Thursday, August 05, 2010

To the Garden we go...

Thought I'd send a quick update on the 2010 Vegetable Garden...

This has been one HOT Humid summer, Rose talked me out of doing the big garden this year, probably a good thing.  The heat really is doing the gardens good as long as we keep them watered good they continue growing good.  Our well is holding out so far this year, today's rain will help little as the ground is so dry..
To the Garden we go...

Broccoli has been a constant producer we are picking twice a week and eating as much.  Cukes are going gangbusters,  Zucchini is just about petered out, going to have to pull it soon. Summer squash is still producing well 2-4 every couple days,  I do like my summer squash (Thanks Mrs. Searle!).  Cal Wonder Peppers, one so far, lots of small green ones and loads of oncoming promising looking buds.  Tomatoes, 5 or 6 so far, lots of small Amish Paste coming on and the Black Krim's are coming in too (I'll have to try one of these this weekend) .  The ones I've had so far "Mr Stripey" oh can you say mmm for tomato sandwiches, great taste, not a high acid tomato, perfect on a sandwich or just slicing and eating them.

No Aurora for us, how about you did you see any northern lights?

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