More snow today, another nine inches of very light fluffy snow added to the thirty or so we have on the ground now. This was much easier to snow blow and to shovel than the Friday storm. Seems I've been shoveling and blowing and roof raking snow for days, three days actually, Friday evening, Saturday and today Sunday... Now I see a Weather Advisory posted calling for Ice 5-10am on Monday.
The good news is we got the snow blower out of it's Icy grip, (The rock salt did the trick) so that we're in much better shape from a snow removal standpoint.
There should be a law against this much snow (at my house anyway). I'm thinking we're going to be in serious trouble this spring once the spring melt starts. I read online today that Ottawa, Ontario is already dynamiting it's ice dams on the rivers trying to get them broken up and moving.
The Barn roof is sporting at least 36" and the workshop 24"+, the workshop roof is relatively easy to clear, we light a good hot fire in the wood stove there and several hours later all of the snow will simply slide off. The Barn however is another story, the last time Jarrod and I shoveled the barn roof it took 4-5 hours to clear it, not an endeavor to be taken lightly.
Assembled the new roof rake today.
No Pics today, we dropped off the rental car at the airport and promptly got to work on clearing some of this white stuff.
Reading online where folks down south are already planting and planning out their gardens... I can only wish and turn the page on the seed catalog.
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