Sunday, December 12, 2010

Oh, Canada!

The drive to upstate NY was pretty uneventful, they are making snow on the mountains in Vermont.  Dry roads for the most part, a couple of 1+ foot snow drifts across the road at 70 mph was a little exciting.  They have roughly 8" on snow in the Ogdensburg area.  I saw a couple herds of 6+ Deer just before I got to Ogdensburg, NY the hotel manager there said 30 minutes West they had 2+ feet of Lake effect snow.

The Server room move went very well, we didn't even drop one.  We were moving a server room from one building in Ottawa to another building.

Just like we imagined, damned cold here in Canada.  My trip to Ottawa was pretty exciting this morning in the snow, slush and ice.  Snow and Icing is in store the next couple days, luckily it should calm down by the time I drive back.

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