Sunday, April 05, 2009

Receding Snow

Last of the snow is melting out in the front yard.

Lots to do...

Rose and I finished the electric fence in the field today, we changed the layout and replaced most of the posts and all the wire. I thought I'd straighten out one of the frost heaved wooden gate post only to break it clean off at ground level, that stunt cost us a couple of hours between digging new holes, concreting to post in and drilling for new gate hinges. The wire we are using now is 1/2" tape, more visible to spooked animals. It looks great now, the winters here take their toll on both the posts and wire.

Willow and Lacy enjoyed their first day out in the main field.

Tractor problems, sidewall cracks have crippled my tractor, and Jarrod's tractor starter is shot.

James and Jason were a big help today bringing in the groceries too.

Lawn is starting to green up so we have to scramble at this point just to keep up.

Chicks arrive in two weeks, we have the waterers, and feeder now we just need to get their pens setup.

Vet arrives next Tuesday to finish off Willow's shots for the season.
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