Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Big Snow Day January 12th

Now this is a Snowstorm! I Like It!

There was 10 to 12" of snow on the groung when I woke this morning at 6am. The weathermen/women were predicting 7-10" and another station predicted 8-12" up until 11pm last night.

I went out and snowblowed a path to the barn and around the house for the dogs. By 12 noon we had a solid 16-18" it's now 3pm and there is a good 4" more on the ground and no sign of letting up, one station predicted it'll go until 8pm tonight.

Almost no road travel (other than plows) one or two cars an hour traveling southbound down Rt 114. We're getting out the tape measure next time out.

Snow day for Harley! He's loving the snow, the other dogs not so much.
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