Friday, December 31, 2010

What a day! I Can't Wait for 2011!

Wow what a day, woke up early, It's New Years Eve and our anniversary today so lots to do, got the four dogs fed and out, Started the coffee, sat to log in for a while.

We purchased a new shower head/sprayer combo a week ago,  I had the bright idea to install it before my shower this morning.  Overall it works pretty good, I need to tighten one of the connections a little tighter, it drips...

A little while later Magic and Gordon got into a knock down drag out fight in the front yard.  It was a pretty bad fight, Magic is blind so that didn't help either.  We checked both dogs, they appear to be ok, no major damage we can see.

I was watching some Twilight zone while Rose went to feed the cats (food and litter box is in the basement) she came back up saying "there is s pipe leaking down cellar."  Not the way either of us wanted to spend the day but... 

Pipe Repair Saga...
  • Checking out the leak I found there was a pinhole leak in a pipe under the 1st floor bathroom, a tiny leak (you almost couldn't see the water spraying out)
  • Got the water shut off, opened the faucets to relieve the pressure.
  • Off to the workshop to get some parts and tools.
  • Couldn't use a temporary clamp I had used a couple years ago as the leak was between two connections.
  • Ended up cutting several pipe connections, installed a new "Tee", a shutoff valve, a coupling, and a 5" piece of pipe, hit it with the torch and an hour later all was well.

Temporary Pipe Repair Clamp.

Harley started pulling White Radio fence marker flags out of the ground today he brought several to the front porch this morning.  Maybe he figures if the flags are gone the fence won't work!

Off to the store to pick up a New Years/Anniversary dinner, Hannaford wasn't as packed as I thought it would be.   We got a Nice Eye Round and some new potatoes for Smashed potatoes  we forgot to get dessert.  Dinner was fantastic though!

Magic has an ear infection so we're putting drops in that this evening...

I checked my pipe repair, it's holding!

I can't wait for 2011!

So, how was your day?

Fun Toy Musical Squares

Fun Toy.  Click on some of the squares, make sure your speakers are on.

Squares Music

Resonant Chamber from Animusic

New Years Eve, Sunrise in New Boston.

New Years Eve,  Sunrise in New Boston.   

A Good Morning! 

Weatherman said it'll be 50 tomorrow in Boston.

RIP Kodachrome Film

RIP Kodachrome Film

Truly the end of an era as the last lab "Dwayne's" stops processing Kodachrome film.

As Paul Simon noted in his 1973 song —


”You give us those nice bright colors, You give us the greens of summer, Makes you think all the world’s a sunny day.”

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Nice slow week

Been a nice slow week for the most part, off to the vets, little bit of shopping, playin' with toys, I got a kindle and an Ipod touch, and an LED trouble light.

Today was office cleaning day, ugh, really needed it though, it's like a new office.   Now I have to do the same at work,  I am moving next month to the Derry location.

Oil company showed up today to fill 'er up, another $500.  Just 10 minutes before he arrived the house rumbled, and crashed as though something hit the house.   Of course all the dogs started barking, and generally creating a ruckus, I had my suspicions...  I ran out to see what was going on and sure enough several tons of ice had fallen off the North roof of the house crashing to the ground.  I told the guy that the Ice had all come off already, he said he watches for it and stands right up against the house if necessary.

Our Beagle/Golden mix Gorgon gave us a nice scare tonight, had a 2 1/2" stick wedge wedged across the top of his mouth between his teeth.  We thought it was a biscuit at first, he did real good letting me get into his mouth several times it was really stuck in there, I ended up prying it out of his mouth carefully with a rounded spoon handle. Don't let anyone tell you that dogs are not as bad as kids... they get into just as much trouble.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Boxing Day in Canada...

Dad and I were discussing Boxing Day Christmas eve... Here's what I found...


Boxing Day!

Boxing Day! I’m celebrating this day, also called St Stephens Day after the first Christian martyr, in Vancouver BC — where it is a really big deal. It’s the shopping equivalent to America’s Black Friday, although even our odious post-Thanksgiving tradition is rumored to have spread north across the border to keep Canadians from heading south to our big-box stores for deals.
What is Boxing Day? Celebrated throughout the British Commonwealth as an official holiday; Brits, for instance, get four days off work this weekend: Saturday, Sunday, Monday for Christmas and then Tuesday for Boxing Day!
You’ve probably heard it has something to do with boxing up all the Christmas decorations, or boxing up the unwanted gifts to return them to stores, or even actual fighting among families too tired of arguing with one another after “enjoying” the holidays together.
None of these are true. Here’s some generally accepted explanations of how Boxing Day might have got its name:
Some historians say the holiday developed because servants were required to work on Christmas Day, but took the following day off. As servants prepared to leave to visit their families, their employers would present them with gift boxes.
Church Alms Boxes
Another theory is that the boxes placed in churches where parishioners deposited coins for the poor were opened and the contents distributed on December 26, which is also the Feast of St. Stephen.
As time went by, Boxing Day gift giving expanded to include those who had rendered a service during the previous year. This tradition survives today as people give presents to tradesmen, mail carriers, doormen, porters, and others who have helped them.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Oh, Canada!

The drive to upstate NY was pretty uneventful, they are making snow on the mountains in Vermont.  Dry roads for the most part, a couple of 1+ foot snow drifts across the road at 70 mph was a little exciting.  They have roughly 8" on snow in the Ogdensburg area.  I saw a couple herds of 6+ Deer just before I got to Ogdensburg, NY the hotel manager there said 30 minutes West they had 2+ feet of Lake effect snow.

The Server room move went very well, we didn't even drop one.  We were moving a server room from one building in Ottawa to another building.

Just like we imagined, damned cold here in Canada.  My trip to Ottawa was pretty exciting this morning in the snow, slush and ice.  Snow and Icing is in store the next couple days, luckily it should calm down by the time I drive back.

Coming up to the new Year 2025!

New Year 2025!! This post is a little late. but here we are... Rose saw an article about the planets aligning in 2025. In January and Februa...