Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Winter it seems has finally arrived

Winter it seems has finally arrived.

The Deer herd has grown, we counted 9 deer last Friday evening around 7PM


We drove by the pond Saturday afternoon and saw the water level in the pond up quite a bit. Good for the well!

We're finally getting dome good snow totals, 8+" Saturday evening, more Sunday morning

Couple of the bunnies played out in the deer yard around 10:30PM last night as the snow fell.

Sunday's snow clean-up will be a big effort.  Rose did the snowblowing for three hours while I cleaned up with a shovel and did the roof raking on the house. 

Superbowl was OK, We cooked up Sausage and peppers and onions on a nice sub roll. Not much of a halftime show, I was never into Rap.  So many QB sacks.  I was rooting for KC to win but it was not to be, Phili trounced them ending the game 40-22.

We haven't seen the bear(s), must be denned up for the winter, hopefully staying that way.  

The Raccoon's, Opossum, and fox have not been around the past couple of weeks.

With all of the critters around the yard you'd think they would clean up the feed nightly, nope, there's always some left, that's good keeps our feed costs down.

Several deer came in Monday evening nibbling a bit before bounding off.

It's almost time to start thinking about TAXES, I'm waiting until TurboTax Federal Basic deals start, currently still at $49.99 for the app. it was $39.99 last year. Still the best program I've found for taxes.

So nice leaving work and it's light out still!

Another Seed catalog graced our mailbox Monday! 

Small herd of 4 deer came in Tuesday evening

1-3"  of snow expected Wednesday evening into Thursday and another storm coming in for the weekend.


Republicans can pass HUGE tax cuts for Americans by simply eliminating Democrat’s web of USAID corruption

The roar you hear is the sound of the pumps that President Trump is using to drain the Swamp. The horrific disturbance echoing through Washington is the wailing of Democrats coming to the aid of the administrative state. Politicians in both parties, the uniparty, participated or stood by passively while vast sums of money were spent to develop and maintain the inefficient, bloated, regulation regurgitating, red-tape dispensing monolith we know as the bureaucracy.

Hey Democrats, if you want to win back disaffected voters, don’t keep blocking the changes they voted for. 

To most Americans, it’s a breath of fresh air: they voted for change, and now they’re seeing it. The contrast between flank-speed Donald Trump and slow-motion Joe Biden is stunning. But in our deeply divided and highly combative political atmosphere, there will always be some who find things not to like.

Over the past few days, a subset of Democrat congressional representatives and senators have been in an absolute tizzy. We watched Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s awkward attempt — hand in hand with the ever-grumpy Maxine Waters — to lead a “we will win!” cheer. Exactly what they want to win, other than stifling the will of a majority of voters, is not clear.

Bill Gates and George Soros ripped off American taxpayers, milking $Billions from USAID to carry out their exploitative political agendas worldwide


Democrats in Congress let COMMUNIST CHINA access all U.S. Treasury networks under Biden, now they’re freaking out because Trump’s appointees have access?

We’ve known for years that our federal government has been robbing us blind.  We’ve felt it in our bones but been unable to prove it, while those who gorge themselves at the public trough — politicians, contractors, media figures, lobbyists, lawyers, NGO execs — become rich beyond most of our wildest dreams.  To see all that graft and corruption finally dragged into the light of day, with receipts, is almost more than I can process.

 ‘The Purge’: It is mass carnage as Trump and Musk ruthlessly gut corrupt government agency after corrupt government agency.

Review of the CORRUPT BIDEN REGIME for embezzling BILLIONS and maybe TRILLIONS of dollars over the past four years

Realize the SAME Democrats terrified of DOGE wanted to hire 85,000 IRS AGENTS to AUDIT Conservatives

Meanwhile Trump, Musk and DOGE’s Ivy League students are uncovering the most deep-seeded corruption this nation has ever seen, and even fake news media complex can’t run cover anymore. It’s all coming out, and fast.

The military industrial complex is crumbling. Big Pharma industrial complex is being dismantled. The child trafficking network run by the Biden Regime is being uncovered, defunded, and dismantled. People are going to prison for it.

USAID’s funding of over 6,000 journalists, 1,000 platforms worldwide raises concerns over independence and transparency.  I have to admit: I had no idea about USAID. It took Musk and his tech kids to wake me up to the fact that USAID is a slush fund -- the slush fund -- for our educated ruling class. And all the best people have served their time at USAID and benefited from its largess. Does our ruling class take care of its friends or what!  

Right now, the four big things the government does -- pensions, health care, welfare, education -- are all a mess. The government’s pension plan is broke. The government’s health care plans are stupidly expensive and overregulated. The government’s welfare plan has produced feral, fatherless children and deaths of despair. The government’s education system teaches woke ideology but barely teaches children to read and write. It’s time to try something else.

  • The CIA and USAID are described as parasites within the U.S. government, using taxpayer funds to undermine the Republic through covert operations and regime change.
  • USAID, funded by the federal government, has been accused of receiving over $50 billion annually to support Deep State operations, including the funding of destabilizing activities both domestically and internationally.
  • These agencies are alleged to have employed the same tactics used to destabilize foreign governments against the United States, including toppling regimes under the guise of humanitarian aid, which is claimed to be a facade for deeper, nefarious purposes.
  • The recent reduction in USAID's funding is seen as a critical blow to these operations, with some suggesting it's the beginning of the end for the Deep State's influence, as the "food supply" for these agencies is being cut off, leading to their potential collapse.

The Deep State will never die. It’s like thousands of parasites infecting the host, and in this case it’s the CIA, the Central Intelligence Agency, doing its best to wreck the Republic. Now those parasites are losing their key source of funding – USAID.

Elon Musk has revealed what could be the largest financial scandal in American history.

  • Musk has exposed the Treasury Department’s lax oversight, revealing that over $100 billion annually is being funneled to individuals without traceable Social Security Numbers (SSNs) or identification numbers.
  • Even more alarming, Musk shared that Treasury staffers estimate at least half of these payments—approximately $50 billion per year or $1 billion per week—to be unequivocally fraudulent.


Level of Democrat panic over Musk freezing USAID “unlike anything ever seen”

  • After years of having to watch them suck America and the rest of the free world dry, we are finally seeing their parasitic system being dismantled.
  • I’m happy I voted for President Thump. Watching all these corrupt Democrats losing their minds has just been icing on the cake.
Musk, has made clear that he will continue to expose waste and corruption across the federal government.

“The people voted for major government reform, and that’s what the people are going to get,” he said. “That’s what democracy is all about.”

“Some of the things that I say will be incorrect and should be corrected. So nobody can bat 1,000,” he continued.

“We are moving fast, so we will make mistakes, but we’ll also fix the mistakes very quickly.”

Democrats tortured President Trump for eight long years. Now that they are running in circles like chickens with their heads cut off, it’s a joy without equal. When they complain and whine and screech, we smile, look at them with compassion in our hearts, and say,  “Tough Shit.” 

Sit down before watching this BECAUSE THIS IS GOING TO BLOW YOUR MIND AND PISS YOU OFF🤬! We cut out the waste and tariffs will surely fund our Government WITH NO INCOME TAX😲! I say within 6 months to a year THERE WILL BE NO INCOME TAX🫨! That’s DJT goal by the way🇺🇸

We’re finding out in real time is the entire modern left is just smoke and mirrors.
There is no left wing voter base, all the elections are rigged and fake, all the liberal media outlets have no audience and are kept alive by USAID funding. All their politicians and political pundits are paid by USAID to say what the government wants.
The whole thing was a house of cards. 
Why are the vaccinated masses the sickest people on the planet, with the most health problems, who still catch the diseases they were vaccinated against, like Covid? 

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem announced on Saturday that under her watch FEMA has resolved 80% of western North Carolina Hurricane cases in just five days.
  • Noem, the former Governor of South Dakota, was sworn in on January 25th – just two weeks ago.
  • Noem announced this week that 80% of the western North Carolina cases following the destruction of Hurricane Helene have been resolved.Hurricane Helene victims are SUPER grateful for this. They were abandoned for MONTHS. 

White House press briefings have become bearable, dare we say, even enjoyable to watch again. After more than two tiresome years of listening to Karine Jean-Identity Hire’s incoherent ramblings from the press room podium as she perpetually gaslit and lied to the public on just about every issue, it’s a breath of fresh air to have a competent and articulate individual deliver information to the American people.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is still in full effect, even as Trump defies everything they said he was, including being a bigot, racist, xenophobic dictator

Of all the things I loathe about the Democrat party, its celebration of victimhood takes the cake.  As is true of all political parties infected with virulent Marxism, it does not seek to help those truly in need.  It does the opposite.  It seeks out people who might never have seen themselves as victims and convinces them otherwise.  It is a party whose growth in membership is directly proportional to Democrats’ capacity to convert Americans into victims.  

Once a person understands Democrats’ pathological need to harvest new victims, it becomes obvious that they are not in the business of solving problems.  Fixing anything in society only reduces the number of future Democrats.  By celebrating victimhood, Democrats are committed to making things worse today than they were yesterday and even worse tomorrow than they are today.  Their growth model depends upon perpetual misery.

Americans saw this self-destructive phenomenon play out during Obama’s presidency.  Before the 2008 election, race relations between black and white Americans had steadily improved since the ’60s.  Racism was widely rejected as a repugnant practice of the past.  In fact, discrimination based upon the color of a person’s skin had become so offensive that courts were dismantling affirmative action programs that explicitly prioritized race over merit.  A lot of Republican voters, unhappy with their party’s nomination of Senator John McCain, crossed lines and voted for Barack Obama’s nebulous promise of “hope and change” with the expectation that a post-racial America would take root.

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Helicopters and Birdhouses

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