seat on the Burisma gas company board. That racket evolved quickly and neatly so that at just about every airport around the world that Air Force Two landed, Hunter and “Joe” were clocking-in fat bribes, supposedly for “influence.” That was the joke, of course, because “Joe Biden” had no influence with his President Obama, who regarded him as an idiot, a bumbling Inspector Clouseau, of whom he famously said, “Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up." So, adios, “Joe Biden,” you miserable, treasonous bastard. History will record you as the one president so far who was consciously a villain outright, in true self-knowledge of his own wickedness. You left your country a wreck in every dimension: in national security, national bankruptcy, national pride, and national confidence. Go back to Delaware and sit in the dim light of your room with the curtains drawn so you won’t have to hear about the gruesome discoveries to come of what you left behind.
There has never been a worse time in history for Americans to try to live their lives in peace, serenity, safety and good health as the past four years under the Biden tyranny. Led by Obama and his communist cohorts, the U.S. government engaged in more corruption, embezzling, Ponzi schemes, drug running, human trafficking, wars, staged mass tragedies, and censorship than ever before in history. It’s been a 4-year horror story, and anyone who has survived is to be congratulated.
Well, the loons are back in D.C., but they’re not here to welcome Donald Trump as he prepares for his inauguration on Monday; they’re here to scream, thrash, make a commotion, and just generally behave like escaped mental patients.
Trump Shuts Down Biden’s Migrant CBP App, Canceling All Pending Immigration Appointments
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